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Good News From South Africa


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I hardly need to reference my experience with Africa or Africans here. What you have said in this topic is clearly of a very offensive and racist tone, and that is unacceptable. If only you could mature a little and realise it. Maybe then you would be adult enough to go back and re-edit your own comments before a moderator has to do so.


This quote pretty well sums up your attitude:


I have spent many years in that substandard, shithole, unstable, corrupt, bone idle continent and as such agree with gazza, lock it down and let the fuckers all kill themselves, at least then the worlds polulation may decrease and become more stable


There are many other offensive comments that you have made throughout this topic.



SO you have no real world experience of what it is actually like in Africa but feel you can add to the conversation with people who have actually been to Africa and seen first hand the state of the African nations.


What I have said is not racist, it is a fact. If you find it offensive, well tough sister because the real world is not a fluffy wuffy place where everyone gets along.


There are more acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in Africa than in any other place on the planet.


So when you get back from Africa and finish seeing the constant blood shed and war then you can come back to me to have a mature conversation about Africa.

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...when you openly recognise that it is the West's fault.


The West's fault? Are you high?


Zimbabwe, once the White Farmers were chased out...the crop went to rat shit because the locals were to pissed and high to work the land so it went to ruin so no-one got paid...and who was to blame...not the West.


Somalia, when the warring warlords captured and withheld the UN food supplies who was to blame...not the West.


Sierra Leone, when RUF Rebel forces started attacking civillians and started a campaign of rape, looting and mutilation who was to blame...not the West.


Sudan/Dafur, where over 70,000 civilains were killed, who was to blame...not the West.


Rwanda, where genocide was a past time not a war crime, who was to blame...not the West.


So go on LDV, show me how the state of Africa is the West's fault.

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SO you have no real world experience of what it is actually like in Africa but feel you can add to the conversation with people who have actually been to Africa and seen first hand the state of the African nations.
He most definitely can. Very strange world you come from where if you not been to a certain location that you don't understand the issues and what is going on in such a place, and that you are an authority on matters.


There are more acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in Africa than in any other place on the planet.
Yeah, so? What's your point. You keep telling us how awful Africa is and have given examples of what has gone on there but you don't explain their significance. Make your point, why is it important we recognise this?


The West's fault? Are you high?
I am referring to the fault of the West in supplying aid that isn't well used and in some cases distorts the economies of the poorest nations, and the aid that comes with conditions.


So go on LDV, show me how the state of Africa is the West's fault.
I have already spent enough time in this thread and others explaining the West's trading methods with Africa, its economic stranglehold on that continent, and the imperial legacy. That doesn't mean responsibility entirely lies with the West, but a great deal does when considering the economic problems of Africa.
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SO you have no real world experience of what it is actually like in Africa but feel you can add to the conversation with people who have actually been to Africa and seen first hand the state of the African nations.
He most definitely can. Very strange world you come from where if you not been to a certain location that you don't understand the issues and what is going on in such a place, and that you are an authority on matters.


So he has no clue about what he is talking, having no way experienced or witnessed anything to do with the state of the African nations but I'm the one from a strange world? What is he frame of reference for his comments? I'm saying he hasn't got a clue what he is on about because its just that its like you talking about the HLC with a load of people who have actually been to, seen and seen the HLC in action.


There are more acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in Africa than in any other place on the planet.
Yeah, so? What's your point. You keep telling us how awful Africa is and have given examples of what has gone on there but you don't explain their significance. Make your point, why is it important we recognise this?


So the fact there is more genocide in Africa than anywhere in the world has no bearing on the current state of Africa. This genocide is not acidentally, its not something new, it has been happening for decades and will still happen for decades to come. The point of my examples is simple...How can you help someone who neither wants or can use the help?


The West's fault? Are you high?
I am referring to the fault of the West in supplying aid that isn't well used and in some cases distorts the economies of the poorest nations, and the aid that comes with conditions.


Oh so, when people in the first place said "awww poor Africa lets try to help Africa" they in fact created the problem. It doesn't matter if the aid was given without conditions or was well placed, because the African nations will still carry on the path of decay and destruction.


So go on LDV, show me how the state of Africa is the West's fault.
I have already spent enough time in this thread and others explaining the West's trading methods with Africa, its economic stranglehold on that continent, and the imperial legacy. That doesn't mean responsibility entirely lies with the West, but a great deal does when considering the economic problems of Africa.


Oh here we go the "Imperial legacy" card. I wondered how long it would be before you pulled that old faithful. The "Empire" has not been around for a long time. How long will the problems in Africa be laid at the feet of the West? The West/Empire is not to blaim for the constant warfare, upheaval, genocide and famin in Africa.


How much Aid do you think will solve Africas problems? I only ask because $3 trillion seems to have gotten Africa absolutely nowhere.

