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Islam4uk March Through Wootton Bassett


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I don't know if I am wrong here but as this march is designed to offend non muslims and insult fallen soldiers should it not be classed as spreading racial hatred as well as those participating being racist bigots and therefore be banned.





There's a facebook group that's full of stupid:





"Perhaps we should bomb them as they are marching and see how they like it!!!!!!"


"we rnt th racist 1s its them that r!"


"I'm far from racist but every single person whom takes part in that march should be shipped to where they came from and NEVER allowed to return."

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I don't know if I am wrong here but as this march is designed to offend non muslims and insult fallen soldiers should it not be classed as spreading racial hatred as well as those participating being racist bigots and therefore be banned.





There's a facebook group that's full of stupid:





"Perhaps we should bomb them as they are marching and see how they like it!!!!!!"


"we rnt th racist 1s its them that r!"


"I'm far from racist but every single person whom takes part in that march should be shipped to where they came from and NEVER allowed to return."

That group has attracted some utter fuckwits but it's a pretty good indicator of the general public feeling about the whole affair.

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Personally, I think the march is in bad taste, but I think the march should be allowed to go ahead - though I would prefer it to consist of anti war types of all nationalities and groups, including many of the 1 million people that demonstrated against going into Iraq in the first place.


I say that for two reasons: first, we are supposed to support and stand up for the basic principle right of people to demonstrate peacefully in this country, and second the fact of the matter is we are in fact at war with Islam, and have been led into both Iraq and Afghanistan on false pretexts i.e. we are not currently in Afghanistan or went into Iraq for the reasons initially stated by government. This was and continues to be a total abuse of HM forces - and I say that as an ex-serviceman. I am not surprised the Labour government is against this march, plus don't forget the Iraq enquiry going on at present too and what is currently being said to that.


All our being in Afghanistan is causing is death and misery to all sides, and further problems which are going to get nothing but worse and worse. Afghanistan has a corrupt government, who couldn't even get their cabinet voted in this weekend, and whose opposition gave up after the last corrupt election having said how corrupt it was that it had no chance of a fair vote. Afghanistan was already full of memorials to British soldiers the last time they tried similar, as well as 14,000 dead Russians killed in the 1980s.


This is a war without end, and there is demonstrably no shortage of martyrs on the side of Islam. At best we can hope for is a negotiated peace in Afghanistan, an agreement to live and let live, and get the hell out. Weapons of mass destruction, including the development of nuclear technology, and terrorist strongholds, can be dealt with in other ways, such as via air strikes. Most of those attacking us, are actually living and based here FFS. That aspect of security will have to go on, most likely forever.


Anyone who thinks this situation is winnable, really needs their bumps felt.


Don't confuse emotional 'support for our boys', with the reality of the whole mess of this sorry and ever worsening situation. It time more people in the UK actually did think about what the hell we are letting our soldiers die for in Afghanistan at the moment. Just a pity more Brits don't get off their arse and do something about it - and look at some of the alternatives.

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TODAY'S PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT IS: "Ex-mayor and councillor Chris Wannell said of the march: "We don't do what we do at Wootton Bassett for any political reason at all but to pay our respects to those who have given their lives for our freedom."


This march is designed to get a reaction out of the British people, so as to use said reaction as more evidence of "hard done by" Islam.
I am not sure it is. What if this march is actually about the immoral war with a desire to protest somewhere where they think the British public are more likely to read their message? It is a strong possibility.


If, however, it is about creating a situation where some Muslims are silenced somewhere and somehow this causes all others Muslims to get in a flap about it maybe leading to even greater political response from Muslims to argue they are hard done by then it really isn't a very intelligent plan. I don't think it has much logic, which is why I believe it actually does have more to do with the war.


"The procession in Wootton Basset is therefore an attempt to engage the British publics minds on the real reasons why their soldiers are returning home in body bags and the real cost of the war. The conflict in Afghanistan is not an ‘honourable' defence of British values and a cause for the British to remain secure, rather the presence of the US and UK forces in Afghanistan is the cause of instability in the region and a cause of insecurity for the British people back home. The parades, the speeches about soldiers doing their duty and the feeling of patriotism has obfuscated the reality of the conflict and the murderous crimes being committed by the occupiers and their agents. The British public is blissfully unaware of what is being done in their name by the Blair/Brown regimes and were the truth known no doubt the pressure to withdraw all troops immediately would be much greater."


I just can't put into words the rage I felt after reading the entire letter.

What are you in a rage about? I hate Islam, but after reading this section I cannot agree more with Islam4UK. They are bang on with the truth, every bit.


Not many know why there is a war in Afghanistan; why a war continues in Afghanistan; and what is the ultimate purpose. Too many are so fucking brainwashed with propaganda from the papers and unfortunately affected by their own patriotism and jingoism that they think it is a good cause.


