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The Death Of Detroit


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You think we've got problems?

Detroit today has an unemployment rate of 28 per cent, higher even than the worst years of the Great Depression.


The murder rate is soaring. The school system is in receivership. The city treasury is $300 million (£182m) short of the funds needed to provide the most basic services such as rubbish collection. In its postwar heyday, when Detroit helped the US to dominate the world’s car market, it had 1.85 million people. Today, just over 900,000 remain. It was once America’s fourth-largest city. Today, it ranks eleventh, and will continue to fall.


Thousands of houses are abandoned, roofs ripped off, windows smashed. Block after block of shopping districts lie boarded up. Former manufacturing plants, such as the giant Fisher body plant that made Buicks and Cadillacs, but which was abandoned in 1991, are rotting.


Unburied bodies piling up in the city mortuary — it reached 70 earlier this year — is the latest and perhaps most appalling indignity to be heaped on the people of Detroit. The motor city that once boasted the highest median income and home ownership rate in the US is today in the midst of a long and agonising death spiral.


The American dream seems to be turning into a nightmare.

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The American dream seems to be turning into a nightmare.

Very true - a country in moral decline. I should visit Ohio in May 2010 but will do everything I can to not visit.


I was in Ohio (near Cleveland) a couple of months ago and in the motor industry areas there is definitely a feeling of despair among the workforce - house prices have dropped and unemployment is rising at a remarkably fast rate.


Perhaps not surprisingly I was told the crime rate is rising - mainly alcohol and drug related felonies.

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Similar statistics equally apply to the UK where currently the youth unemployment rate is running at 20%


When I was young UB40 did their 'I am a 1 in 10' and that was pretty shocking (the statistic not the music :P ), now its time someone did 'I am a 1 in 5', but I can't imagine any current pop acts giving a flying one - too busy combing their hair :)

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When will we learn that this nation has absolutely nothing of value to look up to in any progressive society.

You've not heard of NASA then...


I have, its an organisation with an annual budget of roughly $17.5 billion.

On an unrelated matter, the same country has an Environmental Protection Agency tasked with small matters like making water safe rather than big things like dreaming an empire on the Moon, with operates with a budget of roughly $10.5 billion.

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