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Islam4uk March Through Wootton Bassett


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the planks have to go on dying until the ballot box overtakes the gun and the Taliban are marginalised.


I've never been to Afghanistan.


But everything I read about this points to the fact that people continually switch sides. And that not all Taliban are equally Taliban anyhow. Everything I read says that the opium trade is one of the key economic factors - and that whoever protects the opium trade gets the support of the warlords.


In which case the war against the opium trade and the war against the Taliban seem to be mutually exclusive goals. Because the farmers are naturally unsympathetic towards people who burn their crops.


Seemingly bright people are saying that if the west were to buy the opium at a good price and legitimise it's production then it will have gone a long way towards undermining support for the Taliban. And there is a need for medical opium.

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Folks on here can waffle on as much as they like (and unfortunately they probably will) but the situation remains as I previously stated i.e. the planks have to go on dying until the ballot box overtakes the gun and the Taliban are marginalised.
Why? Why is it so imperative?
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I give up. I don't know what is more irritating, PK not reading anything which might contradict him, or LDV not understanding anything he reads.
Such as what? Or are you referring to the brand new arguments that justify the war with talk of Pakistan coming under Taliban rule?
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I'd like the mods to close this thread for the following reasons:


1. The thread has broken down into another "is the war right or wrong?" and "what are the real motives behind the war?" thread.


2. The content of the thread has lost all connection to its original content.


3. It has turned into yet another "the politics behind the war" thread.


The whole point of the Wootton Bassett showing of respect is that it has nothing to do with the politics. It is about the fallen being returned home to their loved ones.


The planned march by Islam4UK is trying to politicise the events in Wootton Bassett and their are using the uproar that their disrespect will generate to achieve that goal.


Please lets just remember our brave lads and lasses and leave the politics to the spineless wasters in Downing Street.

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If you don't understand that the reason why people want to march is political and do not understand that the reason why people line the streets is political then you don't understand what is going on.


Besides, why should a thread be closed just become it has wandered onto areas you don't like.

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Please learn to read LDV.


The people of Wootton Bassett started the rememberance meetings through their town, not the Army, not the government.


It has nothing to do with politics. It is public support for the troops. Not the war.


The reason Islam4UK want to march through the town is political. That is the problem.

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If you don't understand that the reason why people want to march is political and do not understand that the reason why people line the streets is political then you don't understand what is going on.


Besides, why should a thread be closed just become it has wandered onto areas you don't like.


The march proposed (and now cancelled) by Islam4UK has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with propaganda.

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They're a political group, with an agenda, and one that involves the war. And a war that they disagree on.

It doesn't matter if they use propaganda, propaganda can be political and certainly is in this instance. (Incidentally, so do those who support the people line the streets to pay respects). Politics isn't some matter that just relates to what goes on in Westminster.

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They're a political group, with an agenda, and one that involves the war. And a war that they disagree on.

It doesn't matter if they use propaganda, propaganda can be political and certainly is in this instance. (Incidentally, so do those who support the people line the streets to pay respects). Politics isn't some matter that just relates to what goes on in Westminster.



No, they're an Islamic group hell bent on installing Islam in the UK.


Ther's a clue in the name 'Islam4UK'.

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The people of Wootton Bassett started the rememberance meetings through their town, not the Army, not the government.
They did. And political thinking shapes the reasons for their decision to line up and HONOUR and military. For it to be something that involves politics does not mean that it must involve government.


The people on the streets would be lining up for different reasons (genuine upset and regret) if they disagreed with the war and wanted the war to end. Yet the current manner of respect and remembrance is quite a contrived 'show'. These same people are not anti-war, as you'd see less of a aggressive response to such marching.


It has nothing to do with politics. It is public support for the troops. Not the war.
And this is precisely why it is political. The whole concept of supporting the troops - unless you are sending them goodie bags or financial aid, means that you support their role in Afghanistan, and that is very political. If none of those thing, the word support is just nonsense.


No, they're an Islamic group hell bent on installing Islam in the UK.

Ther's a clue in the name 'Islam4UK'.

That's right. I know they are. What is your point, Rog?
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