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Whale Wars


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Times Story


A high-tech $2 million powerboat piloted by self-styled green “pirates” was run down by a Japanese surveillance ship yesterday in the latest violent collision between the Japanese whaling fleet and environmentalists.


The Sea Shepherd organisation declared “whale war” on the Japanese fleet after the Ady Gil, a fibre-glass trimaran which holds the world record for the fastest ever global circumnavigation, was seriously damaged in a collision with the whaling ship, Shonan Maru II.

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yes i bet that boat is rally green,

id say max 5mpg




two 540 horsepower Cummins Mercruiser engines that run on a low-emission animal fat and vegetable oil mix biodiesel.


Gotta love Wiki, though - article already updated to


"Earthrace, later renamed Ady Gil, was a 78-foot (24 m), alternative fuel powered, wave-piercing trimaran"


Has it even sunk yet?

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One of the first and most important 'Rules of the Road' for avoiding collisions at sea is that the larger vessel has the right of way, as the smaller vessel is almost always more able to quickly alter its course. I don't know how well the Ady Gril, a vessel powered by vegetable oil and animal fat handles though, and it does have a bit of previous (Guatemalan fisherman killed in a collision while the Ady Gril was making its first attempt at the round the world powerboat record), although the 2.5 million dollar craft was absolved of all blame and compensation liability . Sea Shepherd themselves allegedly boast of having sunk a number of commercial whaling and fishing vessels, see pic below.



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Haha , that'll learn em , regardless of whether you agree the greenies are protesting about they are still obliged to follow marine regs and a lot of what they get up to is basically piracy . They decided to take on a big steel hulled ship in a flimsy trimaran and lost . Fuckem !

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Well these Japanese whalers are often breaching the law by catching whales ostensibly for scientific investigation when it is pretty obvious they are not being used for that purpose.

I therefore care little about the fact that those trying to put a stop to this whaling are breaking the law when the Japanese shouldn't be whaling in the first place.

In any case, given the fact that such whales are becoming increasingly endangered I would support attempts to put the whalers ships out of action.

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If there were no laws and I killed a number of random people, would that be wrong? The issue is about whether it is right to hunt these endangered animals. I am responding to Nosferatu on his issue about international law and piracy.



Which endangered animals? The minke whale isn't endangered, but it does compete with the endangered blue whale for food, and even if it were I'd say that any nation that is party to EU fishing policies has no right to an opinion on marine conservation. I say this, given our track record of dumping human, agricultural, industrial and even nuclear waste into the seas, stripping them of fish species by species, and ploughing up the seabed for shellfish. More than half of Japan's fish consumption is from sustainable aquaculture, and the other whaling nations, Norway and Iceland, have the best preserved fish stocks in Europe. If you want to save the whales then start with the countries that have critically damaged the marine food chain in their own waters and seem intent on doing the same almost everywhere else are allowed to fish - then, when that is all sorted out you can bleat about the clearly sustainable levels of whaling that other cultures are involved in.

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well all depends who the people would be.


could make the diffrence if it was right or wrong,

and you have to have reason why u killed them

as my right and wrong may be diffrent to yours


See here:


Thing is bus are really shit in the snow like really shit, would u really like to see a bus coming down the richmond sideways with a load of people on it

If it was full of Xfactor and Strictly fans, well, frankly, yes I would.

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If there were no laws and I killed a number of random people, would that be wrong? The issue is about whether it is right to hunt these endangered animals. I am responding to Nosferatu on his issue about international law and piracy.

To be honest LDV you haven't really thought this one through have you , maritime regulations and laws are primarily there for safety and to protect the environment so if we were all to ignore these rules as you suggest then a lot of shipowners could save a hell of a lot of money by simply dumping all their waste oil , bilge water and shite right over the side . No need to pay for expensive sewage treatment plants aboard the vessels , no need for bilge holding tanks = more room for cargo , they could burn whetver fuel they want because no regs on emissions etc etc .

Did you even know about the laws regarding a simple thing such as ballast water which in certain areas it is illegal to discharge ballast water from a different ocean in case it fucks up the local eco system ? No you just seen the words law/rules and law and rules must be disobeyed and jumped right on in there with your little crusade against the system .

As for the piracy issues I presume that if these tosspots endanger somebody aboard a whalers life then you won't really give a shit so what would be your opinion be if nobody bothered to rescue the halfwits who caused a collision through their own actions , see again this is where your martitime law comes in , vessels are obliged to come to the aid of any other stricken vessel .

Then we can get to another one of your favourite subjects ie the treatment of workers , maritime law actively tries to impound ships that are unsafe to work and live on and also ships where the crew are being exploited , so do away with that and again more savings for the shipowners .

So basically do away with maritime law , rules and regs and all the worlds shipowners would be very very happy and the worlds oceans would be very very shitty . Good call LDV

Just to cap it off lets transfer your must disobey rules logic to the roads and hey look theres some pedestrians walking in the road but meh I'm in a hurry so I'll just run the fuckers down they shouldn't be on my road , give way on a roundabout , meh takes too much effort I'll just go when I like . That would get a bit messy really , yep you guessed it the marine regs are there to try and prevent stuff like that happening at sea too .

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