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Game Of The Year 09

K.os Theory

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So we're getting to the end of another pretty impressive gaming year ( although 2010 is already shaping up to be even better imho ), what game do you think will scoop the coveted GOTY 09...


I've drawn up a short(ish) list, but feel free to add any you think I missed...


Left 4 Dead 2

Resident Evil 5

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Assassin's Creed II

Dragon Age: Origins

Uncharted 2

DiRT 2

Demon's Souls

New Super Mario Bros.Wii

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Forza Motorsport 3

Empire: Total War


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2

DJ Hero

The Conduit

Killzone 2



I think it's pretty obvious that MW2 is gonna scoop the vast majority of GOTY awards, but for me I've got to give it to :


Borderlands...a brilliant new IP in an overcrowded market ( I'm still looking forward to playing through again and getting the dlc ) :D

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Modern Warfare 2 will get most of them even though it doesn't really deserve them.


I've not been blown away by many games this year, Borderlands was pretty good as was Dragon Age but nothing really stands out as GOTY material for me.


But given the choice I guess it would be Borderlands for being fun and something new rather than another sequel.


Best game I played this year was probably Deadspace, I would say Planescape:Torment but that is far too old and it was my 4th play through.

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Best game I played this year was probably Deadspace, I would say Planescape:Torment but that is far too old and it was my 4th play through.


God I love Planescape! More dialog in games, gimme more!


GoTY will probably have to be MW2, mainly for the multi though. I really enjoyed Dead Space, New Super Mario, Little Kings Story, Shadow Complex and Borderlands this year too.

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I don't play anywhere near as often as I should but over the holidays I have had a bash at Forza 3 on 2 player against my nephew (he beat me 3/3 - but I was getting there) and loved it but loathed using a controller - I've got the game on order for myself now and will give it a bash with the wheel and pedals when it arrives and I'm sure that will make it my number 2 for sure. Without any shadow of a doubt though, my personal fave of the year has to be DJ Hero which just totally rocks - the tutorials got on my nerves the further I got into them (only because I wanted to max them out) but once I got to the game proper, I had a big smile on my face and still do - it's just totally top. :D

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