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China's Politics And Stuff


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On 10/10/2018 at 8:07 PM, Freggyragh said:

They certainly can’t wait to start picking off the countries that humiliated them in the past. Top of the list being the drug dealers that burned the Old Summer Palace, grabbed Weigaiwei and Hong Kong, made themselves exempt from the Chinese legal system and set up their own Supreme Court.

Well, naturally, it's all the Brits' fault. Isn't every ill in the world? Or do you just mean the Scots? They were quite prominent in the queue for profiting from Hong Kong. I think those drug dealers you mention might be dead by now, though. What do you mean by "picking off"?

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I’m not judging 19th Century colonialists by modern liberal humanist values. My point is - the Chinese are. They try to forget what we, Manx, English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish did to them - but ignorant U.K. politicians constantly feel the need to remind them. The U.K. simply cannot lecture China on Hong Kong democracy without repudiating their own colonial history - which would be a shame as the UK’s non-democracy delivered for the people (just as China’s has). 

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  • 3 weeks later...


So it's looking like somethings about to kick off, gleefully cheered by the west, desperately hoping for the moral excuse to impose more tariffs or sanctions. My question is, in general, is china now a more free and open state than 20 or 30 years ago when we started moving our manufacturing out there, and if so, why have we suddenly developed a moral code about such things? Listening to radio 4 this morning they interviewed an arrested protester and some posh bloke with an obvious anti china bias. Hardly impartial reporting?

Edited by the stinking enigma
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On 8/14/2019 at 1:05 PM, the stinking enigma said:

It's no longer a peaceful protest, those partaking in rioting should be dealt with by the full letter of the law. Seems the Chinese are quite willing to embrace western democracy in its actual form.

I was thinking the H.K police have been generally very restrained in their erm 'approach' to all this, despite it all.

People marching about with banners and the like is one thing (even if said protest was banned) however throwing bricks / petrol bombs at the police is quite another. They do have quite a bit to complain about though I can see that in some ways but turning it nasty is not the solution never has been really same with wars.

I wonder if it is a bit like (over here, yes I know I'm in Derby, England, long story) people protesting about Parliament etc today, how long before it turns a tad nasty. The point I think I'm trying (very badly) to make here is some of the "protesters" are not there to protest merely there to cause trouble.

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On 8/14/2019 at 1:05 PM, the stinking enigma said:

It's no longer a peaceful protest, those partaking in rioting should be dealt with by the full letter of the law. Seems the Chinese are quite willing to embrace western democracy in its actual form.

you are only seeing what the chinese want you to see.........

western democracy is dead, just look at the news blackout on the gilets jaunes.........

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1. Similar to the 'great firewall' but for news/tv/media I guess. I'm not surprised though somehow. If that's a good or bad thing I don't honestly know. :)

2. Would suspect there is truth in it but also my first thought was once my brain had translated it ;) different media outlets reporting differing things.

Mind you with ( 2 ) having watched say BBC/ITV news then watched the equivalent(ish) RT "UK News" (not their generic one) on what vaguely passes for 'Freeview TV' these days,  it does seem a bit different...

Edited by AndyF
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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

you are only seeing what the chinese want you to see.........

western democracy is dead, just look at the news blackout on the gilets jaunes.........

There’s no news blackout - it just that French people protesting is not considered newsworthy. I agree, the Macron’s police response should be though. The European Parliament has called for the French police to stop blinding people with ‘rubber bullets’ and blowing limbs off with ‘CS gas grenades’ - but sovereignty on such matters is the preserve of the nation state, of course. The EU only facilitates fair operation of the Single Market and four freedoms. So just as the EU cannot legislate to stop the behaviour of the Spanish police against the Catalans, it cannot stop the barbaric policing methods of France. 

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15 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

There’s no news blackout - it just that French people protesting is not considered newsworthy. I agree, the Macron’s police response should be though. The European Parliament has called for the French police to stop blinding people with ‘rubber bullets’ and blowing limbs off with ‘CS gas grenades’ - but sovereignty on such matters is the preserve of the nation state, of course. The EU only facilitates fair operation of the Single Market and four freedoms. So just as the EU cannot legislate to stop the behaviour of the Spanish police against the Catalans, it cannot stop the barbaric policing methods of France. 

its the eu behind the blackout.........

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  • 1 month later...


It is always fun hearing a "foreigner" quoting Confucius!

I've not heard of Matt Pottinger previously.  Interesting guy:


míng bùzhèng, zé yán bù shùn; yán bù shùn, zé shì bùchéng

Matt's translation:

“If names cannot be correct, then language is not in accordance with the truth of things. And if language is not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success”.

Though classical chinese is incredibly concise - just a good translation would be

"Names not right, then language doesn't flow. Language doesn't flow, then affairs aren't successful."

This is Confucius' famous rectification of names ... at the bottom of things all human affairs are down to our daos and aligning them with reality and with other's daos is how good ideas get done.

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Take it up with the English comics you try to read.

If coverage about the gilets jaunes is censored by the EU, why is coverage so comprehensive (and often sympathetic) in the French media? https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2019/10/03/des-observateurs-de-manifestations-de-gilets-jaunes-victimes-d-intimidations-policieres_6014115_3224.html




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Talk me through what you’re thinking here Einstein. Les gilets jaunes is a French protest movement, based in France and protesting in France. The French media cover their protests, but the English media hardly bothers. In Scotland the front page story today is the largest independence march ever, but the English media hardly bothers to cover it. The English media makes editorial choices based on its largely parochial English audience’s preferences. They cover English rugby, but don’t bother much with North American ice hockey, Indian kabaddi or Basque pelota. The EU doesn’t tell them what to cover or what to say.

The English media, with few exceptions is as parochial and nationalist as any other country’s media. To suggest U.K. news editors pick and choose what to cover to please the EU is beyond delusional. You need to stop listening to Alex Jones and go see someone about your paranoia. 

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