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British Airways Strike


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Win win for the cabin crew, nice little holiday over the christmas period with potential pay rise. They really are bringing the company to it's knees.


I hope BA just say fuck it we've made to many losses this Christmas we give up.... you're all fired - happy new year!


I know a couple of people who are likely to lose their trips away this christmas, feel for them really.


British Airways cabin crew vote for Christmas strike



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well we all know my view on strikes, so we wont go there.

but to do it over xmas thats the low of the low bunch of c**ts


I do hope they choke on the xmas dinner


BA says it urgently needs to cut costs to ride out its dire financial situation. Last month it revealed it had lost £292m in the first half of the year - the worst period in its history - and said it would have to cut a further 1,200 staff.


So yes instead of helping the company get better and maybe you know muck in, no i know lets make the company lose more cash quicker so it go`s tits up faster, I really do wonder what world these people live in

if jobs were 10 a penny then the workers have nowt to lose, but the way things are they aint. so all there doing is makeing a rod for there own back.


the problem we have is, there is no loyaty for anything any more, most people just care about how much thay can screw out of somebody, the days of greed have been and gone, and the sooner these people

see that the better thay will be.

So you cant have yyour big tv and you can only go to the pub once every month and you have to keep the car 2 more years, so bloody what grow some balls and man up to the problem everyone is in.


I know its harsh but if BA decided to pack it in because thay know this will cripple them. least it would send out a warning to other people that strike action does not work.


And LDV just dont bother

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Anything But British Airways


Totally irresponsible. According to the news BA cabin crew are paid about twice the salary of Virgin's equivalent staff.


Perhaps they'll put on extra Iberia flights?????

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How much are the Cabin Crew paid? If they do get shit money then good on them! If they have no jobs in British Airways to come back to and the company goes bust then that's a big shame for the bosses and the company. No doubt these cabin crew will find work with other airlines.


So yes instead of helping the company get better and maybe you know muck in...



...the problem we have is, there is no loyaty for anything any more, most people just care about how much thay can screw out of somebody, the days of greed have been and gone, and the sooner these people

Muck in?! Loyalty?! Gazza, your politics are appalling and what you say is just poop. Do you think that people are privileged to have jobs/work? There is absolutely no reason why a worker should have any sense of loyalty towards someone or a company that employs them.


Loyalty is earned, not given away JUST because you have ended up working for a particular company. They need workers and you need to work to survive. Such a relationship doesn''t breed loyalty, especially in cases where pay and working conditions are poor. Just think a little harder about the loyalty and care offered to workers when they aren't needed anymore - they are more redundant or receive pay cuts. And it is very often the workers who take the hit first before any cutbacks are made.


Strikes affect the public, they always will because the business offer a product or service. That is the problem with strikes because they will also upset those who buy such things from these companies. But workers have limited ways of gaining leverage over an employer.


If BA have trouble with their finances due to competition or inefficiences it is not the workers problem when it comes to their wages.

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How much are the Cabin Crew paid? If they do get shit money then good on them! If they have no jobs in British Airways to come back to and the company goes bust then that's a big shame for the bosses and the company. No doubt these cabin crew will find work with other airlines.

yep ok because there be that many jobs in to go around. and if there on such bad pay why did thay start to work there first why diden thay go to a better company or why havent thay left allready!!!


So yes instead of helping the company get better and maybe you know muck in...



...the problem we have is, there is no loyaty for anything any more, most people just care about how much thay can screw out of somebody, the days of greed have been and gone, and the sooner these people Muck in?! Loyalty?! Gazza, your politics are appalling and what you say is just poop. Do you think that people are privileged to have jobs/work? There is absolutely no reason why a worker should have any sense of loyalty towards someone or a company that employs them.


Loyalty is earned, not given away JUST because you have ended up working for a particular company. They need workers and you need to work to survive. Such a relationship doesn''t breed loyalty, especially in cases where pay and working conditions are poor. Just think a little harder about the loyalty and care offered to workers when they aren't needed anymore - they are more redundant or receive pay cuts. And it is very often the workers who take the hit first before any cutbacks are made.


No its not poop ldv and yes i think people should be privileged to have a job. If Ba go tits up everyone of these workers that went on strike action and cause the company to fold faster should not get any state help be it jobs seekers or what ever.

your brain is pooped

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yep ok because there be that many jobs in to go around. and if there on such bad pay why did thay start to work there first why diden thay go to a better company or why havent thay left allready!!!
Because nobody should have to accept poor wages and poor conditions, and should seek their wages. They don't just go out and work for another company largely because wages are kept low so there isn't much variation in salary and also because changing jobs is not a simply thing, especially in some industries. Some companies might not be looking for new staff, some may require different working patterns, etc.



No its not poop ldv and yes i think people should be privileged to have a job. If Ba go tits up everyone of these workers that went on strike action and cause the company to fold faster should not get any state help be it jobs seekers or what ever.

your brain is pooped

You HAVE to work to survive. Survival is not a privilege (unless you think it is). Therefore work is not a privilege.

If BA goes tits up because of this because they have paid their staff poorly then the company deserves to get screwed and those people deserve support in finding new jobs. You seem to be of this idea that people should simply accept their lot. Do you not realise that the very working conditions and wage levels that exist today have largely come about because people have had to fight and campaign for legislation for them. People get screwed by their employers if the employer can screw them.


Slinky Devil:

I do.
Hope you are getting paid well for it. And I was wrong, loyalty can be bought with money. Is that your reason?
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