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Good News From South Africa


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from us saps giveing them aid because there to lazy to work, but thay dont want anyone else to work the land,


honesty i think all aid for africa should be stopped,

id hate to think how much goes there from around the world, and the way the world is i think that aid is prob better spent at home,

let them fight to the death or get on with liveing, there choice,

Thank you Gazza couldn't have put it better myself.

LDV why don,t you contact a charity and go out to Africa and see for yourself, I suggest you go into soom of the poorer areas on the outskirts of the cities alone and educate them, it could have an intresting result. Or better still do what I did and join one of the anti poaching squads sponsored by the WWF, you could then go unarmed and educate the poachers on what they are doing wrong. It would certainly bring a more entertaining outcome than the methods we used to stop them.

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I once spoke on a BBC Africa radio program with regards to a term I used on the BBC "Have Your Say" forum.


They were asking if more aid would help Africa. I replied that the world now suffers from "Africa Fatigue".


The world is pig sick of sinking billions of dollars/pounds into a continent that squanders/wastes/fritters (whatever) everything sent their way yet year in, year out Africa is there with the begging bowl.


Oh and the constant blaiming all their issues and problems on the greater global community.


Africa is a cancerous tumour, eating away at the rest of the world, corrupt and decaying.


The best bet is to leave them to it. Because lets face it, 2 Live Aids did cock all squared.

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Well what do you mean by 'Leave them to it' and let them sort things ourselves themselves. We are dependent upon their economies operating ENOUGH for them to send their goods across the world. And that means having


Africa is a cancerous tumour, eating away at the rest of the world, corrupt and decaying.
Well those descriptive terms can be associated with Western governments and companies.


Oh and the constant blaiming all their issues and problems on the greater global community.
It's not some greater community that has to take the blame but those who control resources and trade in the world.


In any case, given the disparity in wealth and control of resources in the world and also considering how money is frittered away by countries like the Isle of Man and UK I hardly think Africa is some isolated care. And if it does some good I am all in favour. What does need to go is the debt hanging around the necks of the people in Africa and aid with string attached.

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Well what do you mean by 'Leave them to it' and let them sort things ourselves themselves. We are dependent upon their economies operating ENOUGH for them to send their goods across the world. And that means having


Africa is a cancerous tumour, eating away at the rest of the world, corrupt and decaying.
Well those descriptive terms can be associated with Western governments and companies.


Oh and the constant blaiming all their issues and problems on the greater global community.
It's not some greater community that has to take the blame but those who control resources and trade in the world.


In any case, given the disparity in wealth and control of resources in the world and also considering how money is frittered away by countries like the Isle of Man and UK I hardly think Africa is some isolated care. And if it does some good I am all in favour. What does need to go is the debt hanging around the necks of the people in Africa and aid with string attached.


Which part of "Leave them to it" is confusing you?


No more Aid, no more hand outs, no more troops being sent to die in the latest coup of the month.


If they want to kill each other in dark ages clan/tribal wars let them.


"Well those descriptive terms can be associated with Western governments and companies"


Remind me LDV, exactly how many billions of financial aid has been sent to Africa so far? Wouldn't the money be better spent on home grown problems?


"What does need to go is the debt hanging around the necks of the people in Africa and aid with string attached"


Yeah I'm sure the Warlords that rule the warring nations of Africa really give a flying hoot about national debt. Some of them probably have cars worth more than their nations health care budget.


Africa is the root cause of all Africa's problem.


From Tears of the Sun...


"God bless you..."


"God left Africa a long time ago"

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To answer my own question LDV...




Upto 2006, over 50 years, $2.3 trillion ($2,300,000,000,000 or £1,385,609,962,000.71) has been sunk into Africa.


Thats $46,000,000,000 (£27,712,199,240.01) a year.


£27.7 Billion a year!


According to the United Nations' Human Development Report in 2003, the bottom 25 ranked nations (151st to 175th) were all African (from Wikipedia)


Imagine what our share of £27.7 billion could go towards.

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Which part of "Leave them to it" is confusing you?


No more Aid, no more hand outs, no more troops being sent to die in the latest coup of the month.


If they want to kill each other in dark ages clan/tribal wars let them.


"Well those descriptive terms can be associated with Western governments and companies"


Remind me LDV, exactly how many billions of financial aid has been sent to Africa so far? Wouldn't the money be better spent on home grown problems?

Home grown problems? Like spending more on dirty business in Afghanistan and whatever country is next? In comparison, it would be appear to it is us who live in the dark ages.


Yeah I'm sure the Warlords that rule the warring nations of Africa really give a flying hoot about national debt. Some of them probably have cars worth more than their nations health care budget.
No, they don't give a flying hoot, because the debt is foisted onto the populace for them to pay back, which is wrong.


Africa is the root cause of all Africa's problem.
Well fuck me, that really has summed up the whole situation. What a thoughful analysis. The situation for all African countries is not the same and nor are the reasons for their problems. There is ethnic strife in certain areas, impoverishment in others, extreme corruption in some countries, etc.

