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Switzerland And The Minarets


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I don't see what all the fuss is about , the Swiss clearly don't want any more minarets and democratically voted to that effect . As mentioned a few posts up you would have little or no chance building the church of beer and bacon in an Islamic country so why should anyone get excited because they aren't allowed a little tower to sit on top of the mosque , its not as if they have banned the actual mosques.

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I don't see what all the fuss is about , the Swiss clearly don't want any more minarets and democratically voted to that effect . As mentioned a few posts up you would have little or no chance building the church of beer and bacon in an Islamic country so why should anyone get excited because they aren't allowed a little tower to sit on top of the mosque , its not as if they have banned the actual mosques.

Do you think they'd accept them if the Imams promised to just pop out every hour and yell "cuckoo?"

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........, its not as if they have banned the actual mosques.


This is the key point. The muslims and PC brigade are pulling the race card on the issue and it is a load of crap.

Why is it crap? It is cultural discrimination, that is certain. And the posters with the woman in a burkha and the minarets shaped as missiles do demonstrate how the right-wing morons wish to portray Muslims. I hate Islam myself, but I can't deny that there is a cultural/racial prejudice underpinning the campaign behind this.


As mentioned a few posts up you would have little or no chance building the church of beer and bacon in an Islamic country so why should anyone get excited because they aren't allowed a little tower to sit on top of the mosque , its not as if they have banned the actual mosques.
Well what sort of standards do we use? Theirs or ours? One of tolerance, open-mindedness or an ignorant, dogmatic, and close-minded one?
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I don't see what all the fuss is about , the Swiss clearly don't want any more minarets and democratically voted to that effect . As mentioned a few posts up you would have little or no chance building the church of beer and bacon in an Islamic country so why should anyone get excited because they aren't allowed a little tower to sit on top of the mosque , its not as if they have banned the actual mosques.

Erm, i think you will find many Christian churches, new and old in Turkey, the Lebanon and Syria all countries with sizeable christian populations.


Are we using the "Sun" definition of Islam in this thread?

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Erm, i think you will find many Christian churches, new and old in Turkey, the Lebanon and Syria all countries with sizeable christian populations.


Are we using the "Sun" definition of Islam in this thread?

And where did I mention Christianity ?

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Erm, i think you will find many Christian churches, new and old in Turkey, the Lebanon and Syria all countries with sizeable christian populations.


Are we using the "Sun" definition of Islam in this thread?

And where did I mention Christianity ?

Ahh, then what was your point about beer and bacon churches, more than a bit vague i think.

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Erm, i think you will find many Christian churches, new and old in Turkey, the Lebanon and Syria all countries with sizeable christian populations.


Are we using the "Sun" definition of Islam in this thread?

And where did I mention Christianity ?

Ahh, then what was your point about beer and bacon churches, more than a bit vague i think.

Nothing vague about it at all , they would be churches dedicated to worshipping those great things beer and bacon . Just as christians do their thing with the communion wine and wafer then each service would be concluded with a bacon sandwich and a pint .

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