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China's Politics And Stuff


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On 8/31/2019 at 6:15 PM, Freggyragh said:

There’s no news blackout - it just that French people protesting is not considered newsworthy. I agree, the Macron’s police response should be though. The European Parliament has called for the French police to stop blinding people with ‘rubber bullets’ and blowing limbs off with ‘CS gas grenades’ - but sovereignty on such matters is the preserve of the nation state, of course. The EU only facilitates fair operation of the Single Market and four freedoms. So just as the EU cannot legislate to stop the behaviour of the Spanish police against the Catalans, it cannot stop the barbaric policing methods of France. 

Why does it even venture an opinion or call for a particular course of action if it is only concerned with trade?

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  • 5 months later...

@ Chinahand: You obviously have or have had connections with China as you post with knowledge about the place, and I glean from the content that it is more than just a passing interest. Then there is your name which is a dead giveaway. Can you give me an idea of these links you have or indeed a link to a page where you have posted more detail in the past? Just interested. Have thought of asking you before over the years, but never gotten around to it.

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Job, wife, study, family. The name was given to me by a diplomat at the US embassy in Beijing - we were an MBA student group and he was getting fed up with low ball questions - "Come on, where are your Chinahands, ask me something difficult." - I took it as a challenge and did - he reacted by saying "Ah there you are!"

Work was engineering a long time ago now when the place was unfinished but booming.  Got it into my blood and knew I had to learn more, so studied at the Jackson School, while learning finance to justify the fees - one of my professors was Don Clarke (who wrote the China Collection article above).

It's frustrating as I've never got beyond intermediate level on the language which limits employment opportunities, but mainly I'm just fascinated by the place - open, inquisitive, friendly people, but whose rulers are never far away from thugs.

I've good, good friends there, and from there, and it is obvious the West's relationship with China is going to dominate the next century, and as its culture, history and language are quite opaque I try to understand them.  Philosophical Daoism is me - via Chad Hansen.

If you're interested, the China History Podcast is a great resource I've found in the last year or so - they're currently doing a history of Xinjiang, the CPC's treatment of which is one of the biggest current stains on its much bloodied hands.  While the Little Red Pod Cast is great for contemporary politics etc.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

China is flexing it's muscles and likely taking advantage of the West's self absorption in its failure to stop Coronavirus, something China is using to crow about the superiority of its political system.

Firstly it is ramming through a security law in Hong Kong bringing CCP ideas on sedition and dissent into the supposedly self governing territory. Link.

Secondly, moving troops into Ladakh which is a disputed region in the Hindu Kush China occupied in 1962 after a short war with India and which has been an occasional source of flare ups ever since. Link

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