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Switzerland And The Minarets


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What a strange way to see integration !!

Well bear in mind that Switzerland does not seem to have been at the forefront of liberal thinking. Women peitioned for the vote in 1886. They got the vote in 1971...and they actually got around to electing a female MP in 1984. And didn't it take about 50 years for the Swiss banks to release the "sleeper' funds of Jewish families who had died in the genocide and about the same time to admit that they did not accept all Jewish refugees who tried to enter the country in WWII - sending about half of those trying to enter back to Germany and death. So one can hardly expect a vote in favour of minarets.

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Women peitioned for the vote in 1886. They got the vote in 1971


That was for elections at the federal level - some cantons kept their elections male only until the 1980s and I think the last gave women the vote in the 1990s.

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Switzerland has decided to forbid the creation of Minarets. What a strange way to see integration !!



It's Switzerland - they do things their way, always have, always will. If the people there don't want any more minarets, then so be it. Great to see that there are actually countries left that do this sort of thing, but no doubt will there be protests, violence, and all other kinds of things going down over this.


I know why there is no space for religion (of any kind) in my life - the percentage of nutters it attracts is simply way above my treshold.

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What a strange way to see integration !!

Well bear in mind that Switzerland does not seem to have been at the forefront of liberal thinking. Women peitioned for the vote in 1886. They got the vote in 1971...and they actually got around to electing a female MP in 1984. And didn't it take about 50 years for the Swiss banks to release the "sleeper' funds of Jewish families who had died in the genocide and about the same time to admit that they did not accept all Jewish refugees who tried to enter the country in WWII - sending about half of those trying to enter back to Germany and death. So one can hardly expect a vote in favour of minarets.

But then, on the other hand, they would appear to have far more advanced values in terms of their adherence to some democratic principles. And I don't your point is really served by mentioned the actions (or inaction) or private banks.
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What a strange way to see integration !!


Not if you can't stand Muslims it isn't ...

And what's wrong with Muslims?

Nothing if hung correctly for a decent period then roasted with some spuds and parsnips.

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All seems a bit daft to me - the few Swiss minarets I've seen fit in quite nicely with the existing architecture and you'd have to be a nutcase to think putting up a few more will lead to 'Islamisation' of the country. As picturesque as they are, I can't see Osama Bin Laden swapping the Tora Bora caves for the Swiss alps any time soon.


All told it's a pretty bad advert for Switzerland at a time when their popularity was already pretty low.

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I don't know what Osama Bin Laden has to do with it.


What is meant by an Islamisation of the country? It is obvious more and more Muslims are relocating to European countries. But are the fears simply about a cultural change where Islam becomes a very visible part of Swiss society?

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What is meant by an Islamisation of the country?


Ask the nutjobs who introduced (and voted in favour of) the referendum. The overt message seems to be about protecting the 'cultural heritage' of Switzerland (clocks, watches, cheese, tax dodging etc). Underlying it (and not very deeply) is a more sinister brand of nationalism - the Germanic majority enforcing their will on the Muslim minority. Sound familiar?

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