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Wind Farm


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Look at where the proposed Irish Sea area is... right in the boat's path to liverpool.... can see the headlines already :)


I think we should definitely look at installing a secret cable to draw off some of the power from this farm... :)


How much energy p.a. does IOM use anyway? Anyone any ideas?

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So what it puts a little time on the journey to get round them, boo hoo tough shit, at least they are doing something unlike our govt who seem reluctant to look at wind power technology because they consider that scaring a few little fucking dicky birds that nest around our shores more important than ensuring our energy needs are met by a more sustainable method.

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at least they are doing something unlike our govt who seem reluctant to look at wind power technology because they consider that scaring a few little fucking dicky birds that nest around our shores more important than ensuring our energy needs are met by a more sustainable method.


So has that (the fucking dicky birds) been given as a reason for not developing offshore wind farms here ?

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at least they are doing something unlike our govt who seem reluctant to look at wind power technology because they consider that scaring a few little fucking dicky birds that nest around our shores more important than ensuring our energy needs are met by a more sustainable method.


So has that (the fucking dicky birds) been given as a reason for not developing offshore wind farms here ?

If you look at past consultations on use of prime locations for these wind farms you will see that a main reason for not locating them there has been due to the possible disturbance of bird nesting sites and hame to certain species of birds, so yes it has.

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For fucks sake, I am not here because you are too bone idle to look through the consultation papers, go look yourself so you can get your own answer saying as you wish to doubt it.

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For fucks sake, I am not here because you are too bone idle to look through the consultation papers, go look yourself so you can get your own answer saying as you wish to doubt it.


Despite your usual fucking this , fucking that routine - but the IOM govt has never given this as a reason. Which was the point of your original rant. They haven't.


Or - if they have, and I've missed it, then surely your big rant at least deserves a link. If it's a big enough issue for you to rant about then the least you can do is bring in some evidence.

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For fucks sake, I am not here because you are too bone idle to look through the consultation papers, go look yourself so you can get your own answer saying as you wish to doubt it.


Despite your usual fucking this , fucking that routine - but the IOM govt has never given this as a reason. Which was the point of your original rant. They haven't.


Or - if they have, and I've missed it, then surely your big rant at least deserves a link. If it's a big enough issue for you to rant about then the least you can do is bring in some evidence.


look here

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Try this http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/dti/final%20report%20rev%201.pdf it's a simple enough read and you will find there is a few sections that give the concerns to wildlife and that these are in areas of prime locations, which you may find is the reason it is still in debate on what to do as the environmentalists are constantly putting objections in and the govt has to take them into consideration, my point is windfarms should be a project that should not require planning permission that can be objected to because of wildlife constrains due to the nature of the necessity of the project. let's say up yours to protesters and build the bloody things. As has been found in other contries the wildlife it effects usualy pack up and go elsewhere during the construction phase, it's time we all woke up to the fact our reserves of fossil fuels are decreasing rapid and we need to switch to renewable or even neuclear power asap.

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Yes I read that. It quite properly references the issues relating to sensitive bird populations. It was a consultation - therefore, very obviously, the feedback has to be included. That's pretty much the nature of open consultation - which is a reasonable process with respect to finding out where to go for opinion. Next time maybe they should just ask you - and you can tell them fucking yes or fucking no.


At no point do the IOM govt rule out the possibilities of offshore wind farms because of the fucking dicky birds.

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Please quote me correctly I said reluctant too, not rule out. Just to add I would always and have always backed renewable energy sources above any nature restraints, my point from original was that the wind farm comes before the direct shipping route. BTW my vote was yes to the windfarms.

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I did hear on Look North West tonight that the blades are of such a large size that they will be visible from the IoM as well as the UK. Must be massive beasts if that is the case.

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