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Islam4uk March Through Wootton Bassett


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From Sky News:




In my opinion this is not going to end well.


It’s potentially a brilliant propaganda victory by Choudary.


Consider the options.


Option one. The march is banned.


That will be presented at Friday prayers at mosques and at numerous discussion groups both within the UK as well as further afield as being a clear indicator that the UK government is engaged in a war against Islam despite the rhetoric.



Option two. The march goes ahead.


That will be presented That will be presented at Friday prayers at mosques and at numerous discussion groups as being a clear indicator that the UK government fears Islam within the UK.



Option three. The marcgh goes ahead but ……


The march goes ahead and is, let’s just say disrupted. That will see those who disrupt the march even further denigrated as thugs and worse. At least that is how it will be played.


Option four. The march goes ahead but …..


The march goes ahead amid cat calls and jeers by local people though with no disruption. See option one.



But there IS an option five.


Option five is that the march goes ahead, but the police shut off the centre of Wooten Basset so that the scum march to no audience and preferably to no news media coverage.


Escorted in by the police from a secure point outside, escorted out to a secure place by the police after the walk.

With Immigration officials checking up on the immigration status of the whole bloody lot of them in the process.


And send the bill for policing to Islam4UK.


Sometimes the way to win in a situation such as this is simply not to engage.

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This could indeed get very messy , and as Rog has said could very easily play right into the hands of the islamists . Its all well and good saying cordon off the town centre and give them zero publicity but then why should the citizens of Wooton be inconvenienced ? Also the zero publicity would just give them cause to whine that they have been censored .

There is no easy answer unfortunately .

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This could indeed get very messy , and as Rog has said could very easily play right into the hands of the islamists . Its all well and good saying cordon off the town centre and give them zero publicity but then why should the citizens of Wooton be inconvenienced ? Also the zero publicity would just give them cause to whine that they have been censored .

There is no easy answer unfortunately .



I agree, but there are times when the best option is the least worst that's on the table.

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The entire idea behind this march is to piss people off. Of all the towns in the UK the Islam4UK group could have chosen, they chose the town of Wootton Bassett, a town that has become a place of rememberance and goodbyes to fallen servicemen.


This march is designed to get a reaction out of the British people, so as to use said reaction as more evidence of "hard done by" Islam.


To even entertain the idea of letting this march go ahead is an afront to all service personel (fallen, serving or otherwise) and their families.

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An excerpt from the website Islam4UK:


A letter to the people of Wootton Bassett and the families of dead soldiers:


"We begin by inviting all non-Muslims to Islam, the perfect and most beautiful way of life, a favour from Allah (God) to mankind to take him out of the darkness of worshipping his own desires to the exclusive worship, submission and obedience of Allah alone, without partners and to testify the Messenger-ship of the final Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We urge you to embrace Islam and save yourselves and your family from the hellfire and not to believe the lies and distortions which the Western media and non-Islamic regimes would have you believe about Muslims and their true intentions. Islam means submission and the Muslim is the one who submits to the will of God in his life. Verily the Messenger Muhammad told us that whoever heard his name from the Jews and Christians and did not believe would be held accountable for that on the day of judgement."




"The procession in Wootton Basset is therefore an attempt to engage the British publics minds on the real reasons why their soldiers are returning home in body bags and the real cost of the war. The conflict in Afghanistan is not an ‘honourable' defence of British values and a cause for the British to remain secure, rather the presence of the US and UK forces in Afghanistan is the cause of instability in the region and a cause of insecurity for the British people back home. The parades, the speeches about soldiers doing their duty and the feeling of patriotism has obfuscated the reality of the conflict and the murderous crimes being committed by the occupiers and their agents. The British public is blissfully unaware of what is being done in their name by the Blair/Brown regimes and were the truth known no doubt the pressure to withdraw all troops immediately would be much greater."


I just can't put into words the rage I felt after reading the entire letter.


He begins by calling all non-Muslims idiots and then ends by calling the British people idiots.


And why, oh why Wotton Bassett? Why not London, the nations capital, or Birmingham, Leeds or Manchester with their large Muslim populations?

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This march is designed to get a reaction out of the British people, so as to use said reaction as more evidence of "hard done by" Islam.

Agreed, this provocative march will only serve to raise general resentment against Muslims.

Which I suspect, as you say, is the idea.

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According to the Islam4UK website, Islamic domination of the UK is not an if but a when. Apparently Islam was sent to cleanse the British Isle and bring the light of purity.


I'm sorry but that sounds like the sort of shite that short fella from Germany used to spout during the war.


Apparently we will all bow down before the dominace of Islam and accept Sha'ia law as the one true law. Unfortunately as a legal system its kinda one tracked...










Looking at porn/partaking in porn...you guessed it...death.


Another look at the website reveals more of the mindset of these people...


From the "Non-Muslim" section various titles can be found:


The Death of the Adult Industry Under the Shari'ah

Baseless British Values

British Legal System Vs Shari'ah

Are you as intelligent as you think?

Why Hindus Should Embrace Islam

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Indeed, the conversion of the United Kingdom into an Islamic State, governed by Shari'ah law is something which has been destined and cannot be avoided.




Nelsons Column is currently a pillar with an 18ft statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson situated at the top, resting above bronze acanthus leaves.


Under the Shari'ah, the construction and elevation of statues or idols is prohibited, and consequently, the statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson would be removed and demolished without hesitation (click on picture to enlarge).



Are these guys for real? That site reads like nutcase HQ...

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Indeed, the conversion of the United Kingdom into an Islamic State, governed by Shari'ah law is something which has been destined and cannot be avoided.




Nelsons Column is currently a pillar with an 18ft statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson situated at the top, resting above bronze acanthus leaves.


Under the Shari'ah, the construction and elevation of statues or idols is prohibited, and consequently, the statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson would be removed and demolished without hesitation (click on picture to enlarge).



Are these guys for real? That site reads like nutcase HQ...

you missed this bit.


As stated earlier the construction of idols or statues is explicitly prohibited, specifically living beings, as a result of this, the bronze lions which are situated below Nelson's Column as a symbolic ‘guard', would be removed and destroyed; the statues could also be melted and its bronze composition utilized, possibly in artillery as a defensive measure against any impending attack from outside forces, such as France


Its got to be a piss take site aint it


O this sounds good

The Islamic governor may position pots of gold coins as a replacement (click on picture to enlarge), so as to provide all members of the public with the opportunity to freely take money and fulfil any need that they might have.


Very unrealistic, you may think, however, extraordinarily a very similar incident to this occurred during the governance of the Islamic Caliph Ma'moon (rh), who was left with so much wealth in the treasury, that he made orders to distribute the excess wealth in a similar fashion.


As Muslims, we would not waste the public money on useless ornaments but rather invest it for the sake of the people. These unique pots could also be replenished accordingly with any extra money, should they run out.


It should also be poignantly noted that during the Islamic governance of Ma'moon (rh), not a single gold coin was taken from the pots made accessible to the public, and this was undeniably due to the fact that the divine justice meted out by the Shari'ah met the basic and common needs of every single citizen, Muslim and non-Muslim.



And its nice to see there not racist one bit or make you become muslims




Yes such a great place to live.

why this site has not been shut down i dont know.

If people want a reason as to why there is so much tension in the world to diffrent races then its things like this that make it

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I don't know if I am wrong here but as this march is designed to offend non muslims and insult fallen soldiers should it not be classed as spreading racial hatred as well as those participating being racist bigots and therefore be banned.

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