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Islam4uk March Through Wootton Bassett


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Hate speech is new categorisation for particular forms of speech based on their oppressive nature and because of their result in leading other to hate. But I agree with such a designation and concomitant punishments. My only uncertainly is on the basis of threatening language. I don't know whether I absolutely believe in freedom of speech on the uncertainty with whether a society should punish those who threaten through speech. Not sure yet. But these protestors were hardly threatening. A bunch of muslim waving sticks with 'Baby Killer' are hardly threatening. Do you think differently?


the point is LDV is while this time round the solders kept on walkingand did northing and most of the people that were watching did northing, and the only reason they did northing was prob out of a mark of respect, to there fallen fellows,

but it could have turned a whole lot worse, and i think in the coming years it will till it reachers a point when somebody does do something


If there not happy with there govenment doing this then they should fook of back to where they came from, if they so want asshole law and what not, then fook off back to the ME where they can have it,


These people in my book are northing but cockrochers, a parasite that needs wipeing out before they destory the vary life we live, andf the life we have come to enjoy and love, (and im meaning the ones that preach hate etc etc, any normal muslim or any other people that have a religon that they follow that gos about his day to day like everybody eles in the UK and wants to be a part of the Uk i have no problem with)


Maybe hitler had the right thinking, but aimed it at the wrong people,

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the point is LDV is while this time round the solders kept on walkingand did northing and most of the people that were watching did northing, and the only reason they did northing was prob out of a mark of respect, to there fallen fellows,

but it could have turned a whole lot worse, and i think in the coming years it will till it reachers a point when somebody does do something

But this is what Chinahand mentions and objects to. And I agree. I may say something. But why should I be punished if that person resorts to violence, a very different thing? I shouldn't be punished for them reacting violently. This is the issue here because the Judge wanted to punish on the basis of what people might do in retaliation. That's not right.


If there not happy with there govenment doing this

Doing what?

These people in my book are northing but cockrochers, a parasite that needs wipeing out before they destory the vary life we live, andf the life we have come to enjoy and love, (and im meaning the ones that preach hate etc etc, any normal muslim or any other people that have a religon that they follow that gos about his day to day like everybody eles in the UK and wants to be a part of the Uk i have no problem with)

Bloody hell. Firstly, how are they parasites? For all you know they have jobs in the UK. You know nothing about them other than their protest where they are only condemning the soldiers. How is that destroying our way of life?


As for "a life we have come to enjoy and love", are you quoting from someone like Melanie Phillips from the Daily Mail? It tickled me though.


It can be turned around though, as although they went about it the wrong way in the sense of what they had on the placards, as they could have put other stuff on there, these are people who have legitimate concerns about what British is doing in the world.

Now the British people may be too ignorant or too brainwashed to really recognise that what their beloved soldiers do is NOT in their best interests and British foreign policy is something to be condemned except in odd instances, the fact that these Muslims are saying this sort of thing in Britain isn't anti-British or unfriendly to us.

But they are objecting and criticising the policies and those who carry out such policies (Armed Forces), albeit in a poor way.


Ignoring the words used in this case, if the Armed Forces were in some African country, invading and then trying to install a friendly government, would we also condemn African men getting out on the streets and complaining?

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if the Armed Forces were in some African country, invading and then trying to install a friendly government, would we also condemn African men getting out on the streets and complaining?


Not what the smart kids of Africa are thinking




Keep the fuzzy wuzzies on their toes what! And we'll teach them God's tongue in with the bargain!

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