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K.os Theory

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I've enjoyed watching my gamerscore creep up on my 360 ( currently sitting at just over 20,000 ) over the years, but it's never really been something that I've actively pursued to increase.


A friend of mine has recently just gotten his first Platinum Trophy on the PS3 ( first amongst all our friends ) and is now working his way to his second.


I've got to admit I do like it when an achievment/trophy pops up on the screen, especially when it's for something strange ( the " My brother's a plumber " achievement on Borderlands was a pleasant surprise!


At least I'm not as anal as this chick :rolleyes:



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I've enjoyed watching my gamerscore creep up on my 360 ( currently sitting at just over 20,000 ) over the years, but it's never really been something that I've actively pursued to increase.


We've a little bot in our irc channel that tracks achievements and gamerscore, adds a nice little bit of competition when we're all playing the same game, eg:


<Slim> notrebot livescores borderlands
<NotreBot> Top Borderlands Players: 1. Pod [825]; 2. Beej [770]; 3. Muz [600]; 4. Dave [505]; 5. Slim [410]; 6. Mugs [90]; 7. Am [5]


Some games are better than others for this, GTA4 was particularly good.

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