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Ps3 Or Xb360

Stu Peters

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PS3 has Blu Ray and can act as quite a capable media centre.


Right, onto the games.


90% of them are better on the Xbox 360. It's got a more powerful video card, it's got a better GAMING processor than the Cell and it runs games at a solid 30FPS. The PS3 by comparison struggles to maintain a decent frame rate in many games and often runs games at a lower than stated resolution with lower quality textures. The anti aliasing type used on the PS3 (Nvidia Quincunx) is a cheap mode of AA and looks blurry in comparison to the 2xMSAA used on the Xbox 360.



I own both consoles, and the 360 is in a different league gaming wise. Most people who have the two consoles admit the 360 is better, but if someone solely has a PS3 and you try telling them it's a pretty naff games console get ready for a backlash. Usually the classic "but PS3 has Cell", when in reality it's a pretty dreadful choice of processor for gaming purposes.



Of course, the "real" gaming machine is the PC.


LOL, what a load of balls :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I was in the same boat about 3 weeks, ie whether to plump for an XBox or a PS3, and went for the latter. The main factor for me was that the majority of my mates have PS3s, so that was the clincher, as I like to play online games. I'm currently playing MW2 (badly!) on a nightly basis.


Anyway I'm delighted with it, it's a great bit of kit. The Blu Ray is obviously a bonus, but the ability to watch the BBC iPlayer on a big TV rather than a PC is another. I also downloaded a free application called TVersity, which basically lets me watch or listen to any videos or music that I have on my PC wirelessly on the PS3. Seriously, anybody who has a PS3 should download this program, it's awesome, and costs nowt.

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  • 1 month later...
I was in the same boat about 3 weeks, ie whether to plump for an XBox or a PS3, and went for the latter. The main factor for me was that the majority of my mates have PS3s, so that was the clincher, as I like to play online games. I'm currently playing MW2 (badly!) on a nightly basis.


Anyway I'm delighted with it, it's a great bit of kit. The Blu Ray is obviously a bonus, but the ability to watch the BBC iPlayer on a big TV rather than a PC is another. I also downloaded a free application called TVersity, which basically lets me watch or listen to any videos or music that I have on my PC wirelessly on the PS3. Seriously, anybody who has a PS3 should download this program, it's awesome, and costs nowt.


You should use PS3MediaServer. It's a lot better than Tversity and also free.


As for graphics of Xbox 360 vs PS3, ignore the fanboys and take a look at an impartial article by Gamespot on this matter




This has comparison shots of the same game/scene on both consoles.

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ive had 2 xbox's and a ps3, for me its the ps3 for the old racing games and i managed to get my hands on a backward compatible one that does ps1 and 2 and it ties with my psp :-) . reading everyones comments it is purely on what you want to do.


xbox has halo, forza and gears of war


ps3 has unchartered, resistance, gran turismo and littlebig planet (which is surprisingly good)



for the die hard fans it seems to be the xbox for halo.




if your going to be playing online the cost of the ps3 isnt as bad as you think... xbox elite £199, plus wireless adaptor at £50ish and a gold membership on live which is needed for pretty much anything at £40ish and if im right the ps3 is 259 and it has built in wireless and the free online gaming which is now very good and matches live. so really they are pretty well matched price wise.


in my opinion its purely down to what you want to play, for me ps3 lineup is spot on...

i just wish us playstation network people could merge with xbox live, most of my mates have xbox and it would be cool if i could join their games...

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The PS3 is a superb Blu Ray Player. Xbox 360 has better graphics the majority of the time. Xbox 360 works out a bit cheaper after all accessories, and the Cell processor is indeed terrible for gaming, which is why Sony are ditching it for a standard multi core CPU on the next Playstation as developers HATE programming for it. The video card in the 360 is more powerful than the card in the PS3. Some games need to be installed on the PS3 hard drive as the blu ray drive is too slow to stream some games, meaning you can fill up the standard drive pretty quickly (although it's VERY cheap to put a new drive in)


I'm not sure which of these statements is supposed to be untrue?



