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Queen's Speech


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Does anyone actually care less about whether there is a Xmas speech or not? It may be tradition, but what a crap one. Ridiculous someone lost their job over cutting off the annual government propaganda speech.


I think you'll find that the Christmas Speech is written by the Queen (and her personal advisors) and not by the government - unlike the speech at the State Opening of Parliament. It avoids directly political statements.

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And her messages are political, very political.

I've just re-read the text of this years speech and it's not political - unless you count the bit where she says "we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making [in Afghanistan]".

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Yes, that's right. It's political.

But to sack someone for the knocking off the speech is just ridiculous. I wonder if it more about the fact that people have some weird respect for the monarchy. That they cannot be ridiculed in a 'popular' or rather crass way through the media.

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Yes, that's right. It's political.

One sentance in the whole speech doesn't make for a political speech.

But to sack someone for the knocking off the speech is just ridiculous. I wonder if it more about the fact that people have some weird respect for the monarchy. That they cannot be ridiculed in a 'popular' or rather crass way through the media.

He would also have probably have got the sack if the speech was being given by an elected Head of State.


It's not respect for the person, but the office and what it represents. It's the reason people stand in court when judges enter. Why soldiers salute the uniform, not the person wearing it. It's why, in some countries, descecrating the national flag is a very serious offence.


But I suspect that respect is something you don't understand.

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I understand that particular meaning of respect, but recognise it only when it is deserved. And the monarchy do not deserve it...and the government. And whether people do or don't think about whether such respect is deserved, I believe they think they same as me as given consideration to whether something deserved it or not. In which case, why the monarchy? And why so much someone loses their job? Just baffles me, considering what the monarchy are.

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Sadly, to get another government you'll have to wait until the next election - you can go and vote for someone other than Labour then.


Would you respect an elected head of state instead of a hereditary monarch? Most likely one who didn't share your political views?

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No. I wouldn't respect any politician in a liberal democracy because of their office. Although I may think quite well of the person if their politics are socialist even though they have chosen are unfortunate path to effect politics.

But are you talking of the person or the office?

If the BNP came to power in Britain through popular mandate and implemented oppressive measures against certain groups and were more blatantly anti-working class than UKIP then I wouldn't respect the office or person. I would quite happy to see them removed from office by ANY means possible.

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If the BNP came to power in Britain through popular mandate and implemented oppressive measures against certain groups and were more blatantly anti-working class than UKIP then I wouldn't respect the office or person. I would quite happy to see them removed from office by ANY means possible.


What about a left wing government coming into power through popular mandate and oppressing certain groups? Would you be happy to see them removed from office by ANY means possible?

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I've just re-read the text of this years speech and it's not political - unless you count the bit where she says "we can be proud of the positive contribution that our servicemen and women are making in Afghanistan".

I liked the bit where she added "It can't be easy fighting in those red coats and bearskin hats..."

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