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So he has no clue about what he is talking, having no way experienced or witnessed anything to do with the state of the African nations but I'm the one from a strange world? What is he frame of reference for his comments? I'm saying he hasn't got a clue what he is on about because its just that its like you talking about the HLC with a load of people who have actually been to, seen and seen the HLC in action.
Ask him what his frame of reference is, but it needn't come from having been in Africa.




So the fact there is more genocide in Africa than anywhere in the world has no bearing on the current state of Africa. This genocide is not acidentally, its not something new, it has been happening for decades and will still happen for decades to come. The point of my examples is simple...How can you help someone who neither wants or can use the help?
It has a lot of bearing on the circumstances and situation in many countries in Africa. But how do genocides and ethnic cleansing mean that people do not want help or can use it?


Oh so, when people in the first place said "awww poor Africa lets try to help Africa" they in fact created the problem. It doesn't matter if the aid was given without conditions or was well placed, because the African nations will still carry on the path of decay and destruction.
Maybe they will. But such a path of decay and destruction is the result of a number of things. The power of totalitarian governments fulfilling their goals, ethnic and religious strife, poverity, and drought or famine in certain regions. But a lot can be done to mitigate the awful circumstances of the people in these regions. It isn't out of our control because it is to a large degree a problem that the international economic system creates, which includes a great of damaging 'aid'.


Oh here we go the "Imperial legacy" card. I wondered how long it would be before you pulled that old faithful. The "Empire" has not been around for a long time. How long will the problems in Africa be laid at the feet of the West? The West/Empire is not to blaim for the constant warfare, upheaval, genocide and famin in Africa.
The formal empires have gone, but the economies of many African countries are structured and the countries traded with along old imperial lines. The economices are largely controlled by the West.


And the ethnic strife in many localities I believe is a result of the legacy of imperial rule where parts of Africa were carved up and then later formed into nations where you have quite distinct cultural groups vying for power in an impoverished national state.

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I hardly need to reference my experience with Africa or Africans here. What you have said in this topic is clearly of a very offensive and racist tone, and that is unacceptable. If only you could mature a little and realise it. Maybe then you would be adult enough to go back and re-edit your own comments before a moderator has to do so.


This quote pretty well sums up your attitude:


I have spent many years in that substandard, shithole, unstable, corrupt, bone idle continent and as such agree with gazza, lock it down and let the fuckers all kill themselves, at least then the worlds polulation may decrease and become more stable


There are many other offensive comments that you have made throughout this topic.



SO you have no real world experience of what it is actually like in Africa but feel you can add to the conversation with people who have actually been to Africa and seen first hand the state of the African nations.




When did I say I had no experience of what it is like in Africa? I said only that I don't see why I need to reference it here. If I was to tell you I have spent time in Nigeria, I have many relatives who live in Africa, I know many Africans in and out of Africa, I have spent 6 months working for a charity to help Africans..... would that be enough experience to allow me to note the obvious here? - many of the postings in this topic are racist. Highly offensive. Highly inappropriate.


Why a moderator has not enforced the forum rules here and edited the posts I do not know.


Gazza and jim ought to be ashamed of themselves here. However, as with most racists, they justify their actions; believe it to be 'true' and 'acceptable'. I will not tolerate racism. I don't see why this forum should either. Would they dare speak to an african in person the way they have spoken in this topic?


Rule No 2:

No obscenities, no defamation, no tasteless or otherwise unpleasant or injurious posts and no posts which break either the civil or criminal law are allowed.
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Gazza and jim ought to be ashamed of themselves here. However, as with most racists, they justify their actions; believe it to be 'true' and 'acceptable'. I will not tolerate racism. I don't see why this forum should either. Would they dare speak to an african in person the way they have spoken in this topic?


Yes dan im racist because i have voice an opinion about one place.

so now im a racist to all africans, even when i said i have family that are from africa, and a few mates there.

yep i get that logic now i can see it vary well, screw lose mate.


so when you disagree with someone the first and only thing you can come up with is o there racist, because its the easy for you to just come out and say something that will provoke a reaction.


Myabe you should defend them and say something good about them.


But from what i been told and heard over the years by many a people liveing there, ones that have been driven out of there homes, that 90% of them are what i said in my first post.

you may brand me what you like. As i know im not, and i know my freinds and family know im not.

so go back into your cave


actual meaning of being a "racist"?

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others


so as i dont think there all a waste of space and as i am mates with them i cant see how i have said that all africans are not as good as us. stop useing the racist card when all it does is lower the real value of the word racist and its meaning .


im sure we have your response along the lines of anyone that says there not racist would say that bla bla bla.


anyone need more popcorn

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Are your family black or white Africans?


Is it acceptable to say "all Jews should be culled"? - is that merely an 'opinion' or is it racist?


