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Wanted Videos


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sorry i dont know if this is in the right place or not but it does involve the car accident last Thursday night.


my brother was one of the fatalities and my family would really really appriciate it if anyone has any video footage of him or Richard.


He was a very talented rugby player and musician, with the band Back Door Slam (who played at the Riverside BOTB), im sure there must be some tapes somewhere its just a case of tracking them down, so please is anyone has any, or any idea who might could they email me. please.



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I can offer no assistance on the video footage, but wish to extend my sincere condolences to you and your family.


Hopefully someone will be able to come up with something for you.


I think you should also post this topic in the music forum (perhaps sports section too) as some people only check specific areas of the forums.

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