Britain is a nation of shameless hypocrits, whether as a result of the information we receive or choice to look at, who would line the streets of some town or get weepy watching some programs about 'Heroes' etc. We are all prepared to pay scant attention to another awful example of British foreign policy painted in a good light by the media. Nobody really cares that much about it all. Yet when someone dies it IS terrible. And we pretend to show it by displaying all the worst features of our ignorance and poor values by accepting bullshit about duty, patriotism, and (worst of all) crap about freedom. The hypocrisy is that we care even less about those innocents in some far off land whose bodies have been torn to pieces by some American or British person


So yes, I care little about some Muslims parading in this town. It isn't JUST about offering respect by the family. If this was a funeral where the family and friends paid their respects then the Muslims should not be anywhere near.

But this is different, this isn't a town where strangers pay their respects under the mistaken idea that such people are deserving of an honouring because of their role in the military. Such honouring doesn't deserve any respect.

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Don't confuse emotional 'support for our boys', with the reality of the whole mess of this sorry and ever worsening situation.
What's emotional support? I have a feeling those our meaningless words, if they are similar to "support the troops" comments. But maybe I am wrong.


Its not like GB to raise his head above the parapet in matters regarding Muslims.
GB has not. It is the government, you know - Gordon Brown and that lot, who have taken the decision on this matter. Whether the British public or not would have done the same thing if they made a decision is irrelevent. But remember the government has a vested interest to keep its sheep bleating on about matters of patriotism, support for troops, and 'heroes', and actual support for the war. The government is hardly going to stand by why others try and show people their own hypocrisy and different standards of morality that arise with such wars as this.
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Not many know why there is a war in Afghanistan; why a war continues in Afghanistan; and what is the ultimate purpose. Too many are so fucking brainwashed with propaganda from the papers and unfortunately affected by their own patriotism and jingoism that they think it is a good cause.

I know why there is a war in Afghanistan.


Let the march go ahead - always assuming the BNP can do similar in, say, Bradford.

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That group has attracted some utter fuckwits but it's a pretty good indicator of the general public feeling about the whole affair.


No, I don't think so. I think the general public feeling is more like how Albert just opened his post. It's disrespectful and distasteful. It's not an excuse or an opportunity for racism.

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Let the march go ahead - always assuming the BNP can do similar in, say, Bradford.
Whether or not the BNP should be allowed to march in Bradford, it wouldn't be applying the same values and rules if they were both allowed to protest.


It is quite a different matter for the BNP to protest on the basis of their racism and how they wish to oppress those people they are intimidating by protesting. The Muslims in comparison are protesting at the venue of a traditional 'show' where those who have died are accorded all the most unworthy and disrespectful attributions because it makes such gormless crowds feel good at themselves by having their patriotic/nationalistic feelings soothed at the thoughts of some strangers dying (apparently) for them in some far off land against some Evil-doers.


One would be a protest that is driven by the vilest ideas that people can have. The other is driven by those who seek to attach such ideas.

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The Fascist Labour Government has allowed Broken Britain to get to this stage. We are at WAR . Would Churchill of allowed Nazis and there sympathisers to march on the streets of Britain in the 1940's.

Britain is finished and will be a Islamic state within 50 years. Our youth are not of the calibre to fight a fundamental force of radical Muslims who have a solid belief that there view is the only view.

Should this march by the Islamist and the usual rent a mob go ahead you have to ask why marches by the far right are banned. Could it be that the Labour party are more frightened by the growing BNP with a election only months away. The Labour party in many areas will loose more votes to the BNP than any other party.

Gordon the moron said this march is inappropriate. What an understatement. What an Insult .How dare he. How far out of touch with the vast majority of decent British people is he. If he does not stop this insult to the British people and the armed forces he will be playing into the BNP's hands.

Would it not be nice if the moderate Muslims of Britain have a counter march . If they go on a counter march then the none Muslims of Britain my be reassured that they are happy to integrate into British society and not want Britain to become an Islamic state whether by force or by out breeding.

Should this not occur "Rivers of Blood" will come true.

On a lighter note at least Shari'ah Law will get shoot of the White scum that make the streets such an unpleasant place to be on a Friday and Saturday night!

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The Fascist Labour Government has allowed Broken Britain to get to this stage. We are at WAR . Would Churchill of allowed Nazis and there sympathisers to march on the streets of Britain in the 1940's.
The Labour Government is very authoritarian, but it isn't fascist. It hasn't progressed that far to being an enemy of the working class. And what has Churchill got to do with anything?


Britain is finished and will be a Islamic state within 50 years. Our youth are not of the calibre to fight a fundamental force of radical Muslims who have a solid belief that there view is the only view.
Well people had better start getting wise about religion and why it is such an awful thing, and that begins by tackling both Christianity and Islam. Both are awful. But people need to become less racist, as this is why this situation has been reached where religion has been offered respect, because people are going after and attacking the Muslims but not their religion.


