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Good News From South Africa


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I mentioned the Poppy Appeal as an example only because it is interesting that you make comment about people fighting in Africa and not wanted to give aid as a result of the consequences, yet are willing to do with in the UK.


And don't push it, most of my freedoms were fought for by civilians.


But I do agree, most aid given at present probably worsens people's situation in Africa. If aid is to be given it should be done without any strings attached and should be given so it can really benefit. And as I keep saying, with countries like the UK and other operating as they do politically and economically Africa has no chance of moving out of the nasty environment that it is in. That is not to say it is all the West's fault. But why not see what happens when we deal with Africa as we deal with other western nations.

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People give to the poppy appeal because they know that the majority goes to the ones it is collected for. I think one of the main reasons people don't give to charities in Africa any more is that over 90% gets into the hands of the corrupt either as cash or as goods they then sell, walk down any African market and you will find a stall selling grain from bags marked "UN food aid not for resale", as per other comments why should we not opt to give our OWN money to whatever charity we pick and if that means it goes to a local charity and an African charity gets none, then bohoo lifes a bitch, tough shit Africa, get of your ass and work. I still say the best view of Africa is when you see it along with the dot of a redeye scope.

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This topic must be given its own award for the most racist topic of the year. Or to be more specific... those ignorant fools racists (namely jimbs & gazza) can wear the award themselves.


What an absolute joke. If you knew even the slightest thing about African people, you would not be slandering them as you are in this topic. Consider yourselves very fortunate to be born in more favourable circumstances. You are no beter than they. They are far more hard working & industrious than you could ever be. Far stronger too.


I am shocked to see such disgusting ignorance to be talked about so openly.

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If you knew even the slightest thing about African people, you would not be slandering them as you are in this topic. Consider yourselves very fortunate to be born in more favourable circumstances. You are no beter than they. They are far more hard working & industrious than you could ever be. Far stronger too.


I am shocked to see such disgusting ignorance to be talked about so openly.

I would say working out there and with them for four and a half years gives me a lot more experience than most, yes we are better than they in many ways and as for them being far more hard working & industrious than we could ever be, it would say it is obvious you have never spent any decent length of time out there nor had to run the gauntlet of officials wanting bribes just to get stuff in through customs. As for MDO's comments of how Zimbabwe went to ruin after the European farmers left, well let's just look at these farms now where these "hard working & industrious" Zimbabwians have been maintaining the upkeep of them, oops sorry you can't none are left they have all gone to ruin as has the country. I don't often agree with MDO but in this instance I do and could openly invite hime to stand with gazza an I in your view of this post if you regard truth as ignorance and racist just because we refuse to go with the political correct bulshit and thell it as it is from experience.

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So your experience in dealing with corupt officials has left you with the 'true view' that Africans in general are lazy, worthless people who deserve to die? Or countries who were overun by Western conquerors/empires and have been left to pick up the pieces.. are clearly examples of their inhuman value?


These people are often the most hardworking of humans. We, in our fortunate environment are so accustomed to our luxuries that if it rains, and we get wet... it's a terrible day. We have children wanting to kill themselves because they get 'called names at school', we have huge proportions of our populations on anti-depressants because life is oh, a little bit tough on them.


Go to africa, people face death and suffering every day. Many have to go and walk great distances to find drinkable water. Work hours on end for a little money to pay the rent, find food. They face hardships and they become stronger.


You have a twisted and yes, racist view of one of the greatest people on earth. It is not the truth that you speak. You could go to any part of Britain and find corrupt officials, lazy people etc. (we have many of them here on the Isle of Man). Do you generalise and say all British people are scum? It is a real shame that in your great experience in dealing with the people of this continent, you only chose to see the bad.

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This topic must be given its own award for the most racist topic of the year. Or to be more specific... those ignorant fools racists (namely jimbs & gazza) can wear the award themselves.


What an absolute joke. If you knew even the slightest thing about African people, you would not be slandering them as you are in this topic. Consider yourselves very fortunate to be born in more favourable circumstances. You are no beter than they. They are far more hard working & industrious than you could ever be. Far stronger too.


I am shocked to see such disgusting ignorance to be talked about so openly.


feck all todo with being racist,


i know many an african white and black, and have worked with and spent many an hour with them, so yuor talking out of your ass

while i may not have jimbs experience with them i still know pleanty about what gos on there from many diffrent sources from people i have worked with to family members that used to live out there and to freinds that live out there still.


and the things i could tell you prob would make you go running home to cry.

So DJ Dick what is your experience whith afica as a whole.


o you might want to add me to your racist awards for dirty little thiveing pikeys scum as well. because thay really are the low of low, does that make me a racist as well does. i think not

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so your not going to answer what your experience is of africa then.


why do i need to mature and edit my post, dont see the need.


still trying to work out how you get to me and the rest being racist, because your just one of them people that gos, ooo look hes posted something about a diffrent place hes a racist which is far from it

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so your not going to answer what your experience is of africa then.


why do i need to mature and edit my post, dont see the need.


still trying to work out how you get to me and the rest being racist, because your just one of them people that gos, ooo look hes posted something about a diffrent place hes a racist which is far from it

I also noted he refuses to say what experience of Africa he has and also seems to think that my mentioning of corrupt officials is all I saw, well alas so be it if his life revolves around what he sees on the discovery channel, I shall retain my view that whatever colour or nationality they are, most Africans due to mugs sending aid have become the laziest bunch of scroungers on this earth.

