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Another Government Strike Thread

Dave Hedgehog

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Oh really. Now where does it say they can't change your T & C's? Oh, it doesn't.


If it were as simple as that then they wouldn't be changing the superannuation act ahead of the Tynwald vote. When the pension changes get voted through (as they will) then at least one of the big unions will be mounting a legal challenge and then the courts will decide whether or not their actions are legal.

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With regard to civil servants threatening to strike over pensions - There has been no ballot of members on that issue, so Miss Moffat is rather jumping the gun by saying such things in the media. I don't think most civil servants would support strike action in the current climate.

Potential action over a pay freeze, mooted a few months ago, was pre-VAT crisis. At that time, Mr Bell was in the paper every week saying how well the island was doing, with the economy not in recession and continuing to grow. Other government workers had been given a modest pay rise, but not CS's. As soon as the VAT situation was made clear, then a pay freeze was accepted, and talk of action dropped.

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I'm always up for a spot of Murphy bashing :D Thry this thread from the Guarniad. Looks like the owners of the paper slipped the proceeds of a corporate deal via a few Cayman companies to avoid UK Tax and they did it on Murphy's advice. Seems he'll say whatever is needed to generate a fee.

"Did it on Murphy's advice"???!!! Have you actually read the article you posted up? Because it seems like you haven't.


"Murphy bashing" on an anonymous posting forum, well, tossers can waste as much of their time as they like bad-mouthing Murphy to no avail whatsoever. If his numbers stack up, and they have a horrible way of doing so, then personal attacks are as futile as explaining the global credit crunch to BBB's. If the content hits the spot then the presentation is completely irrelevant, as any fule kno.

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Rest assured the reform / redundancy options will be put to the unions and it will be up to individual employees as to whether they accept the changes to their conditions of employment or leave the service.


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Its very easy to do it really as I've seen it done before.

Not in the public sector you haven't. The public and private sectors are very different and the unions are well aware that if this goes unchallenged it may set a precedent for public service workers in the UK. I'd be surprised if they didn't try to tie this up in the courts for as long as possible.

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[The public and private sectors are very different


I agree. In terms of employment one is paying all the bills and yet getting all the shit job security, redundancies, and pension cuts, whilst the other is sucking even more money from the private sector to keep the fully guaranteed gravy train ticking over.


Very different indeed.

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[The public and private sectors are very different


I agree. In terms of employment one is paying all the bills and yet getting all the shit job security, redundancies, and pension cuts, whilst the other is sucking even more money from the private sector to keep the fully guaranteed gravy train ticking over.


Very different indeed.


Yeah. Earlier in the week I was talking to someone who'd help to save the life of an 8 year girl. Nothing unusual about that when you work in a hospital but the next time I see them I'll tell them to stop messing about and get themselves a proper job.

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Yeah. Earlier in the week I was talking to someone who'd help to save the life of an 8 year girl. Nothing unusual about that when you work in a hospital but the next time I see them I'll tell them to stop messing about and get themselves a proper job.

Well well well, attitude.


I can't believe you're so thick as to think folks mind their taxes being spent on healthcare. Oh, hang on, it's not yet another attempt to justify overpaid, pampered Civil Servants by associating them with healthcare workers is it? If so then you should rearrange these words into a well-known phrase or saying: "wind in the pissing".

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Yeah. Earlier in the week I was talking to someone who'd help to save the life of an 8 year girl. Nothing unusual about that when you work in a hospital but the next time I see them I'll tell them to stop messing about and get themselves a proper job.

Well well well, attitude.


I can't believe you're so thick as to think folks mind their taxes being spent on healthcare. Oh, hang on, it's not yet another attempt to justify overpaid, pampered Civil Servants by associating them with healthcare workers is it? If so then you should rearrange these words into a well-known phrase or saying: "wind in the pissing".


Well this is the tactic now isn't it. Lets blur the lines between essential government key roles and the overpaid twats trying to preserve their cushy benefits.

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Angela Moffat? where has she lept up from? and don't say from Bernards ashes as he's still around in the background.


The civil service have had it too good for too long. There needs to be a mass cull over all Departments and have them downsize to where they were 10 years ago. The top civil servants are doing less work, consultants are being brought in to tell them how to do their jobs. That's why they are paid that much as they should know what to do.


lets have someone name the heads of all these government departments (not the MHK's as we know who they are) but the top civil servants and see how they are performing. they are the ones who are really running the show, the MHK's are just the muppets that have to face the public.


