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Another Government Strike Thread

Dave Hedgehog

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Nice try. The point remains that the CS should pay their way. Currently they're totally leeching off the private sector.

What a strange remark, doesn't PK realise that CS also pay taxes which fund public services and also use services and buy goods from the private sector which in turn contributes to their salaries and pensions.


Bloody hell. For the millionth time. We pay your wages so that you pay tax on them. FFS don't dress it up like your doing us a favour by paying tax on the money we pay you.

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Nice try. The point remains that the CS should pay their way. Currently they're totally leeching off the private sector.

What a strange remark, doesn't PK realise that CS also pay taxes which fund public services and also use services and buy goods from the private sector which in turn contributes to their salaries and pensions.


Bloody hell. For the millionth time. We pay your wages so that you pay tax on them. FFS don't dress it up like your doing us a favour by paying tax on the money we pay you.

You really should read before you post, but it is getting late. I am not a CS but just trying to understand the situation and make sense of the posts. By the way swearing neither takes the place of reasoned debate nor adds to it.

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Nice try. The point remains that the CS should pay their way. Currently they're totally leeching off the private sector.

What a strange remark, doesn't PK realise that CS also pay taxes which fund public services and also use services and buy goods from the private sector which in turn contributes to their salaries and pensions.


Bloody hell. For the millionth time. We pay your wages so that you pay tax on them. FFS don't dress it up like your doing us a favour by paying tax on the money we pay you.

You really should read before you post, but it is getting late. I am not a CS but just trying to understand the situation and make sense of the posts. By the way swearing neither takes the place of reasoned debate nor adds to it.


Sorry. Your first post on here failed miserably. Your point was? And is bloody hell really swearing that badly and diminishing debate?

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"Murphy bashing" on an anonymous posting forum, well, tossers can waste as much of their time as they like bad-mouthing Murphy to no avail whatsoever. If his numbers stack up, and they have a horrible way of doing so, then personal attacks are as futile as explaining the global credit crunch to BBB's. If the content hits the spot then the presentation is completely irrelevant, as any fule kno.


Except his numbers have never stacked up. He still persists that the FTSE should be at 2,900, even though it is absolutely apparent that the valuation of exchange-traded equities is beyond his skill set. He first claimed that the VAT subsidy was x. The UK government decided that there was a subsidy, but that it was not x, but y. Murphy then changed his tune and said that actually, the UK government had it right, and that it was in fact y, before changing his tune again and saying that the subsidy was still there, to the tune of x-y.


The boy is full of shit, and for the most part, even the Labour government know it (do you think his Tobin tax proposals are coming into force any time soon? How about ending the domicile rule (which he laughably describes as "racist")?). It's just screech monkeys like Toynbee who listen, as well as wind-up merchants like P.K. who, despite not living on the Isle of Man, devotes half his free time to trying to make people who do live here more anxious than they already are.


It's hard to know who is more bitter and the biggest tosser, P.K. or Richard Murphy, but a stopped watch is right twice a day and Murphy has had his time in the sunshine (P.K. never has and never will, so Murphy's one up on him there). Soon the Tories will be in and the minimal amount of influence that Murphy has will thankfully vanish (no doubt one of the reasons he's so shit scared of the prospect). P.K.'s influence on the world is unlikely to change following the general election, remaining at approximately fuck-all squared.

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How about if we implemented the same cuts as announced toaty in Ireland


The pay of public servants will be reduced with effect from 1 January 2010 as follows:

- A reduction of 5 pc on the first €30,000 of salary;

- A reduction of 7.5 pc on the next €40,000 of salary; and

- A reduction of 10 pc on the next €55,000 of salary

- This will include the pay of hospital consultants

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