The logic is there mate. Go back and read what you said. It's all there to be seen.

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whats the color got to do with it dan. why even bring that into it. o wait you have to try and turn this round dont you.

The statment i made has nowt to do with color but as africa as a place.


yes its all there to see.

i said leave them to let them fight it out because there 2 lazy to work or thay sort themselfs out.

the ones that work will carry on and the ones that dont well there decided there own fate.


i have said there a lazy bunch of bugger because of all the aid that is given to them. and should just be left to it to sort them selfs out.

Ok if i say 90% of them are lazy does that help.


whats killing jews got to do it with as well. why are you on about killing ppl thats a bit harsh aint it.


O and dan im not your mate and whos logic yours that is so far of the table that your lieing in the gutter begging for help.



so dan why is africa such a good place and tell me why we should keep pumping billions into there.

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Why a moderator has not enforced the forum rules here and edited the posts I do not know.


Rule No 2:

No obscenities, no defamation, no tasteless or otherwise unpleasant or injurious posts and no posts which break either the civil or criminal law are allowed.

Because if they started deleting or removing racist material their idea of what is deemed acceptable would be demonstratably selective as per their attitudes to it. Besides, doesn't it need to be reported. I see no problem with it staying. I don't like it and the assumptions underpinning their explanations are racist, but the stupids speak.


actual meaning of being a "racist"?

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others

Gazza, DjDan is referring to the fact that others seem to be arguing from point of view that all Africans are lazy, just lazy, and therefore undeserving of aid. It seems to be a little racist, yet Jimbms hasn't explained much other than just stating that the people are lazy. It's all a bit wooly.

And MilitaryDogOwner is possibly demonstrated a racially framed mindset when he talks of dark age conflicts in that Continent. The whole general feeling is that there is disdain for the people in this continent and that they are simply not worthy in comparison to ourselves. Such a perspective glosses over the issues that are behind the situation for African people and the general feel of the discussion is therefore quite racist in outlook.


And Gazza, just because they receive aid doesn't necessarily mean they need it because they are lazy.

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I think like Gazza that as usual the race card is being over used, because I say a continent is a shithole and a lot there are lazy does not mean I hate all it's people, I have met many people from rural areas in various countries there, the likes of Sao Tome, Togo, Malawi, Swaziland, Benin, Upper Volta and Guinea-Bissau to name a just a minor few, who are fantastic people and do work hard to keep going without begging for handouts. I suppose from you having experience of Nigeria you will now say all people who say the majority of internet scammers come from Nigeria are being racist. Now had we been talking about eastern Europe the same way would you have chirped in and said it was racist? Get off your high horse and accept that people can have opinions different from yours and you cannot use the race card just because they disagree with you.

Just to add saying you brought the rule of no obscenities up, I notice when one of us was called a cunt and some personal insults started you kept your mouth shut, again a selective view, oh sorry as I am not 100% Manx then the person saying that must have been racist according to your views.

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Oh so a civil war is now not a war and the fact that the west is involved is of no consiquence a war is still a war and yes I have spent many years in that (although naturally beautiful) substandard, shithole, unstable, corrupt, bone idle continent and as such agree with gazza, lock it down and let the fuckers all kill themselves, at least then the worlds polulation may decrease and become more stable and we wont have the bleeding hearts every 5 minutes coming round bagging for money to feed the pockets of the corrupt and a bunch of bone idle people who cant be arsed to produce food on farms themselves (and if you wish to dispute that then I suggest you go to the Cote de Ivoire, drive out from Abidjan on the A3, turn right at Toumodi onto the A4 and pass Dimbokru, about 1 mile further on you will find a compound with over 800 Massey Furgasson tractors, never used donated by funds from a charity, although offered free to farmers no farmers turned up to take up the offer so they have been just left there to corrode).




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Noted you didn't highlight the part where I said it was a beautiful place. Mind you selective text can soon be made to look out of context by anyone. I stand by all previous statements and do not appologise for my views, so don't waste your breath.

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I wonder if gazza mdo and jim wander around at military events with fake sas medals pretending to be the big time soldier. I know plenty of lads in the service but can honestly say none of them talk as much shite as you boys. I put money on it that at most the rank any of you achieved was private.

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I wonder if gazza mdo and jim wander around at military events with fake sas medals pretending to be the big time soldier. I know plenty of lads in the service but can honestly say none of them talk as much shite as you boys. I put money on it that at most the rank any of you achieved was private.

Nope never been to a military event since I left in the 80's, never wear any thing I earned, I believe they are in the attic somewhere, and you lost your money by a long shot. Notice you said you knew plenty in service but have not done so yourself. Seems like some you also have to resort to personal insults when you are incapable of getting your point across any other way. Thank you and good day.

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