Years ago you had strong MHK's who would make decisions, now they just ramble what the Civil servants tell them. time for a big change at the next election.... who would you like to see go from the Ministers and why?

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I think everyone can see the difference's between teachers/nurses/doctors/social workers and the many tiered layers of useless administration staff that the government have.


Seriously why does every council/authority/board need to be separate?, there should be one central "office" that handle's it all. considering the size of the population and the area it needs to covers why do we need separate courts? why should the man who changes a broken street light in Douglas be any different from the man who does it in Ramsey?


The IOM gov should take a good hard look at itself and realise that the good times have come to an end, that the people paying for this bloated and in-efficient behemoth of Government will not accept that it should continue at the expense of its "customers".


No private sector firm in existence would survive if it was run like the IOM Gov and it is obvious to all that if it doesnt change radically ,then neither will the IOM gov survive itself.


Edit: please don't take this as a rant against government administration staff as it wouldn't work without them, but it could certainly work better with less of them in a better structure, take this opportunity to get rid of the deadwood and let those people who actually do a worthwhile job get on with it.

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I can't believe you're so thick….

Oh I am and I’m extremely nervous about taking on a mighty intellect such as yours so please be gentle.


…as to think folks mind their taxes being spent on healthcare.

Oh, so now you think healthcare workers should be an exception? What a pity you never made that distinction in your previous posts when you were ranting on about public sector workers, perhaps you didn’t realise that they were? Never mind, let’s overlook that and talk about:


overpaid, pampered Civil Servants by associating them with healthcare

But hang on a minute, the hospital is full of Civil Servants. They run the IT systems, do the secretarial and admin work for the doctors, run medical records, do the data entry, the list goes on and on. Are you excluding this group as well now or should the doctors and nurses be doing these jobs?


In fact let’s get down to specifics. In your opinion which specific groups should not be included in the pension changes?

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But hang on a minute, the hospital is full of Civil Servants. They run the IT systems, do the secretarial and admin work for the doctors, run medical records, do the data entry, the list goes on and on. Are you excluding this group as well now or should the doctors and nurses be doing these jobs?


In fact let’s get down to specifics. In your opinion which specific groups should not be included in the pension changes?

When my mother was in a hospital in the UK the "satff" car park was always full Monday-Friday during the day and empty at night. Of course not all of these non-green motorists were bureaucrats as some would be physiotherpists, radiologists etc etc. However....in the daytime everyone seemed to be walking round holding a folder and the trained nursing staff were so busy filling in paperwork that the vast majority of the patient care was done by nursing auxilliaries. If you tried talking to a nurse during the daytime they were less than happy bunnies. In fact one day I ended up asking a senior consultant to arrange a bedpan for my mother as noone less senior had the time to do it because of pen pushing!


And the funny thing was that the hospital was full of signs saying that patients and visitors should not be abusive to staff - I don't think that they had the gumption to think why people were reaching that level of frustration.


One is left wondering why there is so much paperwork that nurse will be required to be university educated???

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But hang on a minute, the hospital is full of Civil Servants. They run the IT systems, do the secretarial and admin work for the doctors, run medical records, do the data entry, the list goes on and on. Are you excluding this group as well now or should the doctors and nurses be doing these jobs?


In fact let’s get down to specifics. In your opinion which specific groups should not be included in the pension changes?

When my mother was in a hospital in the UK the "satff" car park was always full Monday-Friday during the day and empty at night. Of course not all of these non-green motorists were bureaucrats as some would be physiotherpists, radiologists etc etc. However....in the daytime everyone seemed to be walking round holding a folder and the trained nursing staff were so busy filling in paperwork that the vast majority of the patient care was done by nursing auxilliaries. If you tried talking to a nurse during the daytime they were less than happy bunnies. In fact one day I ended up asking a senior consultant to arrange a bedpan for my mother as noone less senior had the time to do it because of pen pushing!


And the funny thing was that the hospital was full of signs saying that patients and visitors should not be abusive to staff - I don't think that they had the gumption to think why people were reaching that level of frustration.


One is left wondering why there is so much paperwork that nurse will be required to be university educated???


Hay manshimajin, what a post. Very very sad, but very very true. I can't help but wonder if this situation will ever be corrected. It really, really needs sorting.

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