Should this march by the Islamist and the usual rent a mob go ahead you have to ask why marches by the far right are banned. Could it be that the Labour party are more frightened by the growing BNP with a election only months away. The Labour party in many areas will loose more votes to the BNP than any other party.
I imagine because the far right marches are genuine threats to people and are based upon racism, xenophobia, and ignorant ideas. Not that this justifies banning them, but it might be a reason.

Although a lot of religious talk has been given behind the Muslim march, it does hold to good values.


Gordon the moron said this march is inappropriate. What an understatement. What an Insult .How dare he. How far out of touch with the vast majority of decent British people is he. If he does not stop this insult to the British people and the armed forces he will be playing into the BNP's hands.
Decent British people? Are these the same people who get weepy about hearing how some British soldier has died? Are these the same people who open a newspaper and read an article about the Afghanistan War full of propaganda and excuses for violence and STILL think the war is a good thing? The only decent people who talk of this war are those who want it to end. Not those who display gross hypocrisy by getting upset over British deaths yet do nothing to try and end the war.


On a lighter note at least Shari'ah Law will get shoot of the White scum that make the streets such an unpleasant place to be on a Friday and Saturday night!
What white scum? Would that include the soldiers in Afghanistan? I mean, they have been killing Muslims.
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Let the march go ahead - always assuming the BNP can do similar in, say, Bradford.
Whether or not the BNP should be allowed to march in Bradford, it wouldn't be applying the same values and rules if they were both allowed to protest.

True, I made a dumb comparison.


The Muslims in comparison are protesting at the venue of a traditional 'show' where those who have died are accorded all the most unworthy and disrespectful attributions because it makes such gormless crowds feel good at themselves by having their patriotic/nationalistic feelings soothed at the thoughts of some strangers dying (apparently) for them in some far off land against some Evil-doers.

I think you are wrong here. You can respect the dead for all sorts of reasons. In the case of the military the public are showing relief as well that there are still those who will do their killing for them, you included. Unfortunately some die in the attempt.

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P.K. - Maybe some do feel some relief for the same reasons as you mention, but what an ignorant attitude for them to have. Do they honestly believe that there is a fight that needs to be fought? And what fight is that? Britain versus Taliban? I don't think so.


Considering Britain's role in the world is more aggressor and meddler rather some poor nation on the defence then the need to fight means something else.

But I think it is extremely offensive of you (P.K.) to state that such people are killing on my behalf. It isn't true. The war isn't necessary, the deaths are not necessary, and I haven't asked anyone to kill on my behalf.

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Should this march by the Islamist and the usual rent a mob go ahead you have to ask why marches by the far right are banned. Could it be that the Labour party are more frightened by the growing BNP with a election only months away. The Labour party in many areas will loose more votes to the BNP than any other party.
I imagine because the far right marches are genuine threats to people and are based upon racism, xenophobia, and ignorant ideas. Not that this justifies banning them, but it might be a reason.

Although a lot of religious talk has been given behind the Muslim march, it does hold to good values.


LDV have you read that website, Good values my ass,

yes lets melt statues down and use them for defending ourselfs from the french or other over seas partys

lets tax all people that live in the uk that are not muslim.


o yes there good values all right.

To be honest there no worse or better than the BNP the only diffrence is noboody really will come out and say it because therescared of the old rascit remarks.


The people that are doing this march want to change the way we live and how we go about our day to day running and if we dont tow the line then force will be used be in tax or what ever.

Somebody on here said hilter and to be honest there not far behind him.


I coulden care less who lives where be it name race what ever we all made of the same thing and we all human inside,

But when a group comes along like this and spouts utter shit like they are doing just to cause trouble then every single one of them in that group should be shot.


This could be the tuning point as to what gets the BNP in.


Would be good to hear reactions from uk muslims that just go about there day to day life just like any person would in the uk and how they see or feel about this group.

i would say most would not be in favor of this, because all thats going to have is cause more hurt and harm for all people in the uk



hmm the links Amadeus has put up seam to have stopped working now, forbidden access.


And LDV im glad you think they have good values when the people that run them are such outstanding people themselfs.

i diden think you would side with murders and killers.


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LDV have you read that website, Good values my ass
I don't care what their other religious and political arguments are. In their argument over why Afghanistan is wrong, and why people need to take a better look at their morality and values when honouring those who have died as if they are fighting for freedom and as if their deaths are worth it, then they are correct.


The people that are doing this march want to change the way we live...
They do. And they would be wrong to try and force it on us.


i diden think you would side with murders and killers.


I don't side with murderers and killers: neither Al Qaeda, the Taliban, nor the British servicemen and those who send them to do the killing - the government and the public that support the killing.


I do, however, side with those who speak up about a particular issue that needs to be talked about. I find it revolting how people respond to the Afghanistan war and support it, so I think a march next to a death parade is of little significance when it comes to decency.


How many tears have been spilt by British people over those innocent families who have died, been left homeless, jobless, or without hope for the future because of this war? And people talk of decency!

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