But the West is heavily involved in Africa in trading with it, but also in enforcing free trade with the aid it offers, by using aid to create military and political allies, and in using aid to maintain control of the forms of trade that these African countries can conduct. The West is very much to blame for many of the continent's problems.


Aid as it is being given is not helping much, however. Obviously aid during crises is good because it is needed and it is does often reach the people. For long-term foreign aid needs to re-assessed. At the very least, as I have said, debt should be cancelled and any aid should not come with conditions that seek to liberalise the markets of these countries.

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LDV, I noticed you completly skated around the $2.3 trillion dollars (more like 3.5 by now).


$2.3 trillion.


How did you equate the war in Afghanistan to home grown problems? You are really a one trick pony. I was thinking homelessness, hospitals, policing, better education, better roads, the sciences. Instead its been thrown into a bottemless pit.


Cancelling the debt will make no difference what so ever.

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honesty i think all aid for africa should be stopped,

id hate to think how much goes there from around the world, and the way the world is i think that aid is prob better spent at home,

let them fight to the death or get on with liveing, there choice,

Really don't know where to start with some of your posts, I am sure you are not as stupid as you come across.


For starters, I don't even know what the issue of fighting (in civil wars or not) has to do with anything. How can WE tell them that they need to stop fighting. The UK regularly goes off fighting all the time. As does the US. And it is only a year since Russia and Georgia were vying for each other South Ossetia. Who the fuck are we lecture?



my spelling may not be great and my grammer a lot worse. but im not stupid by a long way. :cool:


never said we should tell them to stop fighting i think we should just leave them 2 it. let them carry on fighting. its a means to an end and will solve it.

once the aid funds dry up from not being paid all thay have to fiight with is sticks and stones,

so thay have to make a choice. get on with life and work and make a go of something or just die, simple really.


sometimes things have to be done for the greater good, and giveing africa all that cash year after year is not doing anything to help them.

time to let them suck it and see

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LDV, I noticed you completly skated around the $2.3 trillion dollars (more like 3.5 by now).


$2.3 trillion.


How did you equate the war in Afghanistan to home grown problems? You are really a one trick pony. I was thinking homelessness, hospitals, policing, better education, better roads, the sciences. Instead its been thrown into a bottemless pit.


Cancelling the debt will make no difference what so ever.

I am not skating round it. It is a massive amount and it is obscene that such large amounts are spent for small a result. But obviously this aid isn't given altruistically, or the mast majority of it isn't anyway. It does need overhauling. However, aid should not simply be cut off completely, aid is crises is useful and some of the aid in helping prevent disease and providing water for example is useful.


I equate Afghanistan to home grown problems because it is a home grown problem and is something where money is wasted and frittered away. Therefore, when you talk about more money in the British taxpayers pot what makes you think it will be spent wisely on those things you have mentioned? I do agree, however, that such things are hospitals, education, etc need to be vastly improved.


I think it more useful to consider how money and wealth is taken from those with little to give to those very almost nothing when the vast majority of wealth is held by a small fraction of the world's population. Certainly our home grown problems are largely due to wealth inequality. So just shutting the door (however, unrealistic that is considering the trade connections with these regions) on Africa only is quite a limited way of thinking on how to improve things.


Cancelling debt will at least remove the tax burden on the people of Africa and may also allow some of the government's to defy the West by adopting protectionist economic policies that would benefit them. It might not do much, but at least it removes some of the economic constraints to development.

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Military Dog Owner - In comparison with comments on dark age conflicts I do wonder MilitaryDogOwner, do you give to charity? I remember discussing the Poppy Appeal with you recently.

Why do you fund the British Legion when all the stupid British do is fight in needless wars, just like those dark age conflicts in Africa? Does the aid that people provide in the appeal fix these HOMEGROWN problems? No, not at all. We just patch up some damage.

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Military Dog Owner - In comparison with comments on dark age conflicts I do wonder MilitaryDogOwner, do you give to charity? I remember discussing the Poppy Appeal with you recently.

Why do you fund the British Legion when all the stupid British do is fight in needless wars, just like those dark age conflicts in Africa? Does the aid that people provide in the appeal fix these HOMEGROWN problems? No, not at all. We just patch up some damage.



Yes I do give to charity.


The Poppy Appeal, Help for Heroes, NSPCC, Childs Play, and a few Manx charities when the feeling takes me.




By donating to the Poppy Appeal, I am helping soldiers injuried in conflicts, old and new. It helps provide support to the older generation who fought in the wars that allowed you the freedom to spout your horseshit. It helps families who have lost their loved ones in conflict.


I don't how ever donate to charities that send money to Africa because there is no point. Nothing will come of it. Do you know why nothing will come of it? Becuase in 50 years time there will still be millions upon millions of Africans still starving and living in mud huts while the temporary ruler lives in a gold plated house. In 50 years time, gangs of drugged up milita will still be cutting the breasts off the others sides women so they cannot feed their young. In 50 years time the begging bowl will still be held high and wanting more.


And I'm not getting drawn into a another "LDV Show" special about Afghanistan.

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