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Good News From South Africa


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As if all or most African countries are fighting in wars - what a silly comment. And why does the United States not fund universal healthcare instead of fighting wars?

Because they are the one like UK France and others who are behind these wars to protect big firms' interests. US has no interst to save the world they just want to save the banks !

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As if all or most African countries are fighting in wars - what a silly comment. And why does the United States not fund universal healthcare instead of fighting wars?

I take it from your extensive times working in Africa you know for a fact that the majority of African states do not have some form of civil war going on. Don't be such a fucking cock and stick to talking about things you know about.

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Off the top of my head...Kenya, Tanzania, Libya, Gambia, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Djibouti, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauretania, Zanzibar, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco. Now, as far as I am aware there are now raging civil wars currently being fought. Many of these countries are politically unstable and could possibly be threatened with coups in some cases, but that's not war. And if we are talking historically, then fair enough - there have been plenty of civil wars, but the West has been involved in plenty of wars that have wasted lives and resources. And the West has been heavily involved in African civil wars.


But no, I don't need to have extensive work. And given that you come across as not very bright on many issues I would assume that extensive experience would have afforded much in the way of knowledge on your part.

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Off the top of my head...Kenya, Tanzania, Libya, Gambia, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Djibouti, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauretania, Zanzibar, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco. Now, as far as I am aware there are now raging civil wars currently being fought. Many of these countries are politically unstable and could possibly be threatened with coups in some cases, but that's not war. And if we are talking historically, then fair enough - there have been plenty of civil wars, but the West has been involved in plenty of wars that have wasted lives and resources. And the West has been heavily involved in African civil wars.


But no, I don't need to have extensive work. And given that you come across as not very bright on many issues I would assume that extensive experience would have afforded much in the way of knowledge on your part.


you mean your list you picked thats not been in the news,

thay may not be the huge civil wars you hear about on the news but thay are going on.

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Off the top of my head...Kenya, Tanzania, Libya, Gambia, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Djibouti, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauretania, Zanzibar, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco. Now, as far as I am aware there are now raging civil wars currently being fought. Many of these countries are politically unstable and could possibly be threatened with coups in some cases, but that's not war. And if we are talking historically, then fair enough - there have been plenty of civil wars, but the West has been involved in plenty of wars that have wasted lives and resources. And the West has been heavily involved in African civil wars.


But no, I don't need to have extensive work. And given that you come across as not very bright on many issues I would assume that extensive experience would have afforded much in the way of knowledge on your part.

Oh so a civil war is now not a war and the fact that the west is involved is of no consiquence a war is still a war and yes I have spent many years in that (although naturally beautiful) substandard, shithole, unstable, corrupt, bone idle continent and as such agree with gazza, lock it down and let the fuckers all kill themselves, at least then the worlds polulation may decrease and become more stable and we wont have the bleeding hearts every 5 minutes coming round bagging for money to feed the pockets of the corrupt and a bunch of bone idle people who cant be arsed to produce food on farms themselves (and if you wish to dispute that then I suggest you go to the Cote de Ivoire, drive out from Abidjan on the A3, turn right at Toumodi onto the A4 and pass Dimbokru, about 1 mile further on you will find a compound with over 800 Massey Furgasson tractors, never used donated by funds from a charity, although offered free to farmers no farmers turned up to take up the offer so they have been just left there to corrode).

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you mean your list you picked thats not been in the news,

thay may not be the huge civil wars you hear about on the news but thay are going on.



Oh so a civil war is now not a war
Where did I say that?


the west is involved is of no consiquence a war
The fact that the west is involved is of consequence when someone talks as if African countries (their people and governments) need to sort THEMSELVES out.


And I never mentioned the Ivory Coast.

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the west is involved is of no consiquence a war
The fact that the west is involved is of consequence when someone talks as if African countries (their people and governments) need to sort THEMSELVES out.

The location of the states involved in any confilict does not change the fact it is a war you plank

And I never mentioned the Ivory Coast.

You are talking about Africa, where there fuck do you think the Ivory Coast is, Antarctica? Of course it is of consiquence it is one of the more corrupt and deprived areas of Africa, it has a constant mini civil war between the various tribes on the Upper Volta border, Poaching for skins and ivory is rife, it has a high incidence of AIDs and they are one of the most lazy bunch of bone idle scrounging tossers in the region.

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The location of the states involved in any confilict does not change the fact it is a war you plank
No, it doesn't, obviously. And why are you even talking about it. You are ultimate builder of straw men.


You are talking about Africa, where there fuck do you think the Ivory Coast is, Antarctica? Of course it is of consiquence it is one of the more corrupt and deprived areas of Africa, it has a constant mini civil war between the various tribes on the Upper Volta border, Poaching for skins and ivory is rife, it has a high incidence of AIDs and they are one of the most lazy bunch of bone idle scrounging tossers in the region.
I remember mentioning "All or most..." in my first post.


And I don't know what your nasty tirade on charity and AID to Africa has to do with anything. Corruption and serious economic problems are not just the result of popular laziness.

Nor do I see how lowering the population would make Africa more stability. It's political and economic instability is not a result of high populations.


a bunch of bone idle people who cant be arsed to produce food on farms themselves (and if you wish to dispute that then I suggest you go to the Cote de Ivoire, drive out from Abidjan on the A3, turn right at Toumodi onto the A4 and pass Dimbokru, about 1 mile further on you will find a compound with over 800 Massey Furgasson tractors, never used donated by funds from a charity, although offered free to farmers no farmers turned up to take up the offer so they have been just left there to corrode)
Where do they get their food and how much would they get for their produce? And how do they get money? Without asking this I can't even begin to come to any idea as what the situation is in this area of northern Africa.
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a bunch of bone idle people who cant be arsed to produce food on farms themselves (and if you wish to dispute that then I suggest you go to the Cote de Ivoire, drive out from Abidjan on the A3, turn right at Toumodi onto the A4 and pass Dimbokru, about 1 mile further on you will find a compound with over 800 Massey Furgasson tractors, never used donated by funds from a charity, although offered free to farmers no farmers turned up to take up the offer so they have been just left there to corrode)
Where do they get their food and how much would they get for their produce? And how do they get money? Without asking this I can't even begin to come to any idea as what the situation is in this area of northern Africa.


from us saps giveing them aid because there to lazy to work, but thay dont want anyone else to work the land,



honesty i think all aid for africa should be stopped,

id hate to think how much goes there from around the world, and the way the world is i think that aid is prob better spent at home,

let them fight to the death or get on with liveing, there choice,

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honesty i think all aid for africa should be stopped,

id hate to think how much goes there from around the world, and the way the world is i think that aid is prob better spent at home,

let them fight to the death or get on with liveing, there choice,

Really don't know where to start with some of your posts, I am sure you are not as stupid as you come across.


For starters, I don't even know what the issue of fighting (in civil wars or not) has to do with anything. How can WE tell them that they need to stop fighting. The UK regularly goes off fighting all the time. As does the US. And it is only a year since Russia and Georgia were vying for each other South Ossetia. Who the fuck are we lecture?


Is aid better spent at home?


Anyway, you have a continent that still have as an economic system that follows imperialist lines. It isn't really given much opportunity to develop quickly, except where oil has been located. It is kept poor by having corrupt government who are largely supported by countries like the UK, France, and the US. And there are economic policies which keep it poor. Moreover, it is a Continent that has countries which are heavily in debt.


Maybe a good idea to begin with is to cancel the debt

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