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Another Government Strike Thread

Dave Hedgehog

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Even that seems outrageous to me. Why can't they be allowed cheaper biscuits instead rather than eliminating the biscuits altogether? Maybe not rich tea and digestives, because only Mcvitiies do good Rich tea biscuits, but there are some good imitation biccy's out there!

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Even that seems outrageous to me. Why can't they be allowed cheaper biscuits instead rather than eliminating the biscuits altogether? Maybe not rich tea and digestives, because only Mcvitiies do good Rich tea biscuits, but there are some good imitation biccy's out there!

For Christ's sake LDV shut up! You will be giving them idea like setting up a committee to investigate biscuits if you are not careful!!!

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Even that seems outrageous to me. Why can't they be allowed cheaper biscuits instead rather than eliminating the biscuits altogether? Maybe not rich tea and digestives, because only Mcvitiies do good Rich tea biscuits, but there are some good imitation biccy's out there!

For Christ's sake LDV shut up! You will be giving them idea like setting up a committee to investigate biscuits if you are not careful!!!

Fu**in' crackers!

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Let them strike. They don't get paid while they strike saving you and I, the tax payers, some of our hard earned cash being wasted on things like unrealistic pensions.


Exactly. I'd love to see it happen because I'd place good money on the Island not grinding to a halt as a result. It would be the dullest script for 28 Days Later ... where you wake up out of a coma and find out that there's absolutely f**k all difference to your world despite the fact that 4,000 'key workers' were sat on their arses in front of the telly.





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Not all people who are lumped in as the evil pen pushing Civil servants work in central government admin. There are Civil servants at the Sea Ports, Airport and Hospital who could have a MAJOR effect on the working of the island should they take industrial action!


Well lets see then would be my comment. Its a bit like when the bus inspectors gibbed out of striking because they knew nobody would notice. For this reason I'd actually actively encourage government workers to go out on strike ... lets just see who is right. Do you really want to run the risk of nobody being that bothered really?

It could get interesting if the workers in the power station went on strike .

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I don't think the actual staff have supported a strike at all - it's just the union rep trying to sound dramatic.


If there WAS an all-out strike (which there never would be), then it definitely WOULD be noticed. Who answers 999 calls? No Air Traffic? No harbours? Just this last couple of weeks the DoT have been mad busy cleaning up storm damage etc. We would soon notice something was up. You might not care, but you'd definitely notice.

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I don't think the actual staff have supported a strike at all - it's just the union rep trying to sound dramatic.


If there WAS an all-out strike (which there never would be), then it definitely WOULD be noticed. Who answers 999 calls? No Air Traffic? No harbours? Just this last couple of weeks the DoT have been mad busy cleaning up storm damage etc. We would soon notice something was up. You might not care, but you'd definitely notice.


If they were prepared to strike over the lack of pay rise this year (as I'm pretty sure they were balloted recently and this was the case) then as this is far more damaging to the overall renumeration package then I'd be pretty certain this would lead to a similar result

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Let them strike. They don't get paid while they strike saving you and I, the tax payers, some of our hard earned cash being wasted on things like unrealistic pensions.


Exactly. I'd love to see it happen because I'd place good money on the Island not grinding to a halt as a result. It would be the dullest script for 28 Days Later ... where you wake up out of a coma and find out that there's absolutely f**k all difference to your world despite the fact that 4,000 'key workers' were sat on their arses in front of the telly.





I wouldn't bet that they wouldn't get paid, probably negotiated some confrontation package or call it stress leave or something!

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Over pension reform this time




They all need a smack in the face with some kind of reality bat.

I don't think Angela Moffatt knows herself what she is doing. Not so long ago she was saying that public servants would have to share in some of the pain of the current economic circumstances. Now she is wittering on about a strike because they will have to share in some of the pain/reality. IMO this will only lose money for her members. The public are certainly not going to be up in arms supporting them. What would she be saying if they kept their overblown pension arrangements and instead even more public service jobs had to go? "I saved your pension arrangements."???


Please...please...please...don't tell me she has any political ambitions.

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Angela Moffatt of the Prospect union says the government has made some welcome compromises, but many members still believe they won't get the pension they signed up for.

Oh really. Now where does it say they can't change your T & C's? Oh, it doesn't.


If you don't like it then vote with your feet - LEAVE THE SERVICE.


Just what planet are these people on?


Well I'm not sure they can't change your T & C's without offering adequate recompense, or not leaving you worse off. In the Sunday Times this week, for example in their Business Clinic type column an employer asked if they could reduce his/hers staffs holiday entitlement from 30 to 25 days p.a. (or similar) The specialist employer lawyer contracted by the ST said basically they couldn't ( I know that's the UK but we seem to copy most of their law in these respects)

Whatever you may think (eg civil servants are overpaid) a contract is a contract signed by both parties (I'll work for you, you pay me £X together with pension arrangements) otherwise using your logic the employer could change your T & C's to reduce your salary from say £25,000 per annum to £8.67 per annum, or equally you could say as an employee I am amending the T & C's so I am now to be paid £200,000 p.a.


This is the planet we are all on - seems reasonable to me

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