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China's Politics And Stuff


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17 minutes ago, Chinahand said:



I'm just about half way through, 'Every Breath You Take,(China's new tyranny)', by Ian Williams.

If accurate then China at the moment is a very, very scary place both for it's citizens and for the world.

I will need to read it a few times and I think I still won't understand the reason's behind the thoughts of Xi Jinping and his reasons for creating the yoke he has tied round the necks of the people.

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11 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

I'm just about half way through, 'Every Breath You Take,(China's new tyranny)', by Ian Williams.

If accurate then China at the moment is a very, very scary place both for it's citizens and for the world.

Certainly not a place I'll ever be visiting.

They're flooded the world (almost plague like) with cheap low quality shite.  And when a stance was finally taken, with tariffs, we coincidentally end up with a global pandemic emanating out of China.  Which of course didn't affect them too badly;)

That's before you get to their human rights issues.

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  • 1 month later...

China's political slogans (提法 ti2fa3) are quite fascinating things.

Sometimes understandable, sometime not.

The BBC has recently had a go looking at some of them:


1. 只有社会主义才能救中国

Zhi1you3 she4hui4zhu3yi1 cai2 neng2j iu4 zhong1guo2

Only Socialism can save China.

2. 从群众中来,到群众中去

Cong2 qun2zhong4 zhong1 lai2, dao4 qun2zhong4 zhong1 qu4

From the masses to the masses

3. 百花齊放,百家爭鳴

Bai3hua1 qi2fang4, bai3jia1 zheng1ming2

Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend.

4. 两条腿走路

Liang3 tiao2 tui3 zhou3 lu4

Walking on two legs

5. 造反有理;

Zao4fan4 you3 li3

To rebel is justified

6. 让一部分人先富起来

Rang4 yi1bu4fen4 ren2 xian1 fu4 qi3lai2

Let some people get rich first

7. 民主万岁

Min2zhu3 wan4 sui4

Long live democracy

8. 中国梦

Zhong1guo2 meng4

The China Dream


They also had a go back in 2013


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The widening crack down in China is now declaring capital the enemy. 

An official has been purged for "colluding with capital and backing disorderly expansion of capital”.

Xi Jinping is using Maoist phraseology to enforce his Party First agenda. 

Finding a common language when faced with such rhetoric is challenging and it will only get worse with time. 

And there are very clear parallels between Putin's sabre rattling over Ukraine and Xi's ambition to swallow Taiwan. The CPC has a strong interest in the success of Putin's use of force against a democratic championing West. 

Sad times if you support democracy and individual rights. 


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On 7/19/2021 at 11:10 PM, Chinahand said:

5. 造反有理;

Zao4fan4 you3 li3

To rebel is justified

6. 让一部分人先富起来

Rang4 yi1bu4fen4 ren2 xian1 fu4 qi3lai2

Let some people get rich first

7. 民主万岁

Min2zhu3 wan4 sui4

Long live democracy 

Just seen your post.  These slogans are fascinating and don't really seem to fit with how the west views China and their communist approach.

Are you able to provide any context for these slogans?

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Mm1980 the best advice I can give is to listen to the BBC world service program which explains the slogans linked in the original post. The long live democracy one isn't a CPC slogan (though it does have some with a Maoist idea of Big Democracy https://www.jstor.org/stable/26588743) it's from the Tiananmen students. The let some get rich first is from Deng Xiaoping as he brought central planning to an end allowing entrepreneurs to grow out of the plan. 

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On 1/30/2022 at 3:14 PM, Chinahand said:

And there are very clear parallels between Putin's sabre rattling over Ukraine and Xi's ambition to swallow Taiwan. The CPC has a strong interest in the success of Putin's use of force against a democratic championing West. 

Apart from China apparently asking Russia to hold off invading Ukraine until after the winter Olympics, if Russia do the deed, it wouldn't suprise me at all if China then went for Taiwan either at the same time or very shortly after. 

Gauging the world response and take advantage of the distraction. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is happening in Xinjiang is a massive tragedy and academic sober researchers are risking Godwin'ing themselves by raising the parallels with 1930s Germany.  One professor of Chinese law who I follow on Twitter recently posted that the situation is considerably worse than the situation in the early 1930s in the extent of mass imprisonment and the Xin Jiang gulag.

This is a very dry and quite theoretical lecture on Xin Jiang:


The framing of the lecture isn't a framing I'd use, but it is well thought out, and the explanation of how the Chinese Communist Party has criminalised Uyghur society and coerced its youth into a factory labour system is very powerful.

I highly recommend listening to it as an example of how people disappear into a totalitarian black hole.

The individual is entirely subsumed, declared a terrorist enemy of the party for behaving in ways we wouldn't in any way consider unusual.

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  • 8 months later...

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