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Red Dead Redemption

the mo beats experience

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If anyone owns both consoles and isn't sure which version to purchase, the 360 version runs at a higher resolution, has MUCH better quality textures, frame rate is smoother and loads quicker


Just a heads up.



Wow, i can't believe you actually stopped wanking long enough to type that.

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If anyone owns both consoles and isn't sure which version to purchase, the 360 version runs at a higher resolution, has MUCH better quality textures, frame rate is smoother and loads quicker


Just a heads up.



Wow, i can't believe you actually stopped wanking long enough to type that.


The post was actually quite informative to anyone currently on the fence about which version to buy. I'm not sure how your unhealthy obsession with masterbating has anything to do with it


"Despite already compromising in terms of resolution and frame-rate, it's clear Rockstar had to cut and pare back the PS3 version of the game still further in order to maintain performance. We can see a fairly obvious array of smaller changes between the two versions that almost always favour the 360 rendition of the game.




In short, Rockstar is to be commended on what is an absolutely fantastic game on both platforms, but the technical analysis is pretty conclusive: if you've got the choice of buying the game for either console, Xbox 360 is the version of Red Dead you should buy. "


If you think i am some kind of Xbox 360 fanboy, you would be mistaken, i actually own a PS3.


Anyway if the information wasn't relevant to you, why bother posting

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Because we hadn't had anyone pulling the head clean off it over consoles for a good while now, well known fact that xbots actually wank while thinking how much better their machine is. Must have been the CAPITOL letters that made me assume you were doing the same, thought you'd gone over your keyboard. My mistake.

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xbots, really? How old are you?


The fact is the Xbox version of the game runs at a higher resolution, this isn't some fanboy statement this is fact, does it make any difference to the actual game? Not at all.


If you have both consoles then you want the better version of the game, so you would want the extra 20% pixels for the same money surely.


Just because you bought the console doesn't mean you instantly become responsible for defending its honour when some one slights it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just into mexico and loving every minute of the game...


Yeah I just finished the raft ride in to Mexico...and met up with the guy that sounds like the major from Metal Gear Solid!!


Currently stuck on the "protect the trains's engine" mission....but its just so vast...the side challenges and random encounters just make you want to spend hours just trawling the countryside. Love love love it.

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I think I'm close to 2 days of play now, and I'm undecided. Bits are really good but other bits, like the raft ride into Mexico, are boring and drawn out. Nearly finished in Mexico but I am enjoying free roaming more than a lot of the missions.


The MP is pretty good, taking out the gang hideouts are fun and the shoot outs at the start of gang matches are a nice touch. One of the more interesting MP games around, the free roam feels a little like an MMO, just not so massive.

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I decided to order this off Amazon last week after reading what was on here and the links to reviews etc. and since it arrived on Tuesday I've been constantly surprised at just how good it is. It is everything I was left wanting after playing the game "Gun" a few years ago.


There are a few niggles I have with it, getting to grips with horses, shooting at moving targets while trying not to let your horse suicide-dive off a cliff for one. Another one being where I'm riding along, see a blue dot on the radar - stop to check it out and get blasted to death before I even found out what was going on. Then there's getting my arse chewed off by Cougars. Oh And I cant win at the stupid horseshoe game - which I need to do for one of the outfits.


Apart from those rare troubles though I've been enjoying just how much there is to do other than playing the storyline. I like the random encounters (except the ones above) especially where you have to stop a thief - I hogtie them, retrieve whatever they stole then put one in their head just for making me chase them. Cheating at poker. Duelling in the streets. Searching for buried treasure. Learning that you can also use the campsite to fast-travel to a waypoint. Breaking-in horses (I never feel comfortable saying that), accidentaly popping the new horse in the back of the head while aiming for an Armadillo! And I haven't even made it to Mexico yet, where I'll get to shoot Mexicans.


And they say these games are a bad influence on kids...


Is the multiplayer good? I haven't tried it yet as I keep hearing you need a posse to ride with else its boring/difficult?

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I cleared all of the hideouts without a posse so its not that difficult, however it is just like playing sp with out one.


Its quiet nice to have an mp game you never have to interact with other players to level up on. I got to lvl 13 just by soloing the hideouts and going challenges.

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the multiplayer is great fun with a few likeminded people...get a posse together, get to tall trees and get fighting some bears hand to paw! :lol:


I have a real honest to goodness fear of cougars now, I hear that noise they make before they pounce and I'm crapping it ( killing 2 of them with a knife was no mean feat! :ph34r: )

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