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Another Reason Why I Like To Live In This Country.

bluenose 52

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Backward, nasty, oppressive, and immoral laws made possible by a backward, infantile, and immoral mindsets that comes from Islam.

Can we take it that means you disagree with that.

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Backward, nasty, oppressive, and immoral laws made possible by a backward, infantile, and immoral mindsets that comes from Islam.

Can we take it that means you disagree with that.

heh heh :D

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Backward, nasty, oppressive, and immoral laws made possible by a backward, infantile, and immoral mindsets that comes from Islam


I disagree with that.


Not backward, not oppressive, and although admittedly nasty not immoral. Instead entirely reasonable.


For the time, region and society in which Islam was created.


A nasty violent vicious land inhabited by nasty violent vicious tribes in constant state of feud and at times open warfare one with another.


Islam was the answer. What Mohammed invented provided both stick and carrot as well as providing common purpose and common ground that most religious believers could relate to.


OK the Satanic Verses to draw in a group of Pagan tribes proved a tad indigestible by the followers of the majority not to mention his ‘story so far’ and had to be dropped but all in all Islam became the cement that could both bind or drown as appropriate, and above all brought peace to what had been warring tribes.


The problem of course arises when society evolves from being nasty violent and vicious and establishes the means to create man made laws that rejects what is now rightly seen as being nasty violent vicious against our civilised society standards.


A society wherein freedom of choice, freedom to live pretty much as one wants, and freedom to live in a world where the punishment fits the crime relative to the harm that the crime causes to society as a whole.


In a tribal society adultery and casual sex wasn’t simply immoral, it was potentially disastrous because of its potential to create huge schisms between tribes. So was abuse of alcohol, so were ‘cougars’ and other assorted predatory women. That is why the punishments of 1300 years ago in a savage land inhabited by savages were not unreasonable.


But the problem arises because Islam can NEVER change and remain Islam. It is believe by its votaries to be the perfect word of their God and as such being perfect in has no cause to change as it is already perfect.


If there is disparity between the dictates of Islam and the world today then it is the world today that must be changed to come into line with Islam.


What was a crime 1300 years ago and demanded a designated and not-to-be-changed punishment 1300 years ago is as valid (in Islam) now as it was then.


It is not the mindset that comes from Islam that is the problem, it is Islam itself.

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