Modern Warfare 2 - If you can't tell the 360 has better quality textures, and you can't tell (or feel) the difference between 24 FPS and 40FPS then anything i say is moot anyway.



Oh, the Xbox has a far better controller, and like Cret said, the PS3 does an absolutely superb job at upscaling DVDs.


Oh, and i'm hardly a fanboy. I've owned an Xbox 360 and currently own a PS3 and i very rarely game on consoles as playing a first person shooter using a gamepad is like eating soup with a fork.

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by John Carmack.


"The 360 version matches the 60 frame per second framerate of the PC edition, while the PS3 can only run at “20 - 30 fps.” No word on whether this difference will be addressed before the game hits shelves, but Carmack says “The PS3 lags a little bit behind in terms of getting the performance out of it.”


He continues, “The rasteriser is just a little bit slower - no two ways about that.” Carmack does not lend hope to a fix by release, stating that the issue due to the fact that “The RSX is slower than what we have in the 360. The CPU is about the same, but the 360 makes it easier to split things off, and that’s what a lot of the work has been, splitting it all into jobs on the PS3.”


@Volcane. Just because you don't understand something, don't assume it's incorrect. It's commonly acknowledged that the 360 is faster than the PS3 for GAMING (in the majority of dual platform games)


Modern Warfare 2 :-


Both versions of CoD: MW2 perform well, but neither version is perfect. As you will see in our analysis video, when things get hectic on the screen the frame rate starts to take a dive south. The frame rate range in some segments of the game are drastically different, starting at 60fps and dropping down to around the 30fps mark. The good thing is that the game very rarely drops below 30fps so you don’t feel the plummet as much. However, the PlayStation 3 version consistently had the lower frame rate when the screen was packed with action. It also appears that both versions of the game suffer performance loss when there is a large amount of alpha smoke on the screen. Just like the previous CoD entries this generation, Infinity Ward decided to v-lock the game. Good choice, as it is refreshing to be able to fire a weapon and not have the screen split into two due to frame tearing. Overall, we were very impressed with the performance Infinity Ward was able to squeeze out of their engine. Listed below are the averages for both versions of CoD: MW2: [left out because of format]

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Something else to consider


SCEA hardware marketing boss says PSN expansion a key part of Sony’s 2010 plans


Platform holder Sony has for the first time spoken openly about the prospect of PS2 games being offered as digital downloads via the PlayStation Network.


MCV exclusively revealed in September of last year that Sony was already talking to third parties about plans to bring the PS2 back-catalogue to PSN, though the platform holder has never publicly acknowledged the leak.


“With the strength and volume of the rich PS2 line-up, there are obviously fans out there who would love to get their hands on these fan-favourite titles again,” SCEA’s director of hardware marketing John Koller told Examiner.


“We don’t have any news to share on that front at the moment, but keep in mind that digital distribution isn’t the only way to bring classic PS2 games over to PS3. God of War Collection is a great example of how technology like Blu-ray can be used to not only reintroduce PS2 classics.”


Koller went on to say that the expansion of PSN is a cornerstone of Sony’s PlayStation ambitions in 2010.


“It will be a critical part of what we focus on this year,” he stated. “Digital distribution is something that will continually evolve, and we have the perfect platform in PSN to evolve along with it. We can also look forward to more classic PSOne games making resurgence through PSN.”


Whilst not solving the backwards compatability issue for people that still have actual PS2 discs , it would still help in relation to making a very large back catalogue of PS2 games available that can't be played on currently manufactured PS3 models.

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Whilst not solving the backwards compatability issue for people that still have actual PS2 discs , it would still help in relation to making a very large back catalogue of PS2 games available that can't be played on currently manufactured PS3 models.


Brilliant, remove backwards compatibility, wait a few years then flog those games all over again? What a swizz.

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Unless they're going to bring something new to the table i'm not interested in playing old games. Too many good new games out, and old ps2 titles look gash in comparison. I was going to play through GTA San An again but it just wasn't the same after being spoilt by newer titles. If they're upscaled, like the fantastic job they've done with the God of War collection then i'm all for it but i'm not going to waste my time with old games otherwise. I'd love them to do a job on the SSX series.

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