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Red Dead Redemption

the mo beats experience

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the multiplayer is great fun with a few likeminded people...get a posse together, get to tall trees and get fighting some bears hand to paw! :lol:


I have a real honest to goodness fear of cougars now, I hear that noise they make before they pounce and I'm crapping it ( killing 2 of them with a knife was no mean feat! :ph34r: )


i have to say them cougars make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. and there bloody hard to shoot as well when coming at you

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Has any one else noticed the game skipping cut scenes?


Most noticeable one for me

in Mexico, had just been knocked out and hog tide in the church, then I got 2 loading screens back to back and Im out fighting with the rebels with my hands tied

I think there was a couple of others as well, one with Bonnie early on.


Reached the Tall Trees/Blackwater area a few days ago, not progressed the story just been doing bounties and challenges for a few days.

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I've had no major glitches occur, certainly haven't noticed any scenes being skipped...


I just hit Blackwater last nite, now I can continue with my challenges as everything left was in that area.


I'm looking forward to taking on some bears in single-player as I found them to be a bit tame in free-roam.


Is it just me or do you end up with absolutely shed-loads of money but nothing to spend it on? I had 13,000 dollars last nite and just decided to buy every horse deed, then purchased all the weapons ( mauser pistol and a couple of rifles ), I've still got about 5,000 left! :blink:

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I never had that much money at once, but I have about 4k with all weapons and safe houses, and the 3 best horses bought. There really isn't anything to spend money on, however its the same in GTA, or Fable, or any other game that gives you a means to make your own money. Having high honour makes it even worse as with top honour everything is half price and fast travel is free.


Bears are a bit crap in SP as well, I find 2 or more boars more trouble than 2 bears.


Struggling to find big horns at the minute for a hunting challenge, took me far to long to find beavers as well ended up finding hundreds at Bear claw camp no where near water.

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Not really noticed any cut-scenes being skipped, I've seen the skinning animation not work a couple of times on animals I've skinned before that take a good 5 seconds to skin. Other than that the game has been pretty good and glitch-free so far which is suprising given the amount of glitches listed on gamefaqs and other sites.


Tried the multiplayer for the first time last night, took a while to get to grips with how it worked and how to level up etc. but then I joined someone's posse and he took me and someone else to tumbleweed and proceeded to throw dynamite at anything that moved which was funny, got a bit close to the blast radius once or twice though! :blink:


About 15 minutes after he left a lvl 40 something decided my almighty powerful lvl 8 needed stepping on and he proceeded to spawn kill me for a good 5 to 10 minutes which was 'fun' <_< Maybe he objected to my title of "Cow Lover"? :lol:

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Got it yesterday and spent most of my time shooting anything that moves - coyotes, skunks, birds, horses, dogs, drunks, whores - you name it, it tasted lead. Bunkered down upstairs in the bar in Armadillo and shot about 100 people - they just kept coming. My bounty went up to about $4k before I got bored. Good way of practicing shooting skills. Gonna reset tonight and play for real - enough killing sprees. ;)

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