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Woman Knocks Pope Down At Christmas Mass


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You have to wonder about how effective offender profiling is - the same woman, wearing the same clothes, attacks the same person as she did at the same time and place as she did last year!




Pity it wasnt in Venice then we could get into that "dont look now " schtik


One of my all time favorite xmas pressies was a shower accessory. a soap pope on a rope. nice! :lol:

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Feel sorry for the Pope :(


Why? He's head of a church which for years has covered up reports of physical and sexual abuse of children by priests.

It doesn't give people the right to assault him, but as head of the Church and appearing to be covering up reports regards scandals of abuse which you've rightly mentioned, I hope the investigators find out about all the corrupt systems and malpractice and bring them to justice.

Pope scandal link

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You have to wonder about how effective offender profiling is - the same woman, wearing the same clothes, attacks the same person as she did at the same time and place as she did last year!

It's a scandal, being allowed to attack him walking in exactly the same place again - they should call it 'Popegait'.

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