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Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty


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One of my first IT jobs was for a media company in the 80s and smoking was allowed in the office. The brown oily shit that gathered on the internal components and mixed with general dust was disgusting.


Didn't stop people smoking though.

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I remember in the day of the massive hard disc systems seeing a microscopic comparison of a grain of dust and a grain of cigarette smoke, the dust was just less than the gap between the head and the disc, the smoke just larger, which is why smoking was always banned in hard disc rooms.

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One of my first IT jobs was for a media company in the 80s and smoking was allowed in the office. The brown oily shit that gathered on the internal components and mixed with general dust was disgusting.


I had similar experiences working in IT in the 80s. Funnily enough the company had banned employees from eating citrus fruit near terminals as (allegedly) the citric acid evaporated and condensed on the electrical components, potentially eating them away but it was alright to smoke near them, clogging the innards up with tarry crap.


But then I doubt many of the senior managers were fatally addicted to oranges...

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Apple is known to discharge their responsability as soon as they can. If this news is true it's not astonishing.


My experience of Apple has been fantastic support including them fixing stuff for free even out of warrantee. More or less the opposite of what you are saying. And good local support here on the IOM too.


[Disclaimer :) Windows 7 and Ubuntu are fantastic mature products too and Chrome is going to be the OS which most people will use by default unless they need to run specific work related applications].

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A doctors' health-fascist orientated statement a day, keeps the Apple away.



This is nothing to do with health-fascism - tobacco smoke can produce tarry build-ups inside electrical equipment which can cause malfunctions.


When I first started working in IT, in 1988, the company I worked for had a huge air-conditioned room with the largest commercial Unix implementation in Europe. The various manufacturers of the hardware that we used (HP, Wang, McDonnell Douglas, Digital Equipment, Pyramid and others) all specified that their hardware should be kept in an environment where they would not be exposed to tobacco smoke. This was due to smoke particles causing hard disk crashes and also to reduce the likelihood of short-circuits on PCBs due to build-up of tarry deposits.

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tobacco smoke can produce tarry build-ups inside electrical equipment which can cause malfunctions


I must have opened up in excess of 250 computers in the course of my work. One was at an office in Croatia where smoking was permitted: the stuff was literally dripping off the motherboard. It was a pretty effective anti-smoking advert - I can still remember vividly how foul it was 8 years later!

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