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Woman Knocks Pope Down At Christmas Mass


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Wow....Just wow.


I wonder what her intentions were? did she want to give him a hug, or do him harm?


i have to admit when i saw the pope go down, i did laugh, but i do feel bad for the cardinal who aslo got caught up in it all and broke his hip in the fall.


I guess "our lady of fatima" wasnt watching out for the Cardinal.

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you could tell it was her from the video footage when she popped up like a rabbit


equally I see the article says the security staff recognised her as having tried it previously - good job there after the event

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Why? He's head of a church which for years has covered up reports of physical and sexual abuse of children by priests.



So you think another act of violence is ok then? :wacko:




See Rog manages to still spout his Religeous Bigotry. A credit to his Faith :wacko:

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Why? He's head of a church which for years has covered up reports of physical and sexual abuse of children by priests.



So you think another act of violence is ok then? :wacko:




See Rog manages to still spout his Religeous Bigotry. A credit to his Faith :wacko:



Let’s get something straight, “Celt”. I’m Jewish by birth and tradition, but now Hard atheist by choice.


That cleared up I fail to see how Ratzinger, the CEO of a singularly un-Christian extortion racket that uses Christianity as its stick and carrot to drag people into its clutches, being toppled by someone should be cause for pity, or sorrow, and even total indifference amounts to generosity.


Especially in the case of this Hitler Youth pope who right now is in the process of the beatification of Hitler’s pope, Pacelli.


(Beatification is the penultimate step before being declared a saint)


It was quite exceptionally bad judgment in electing this tainted person Ratzinger to be pope in the first place.


And now, after his appalling decision to re-admit the Holocaust denier and previously excommunicated Richard Williamson only a few days after Williamson once again stated publicly that historical evidence is hugely against 6 million Jews having been deliberately gassed by the Nazis, to find Ratzinger is on track to canonize Pacelli is beyond disgusting.


What’s more it clearly indicates that there is something very wrong at the heart of the Vatican. And that is without even going near the disgusting child abuse that is slowly coming to light and the even worse way that the high officers of the Roman Catholic church has dealt with it.


Another, one of so very many examples of simple wrongness and associated with child abuse by priests, was the manner and form that Karol Wojtyła (John Paul) treated what was taking place and in his pronouncement used the phrase “mysterium iniquitatis“ in an attempt to divert attention from pure and simple clerical pedophilia and an institutionalised cover up.


To paraphrase Shakespeare, something is rotten in the Vatican City State

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It is alleged that the lady in question has now signed up for training at Blackdog MMA. :D





they say the pope has really fallen for her?




they say the pope is going to come down hard on her.



Actually, due to the increased publicity this has given the pope, not to mention the sympathy it has engendered, i woundn't be surprised if she gets contracted to 'attack' him for the next 3 years!

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