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Isle Of Man T.v.


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for sure. but how much?
From Line 4 of my opening post "So me being me, I sat there thinking (once more) "I wonder how much it actually costs to run a satellite channel and could the Dept. of Tourism, DTI, Film Commission, etc. afford to fund such a project for the Isle of Man.


anyways re IOM  TV, I think it would be awful, but thats just my opinion

although if the MHKs were being filmed in the house at least they might behave a little better and more grown up eh

It could be as good or as crappy as people want it to be, that's my opinion. Mission has linked to a company (Solent) where a community station appears to be doing a bloody fine job, mainly run by volunteers and as well as the immediate locality, they broadcast to over 15,000 online viewers per week (and growing).


I have found and linked to Channel M, a "for profit" station, also doing very well.


The point of this thread was for me to say as I do in many of my posts that the Isle of Man does has reason to be proud of what it has been and what it is.


Public money will be spent trying to publicise us to the world. Personally I like the thought of some money being kept on Island pushing ideas that benefit us residents and go some way to improving local skills and utilising them.


If he travels a bit he's not likely to come back to this dump is he.


In my little dream world, men (ok ok and women too) have dreams, visions and "can do" attitudes. One day the Island may not be such a dump, but if that is to happen we all need to loose our negative attitudes :)

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Great concept - there was a company going to do a Manx telly station a couple of years ago... but they disappeared.


The trouble ISN'T really in the costs of uplinks and satellite time - it's producing enough material that people would watch, which would drive the advertising revenue, which would then fund the production of new programmes. Even the suggestion that it maybe only does 4 hours a day local stuff would prove a HUGE commitment.


It's all very well saying "ah, but if it's local we'll watch it" - I don't think people WOULD unless it was of the kind of quality people expect from mainstream broadcasters like the Beeb and ITV.


Sure, people like Duke and Greenlight have thousands of hours of motorsport programmes in their libraries, but they'd want paying for it, and it would run out...and frankly, you've probably seen most of the good stuff on Men & Motors anyway!


You could buy cheap programming, but why have a local station if that's how you're going to fill airtime?


Agree that the Solent thing is good - but it's basically just a radio show with cameras - and would become as repetitive as the Mannin Line after a while. And pity the shock-jock who cut callers off like they do across...it'd be a ferry timetable with the P45!


Babecast from Peel maybe? The Hitman and Her from Paramount? Would ANYONE watch Keys Questions live?


I've got experience of telly production AND radio, and know how hard it is to make good programmes for each medium. At a rough guess, I think a decent TV station here would cost around £5 million a year for even a limited service, unless it relied on home movies, or having media students working for nothing (they'd soon get fed up with THAT) or any number of cheap chat shows.


Think of it in terms of something like a man-day per finished minute to produce good local documentaries (research, write, shoot, edit, add graphics etc) and you'll see the hurdles.


Simon - top scheduling!

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I looked at that London TV thing too and had much the same thought. I mean there's so much crap on satellite tv these days, why NOT add a bit from Mann?!!


How does 'community tv' differ from the LondonTV channels? I dont know anything about it (you can tell) but perhaps we could start small and just have wierdo's on doing their stuff and gradually make way for bigger and better wierdos like MHKs lost in showbiz!


Although I'm not Manx, I do think we have so much that is unique, Tynwald could be done as a poor man's soap...! oh ok a step too far...?!


We dont have any arty farty 'boutique' hotels do we that earnest looking reviewers could critique like they do on LondonTV!! What IS a boutique hotel anyway?


I'm sure many people cringed along when that film man was interviewed saying the taxi man had told him that to meet people on the Island he could either join the masons or visit the toilets in noble's park....! Even an hour a day without words would be better than that for the Island's image!!


Aside from all the reasons why not - it would be great wouldn't it :D

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Stu me old bean.... Pffffft :P


One of the reasons that Solent works is in the workforce

July 2002: A charity on the Isle of Wight has secured a licence to run the UK's first not-for-profit television station.


Solent TV, a subsidiary of volunteering and training charity Island Volunteers, will begin broadcasting in October to all terrestrial viewers on the Isle of Wight. The station was awarded a four-year "restricted service licence" by TV body the Independent Television Commission.


Although Solent TV is not-for-profit, it will generate revenue through advertising and sponsorship. Any surpluses will be given to the parent charity Island Volunteers to support its work as a volunteer bureau, trainer and consultant to community groups.

In awarding the licence, the Independent Television Commission cited the "localness and community involvement


of Solent TV's programme proposals and said the new station's output would appeal to all sections of the community as well as visitors to the island.


Phil Truckel, head of DV Media, a trading subsidiary of Island Volunteers that will run the station, said: "Over time and as the station grows and gathers momentum, it is envisaged that Solent TV and the Isle of Wight will be regarded as a pioneer for not-for-profit broadcasting. There is such a lot of national interest in our proposals - we want the Island to be seen as a trailblazer.


Solent TV will broadcast 24-hours a day and buy in programmes from other production companies as well as making its own in-house shows.


Island Volunteers was established as a registered charity in 1993. It now employs more than 75 people, has an annual turnover of £1 million and owns several limited companies, overseen by the same board of volunteer trustees.


* Source *


Now who on this planet is better at runing "not for profit" schemes that our very own Government? Nothing they touch is profitable :D


Seriously though, what if it did cost £5m a year? (although we have no ideas of actual cost) advertising and sponsorship would offset some of that.


What value can be put on the genuine benefit to the Media students and technicians that could be involved? What value for the Dept. of Tourism and the DTI? Everytime we make 2 inches in a paper acrosss we are told how many thousands of pounds worth of advertising we have received.

(eg. Pink Yorkie:"Early estimates are that radio coverage will exceed £400,000 in value and national newspapers' features could boost that total to more than £500,000" and what did the Island gain from the excercise?)


If my belief is correct in a previous post that the Dept. of Tourism spent £0.5m on a handful of 30 second commercials (and goodness knows how much on the infamous "Tube Station" campain), that ammounts to 10% of that £5m figure (open to debate) for an entire 12 month usage of a dedicated TV channel that would have similar foorprint coverage.


Even if like Solent.TV the transmission was Analogue (and therefore Island coverage only) to keep overheads down (not that much cheaper) that would give time to assess Digital options. I think that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing properly, so UK satellite would be the way to aim.


I agree that cost of operation is an important factor, but value of operation could far outweigh that.

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