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Xmas Number 1


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That Tik Tok song is fucking dreadful.. Ke$ha needs severly fucking beaten. Stupid Stupid shallow c*nt that she is.


The above statement should also be applied to Rihanna, Chuckie and LMFAO, Robbie Williams, Lady frigging GaGa and Will I Am (purely for recording that piss poor song with Cheryl bastard Cole).

I'd say give Joe McElderry a kicking too but he's the X Factor guy so he's probably already been buggered by Louie Walsh.

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That Tik Tok song is fucking dreadful.. Ke$ha needs severly fucking beaten. Stupid Stupid shallow c*nt that she is.


damn straight! how can you your brush your teeth with a bottle of Jack? There's no part of the bottle that would afford you any purchase on those tricky plaque hotspots.

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I see RATM are officially leading the race at the mo, but the X Factors dude's single comes out in hard copy tomorrow and is expected to jump in front.


I haven't bought my copy of RATM yet but will do so tonight. Hopefully there's quite a few like me who still haven't come out, so to speak.

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They are both shit records...but I like the point with RATM they are trying to make...so this week I'll be buying RATM and giving it as a secret santa for a colleague I know who raves over xfactor.


This is for the xmas no1 - doesn't that start measured from today or tomorrow? RATM might be in with a chance if they've already sold this many and the campaign is all about the xmas no 1 - not the weeks before or after.


There'll be no winners in the end...just the usual losers...decent music and decent televison again.

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Heard a rumour that Satan Cowell has requested that Facebook pull the group because poor Wet Joe doesn't like it and its hurting his feelings.

Oh boo fucking hoo , if he actually succeeds there will be a new group started right in its place in fact I'd be tempted to start one along the lines of "Make Joe cry , buy RATM today " . If that rumour is true though it shows that the high trousered twat is actually concerned that one of his hideous spawn might not be #1 .

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Did you play it with sound? It's RATM! Are you dead inside like Albert and Declan?


Stooping to personal insults now are we, Slim? Because I'm not falling into line and buying a record I don't like, because some people on the net say it'll be comeuppence for some people on the telly? Well, to coin a phrase, Fuck you etc you know how it goes.

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