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Good News From South Africa


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Africa is too big and too complex with too many radically different tribes to be generalised as simply “Africa”.


Sub-Saharan Africa in MY opinion is a hell hole inhabited by people who have evolved to live in and maintain the hell hole. A case of the smith beating the anvil and the anvil beating the smith.


Different races of negro and even different tribes have strengths appropriate to their natural and social environments and that have been imposed by Darwinian evolution


These strengths differ from the strengths that people in other parts of the world and even other parts of Africa have. The same can be said of any ethnic group.


In my opinion we should not become involved in interfering with natural selection, we should not feed the hungry or the starving, if they haven’t got the sense or the ethos or the means to help themselves, then basically tough.


That’s Darwin for you.


It has served us well.

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I hear Darwin's theory culls the weak and kills them off so the strong may survive.


Speaking of which, how are you feeling now Rog?


Well I lived long enough to reproduce!


There's even one of my progeny on the island.


I only saw once when he was a few weeks old and out in his pram.


Best kept that way, his own father doesn’t even know he's not his, and as he was having a bit of a rough time with his garage business we thought that all things considered it seemed best to let things be especially as I was spending so much time off the Island.


By the way, how is your mum these days?

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Different races of negro and even different tribes have strengths appropriate to their natural and social environments and that have been imposed by Darwinian evolution


These strengths differ from the strengths that people in other parts of the world and even other parts of Africa have. The same can be said of any ethnic group.


In my opinion we should not become involved in interfering with natural selection, we should not feed the hungry or the starving, if they haven’t got the sense or the ethos or the means to help themselves, then basically tough.


That’s Darwin for you.


It has served us well.

What different strengths are there between different ethnic groups? I am not aware of any.


And how are the varying situations in African countries an example of natural selection in action?

Moreover given the West heavy economic involvement (and exploitation) in Africa, how can natural selection be supposed to progress unhindered by withdrawing aid.


Funny that when we discuss some of the racism slants that people have on this thread that you bring up natural selection in respect of black people.

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What different strengths are there between different ethnic groups? I am not aware of any.


The very obvious are such things as the ability to thrive in areas of very high UV and heat resulting in a lot of melamine in the skin and a tall thin stature and the ability to thrive in the opposite environment resulting in very little melamine and a small squat stature.


And how are the varying situations in African countries an example of natural selection in action?


If you go to Africa you will soon notice that people differ according to their environment. It is the environment in which they have lived for many generations that has favored different body styles and even ways of acting. Really, it’s not imagination nor racism, it’s fact. Look at the Zulus the Rwandans, the Tootsies, even the Pygmies, each differ according to best fit for their environment.


how can natural selection be supposed to progress unhindered by withdrawing aid.


In a changing world those who do not fit will die out. That’s life, it’s also what has put us where we are in our environment.


Funny that when we discuss some of the racism slants that people have on this thread that you bring up natural selection in respect of black people


Why? Natural selection shapes how a species or sub species changes in line with its environment, and how it changes its environment in the process which leads us on to the effects of mankind on the global climate but that’s another fish to fry.

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Best kept that way, his own father doesn’t even know he's not his, and as he was having a bit of a rough time with his garage business we thought that all things considered it seemed best to let things be especially as I was spending so much time off the Island.


By the way, how is your mum these days?


Nice try, but wrong branch of the family ;)

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I wonder if gazza mdo and jim wander around at military events with fake sas medals pretending to be the big time soldier. I know plenty of lads in the service but can honestly say none of them talk as much shite as you boys. I put money on it that at most the rank any of you achieved was private.

Nope never been to a military event since I left in the 80's, never wear any thing I earned, I believe they are in the attic somewhere, and you lost your money by a long shot. Notice you said you knew plenty in service but have not done so yourself. Seems like some you also have to resort to personal insults when you are incapable of getting your point across any other way. Thank you and good day.


Jimbms got it on the nose.


I never served in the SAS. I served in the RAF for 10 years. I achieved the rank of Corporal after only 6 years. The only military events I attend are rememberance services.


You sir, and forgive the swearing, a know nothing cock, who having nothing to add to the subject at hand, have thrown in some throw away insults expecting to be taken seriously but have only shown just how little you have to offer.


P.S. And there is no such thing as an SAS medal.

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The very obvious are such things as the ability to thrive in areas of very high UV and heat resulting in a lot of melamine in the skin and a tall thin stature and the ability to thrive in the opposite environment resulting in very little melamine and a small squat stature.
Ok, that is the very obvious.


What does stature have to do with melanin and exposure to UV? And those who live in northern are some of the tallest people in the world. In fact, I think it is the Dutch who are the tallest. Whereas there are pygmies in central Africa, where it is rather sunny.


What other discernible strengths or weakness are there in your comparisons of races or ethnic groups, other than the response to UV, which simply protects the skin from damage?


If you go to Africa you will soon notice that people differ according to their environment. It is the environment in which they have lived for many generations that has favored different body styles and even ways of acting. Really, it’s not imagination nor racism, it’s fact. Look at the Zulus the Rwandans, the Tootsies, even the Pygmies, each differ according to best fit for their environment.
People have ways of acting based upon their environment, culture, and society - definitely.


In a changing world those who do not fit will die out. That’s life, it’s also what has put us where we are in our environment.
That's right. Those who cannot survive in our world will die. This does not mean it is natural selection.

Natural selection is far more a specific thing than that. By extension, you would seem to be applying the idea of survival of the fittest to any aspects of life where people are more successful than others in extending their life. Unless you can explain in more detail how natural selection really operates in Africa.


Why? Natural selection shapes how a species or sub species changes in line with its environment, and how it changes its environment in the process which leads us on to the effects of mankind on the global climate but that’s another fish to fry.
I don't see natural selection in practice. I know about particular groups murdered because of the fabricated ehtnicity; I know about others in the world who seek to keep Africa relatively poor and needy through unfair trading practices and by dominating their nationa's economies, I know that certain people grab onto power and use it to kill others through the use of the military, and I see people being wiped out by disease and famine almost solely due to the problems caused by the previous examples. None of this is natural selection.


In any case, if you really did think that the impoverished circumstances of many Africans were the result of some 'natural selection'. Does that mean they should be allowed to die?

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Much as I hate to say it but some people should observe how LDV goes about debating a subject, even if I think he is talking shit or find his ideals offensive, I do have to cridit him with the fact that at least the majority of time he manages to argue his point without resorting to personal insults and name calling, he also takes time to attempt to argue each point individualy according to his beliefs and does have the decency to respect others beliefs even if he does not agree with them, which is more than most here do myself included.

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Much as I hate to say it but some people should observe how LDV goes about debating a subject, even if I think he is talking shit or find his ideals offensive, I do have to cridit him with the fact that at least the majority of time he manages to argue his point without resorting to personal insults and name calling, he also takes time to attempt to argue each point individualy according to his beliefs and does have the decency to respect others beliefs even if he does not agree with them, which is more than most here do myself included.


I have to agree, he is an arse, but a polite arse at that.

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RAF says it all really, those are usualy the ones woth no balls to join a proper british army regiment.


When you have a clue about what your actually talking about then I will give a monkeys what you have to say.


Which Regiment did you serve with out of interest?


Edit to add: Balls? I take you don't know what a Forward Air Traffic Controller does, or SAR. Who do you think it is that flies the Army all over the world to which ever hot spot they are visiting? Its certainly no British Airways. And who sets up the air bases in Whoknowswherethefcukastan so the Army can land and fight? Thats right RAF forward operators.


Don't come up with the crap hat syndrome with me, because you clearly don't know what the hell your talking about.

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