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Your such a horrible cunt,not just this topic either.I notice you spend alot of time on here,posting through the week when "at work".

Thanks for the compliment, and may you live in interesting times.I shall now go away from here with heavy heart due to the effect your comment have on me, if you are looking for concern then try the dictionary, you may find it between Chlamydia and Cunnilingus which is a region you seem to dwell in. BTW doesn't your workplace have variable lunch times and breaks or allow part time working, are you just a drone with fixed start times and breaks who works full time.


So rather than do what is your norm and resort to personal insults upon persons why not try to post your views.


Edited to add, please note I do not have to lower myself into having to resort to obscenities to reply

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I hardly need to reference my experience with Africa or Africans here. What you have said in this topic is clearly of a very offensive and racist tone, and that is unacceptable. If only you could mature a little and realise it. Maybe then you would be adult enough to go back and re-edit your own comments before a moderator has to do so.


This quote pretty well sums up your attitude:


I have spent many years in that substandard, shithole, unstable, corrupt, bone idle continent and as such agree with gazza, lock it down and let the fuckers all kill themselves, at least then the worlds polulation may decrease and become more stable


There are many other offensive comments that you have made throughout this topic.

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People give to the poppy appeal because they know that the majority goes to the ones it is collected for. I think one of the main reasons people don't give to charities in Africa any more is that over 90% gets into the hands of the corrupt either as cash or as goods they then sell, walk down any African market and you will find a stall selling grain from bags marked "UN food aid not for resale", as per other comments why should we not opt to give our OWN money to whatever charity we pick and if that means it goes to a local charity and an African charity gets none, then bohoo lifes a bitch, tough shit Africa, get of your ass and work. I still say the best view of Africa is when you see it along with the dot of a redeye scope.
I believe that people should opt to do as they please. And if money ends up in the hands of a small, rich and powerful group then it is of no use and should be stopped. This is not to say ALL aid is bad and ALL aid must be stopped. There are lots of different forms.

However, this doesn't seem to be the issue with you. Your idea is that somehow the African people are undeserving of any aid because they should somehow go out and work to solve their problems. Are you fucking mad or just stupid? You already recognise the corruption, no doubt you recognise the economic infrastructure in these regions, and you ought to know the manner in the west trades with Africa and the effect that will has. I don't know how you think that these people going out and finding paid employment is the answer.


Explain: is there work? Is it worth doing? How much do they get paid?


Who were to blame for the country going to rack and ruin after the white farmers were chased out?

Oh thats right the Zimbabwian(?) people, pissed of their heads and high on drugs.

Simplistic analysis and what's your point? You don't seem to understand why they were being chased out do you?


It was not the people who brought the country's economic to ruin. That was the government.


I would say working out there and with them for four and a half years gives me a lot more experience than most, yes we are better than they in many ways and as for them being far more hard working & industrious than we could ever be, it would say it is obvious you have never spent any decent length of time out there nor had to run the gauntlet of officials wanting bribes just to get stuff in through customs.
Again, you seem to simply stating that from the parts of Africa where you have been people have no motivation to engage in waged work? Well, so what? What are we supposed to deduce from that? That they are just de-motivated or have no motivation - that's not a useful explanation. You haven't even touched on why this might be. And I would assume you are not stupid enough to claim that this is something specific to Africans. Clearly this, at best, this is something specific to their circumstances.


feck all todo with being racist,


i know many an african white and black, and have worked with and spent many an hour with them, so yuor talking out of your ass

How do we know that these people aren't racists? I've met many white South African's, some people from Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Kenya. If they had an idea about things in their former countries, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are experts or are any more knowledeable on the issue. Would a Malaysian who keeps up-to-date with affairs in relating to politics and economics know less that some relatively uneducated Daily Mail or Sun reader from Grimsby when it came to assessing the political and economic make-up of Europe? I think not.


You don't need experience of things to understand them. It just offers a specific insight into matters. Jimbms might be able to explain something useful in terms of this lack of motivation he has perceived, but he has failed to do so yet.


most Africans due to mugs sending aid have become the laziest bunch of scroungers on this earth.
It isn't mugs who send aid. Most aid comes out of the western governments and international organisations that they fund. Not individuals making personal contributions to charities.


Your issue before was that aid was NOT reaching the people. Now you mention that it is clearly is and is causing problems. Obvious a lot goes to corrupt officials and a lot negatively affects and damages the economies in many of the poorest parts of Africa.


But you seem to display a great deal of disdain for these Africans, when you openly recognise that it is the West's fault.

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