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This thread is about e-cigarette's. (NO TROLLING)


day 8 still going well . i dont dont feel like killing any body yet.

i'm going out on the town to night with my fake fag .

i wonder if i'll last the night.or will i be an a king edwards come the early hours.

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congrats keep it up day 8 past the worst physical bit now its all just the mental stuff, you can do it, just try chatting to a smoke who has just had one, it's bloody awful the stench.

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This thread is about e-cigarette's. (NO TROLLING)


day 8 still going well . i dont dont feel like killing any body yet.

i'm going out on the town to night with my fake fag .

i wonder if i'll last the night.or will i be an a king edwards come the early hours.

Hi, I used one to give up last March (along with champix, Alan Carrs stop smoking book, kicking the dog etc). I still occasionally look in my pocket for my baccy tin, but it does get easier. Hang in there, and if you do have a cig, no big deal, just tell yourself it wasn't as nice as your ecig.

Good luck.

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To add to my previous this is the third time I have given up but for some reason it's easier this time, maybe because I am using the alcoholics way of thought, i.e. I havn't given up instead I am just not having one for an extended period, its one day at a time get up and think I wont have a cig today and eventually you will get up and not even think about it.

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hang over from hell

i dont think i smoked any fag's how ever i seem to remeber caining a roll up out side quid's inn. WHY.

So funny in quids inn the bar staff told me i cant smoke my e-cigarette in there pub.

i asked why . lmao . they told me I'M not aloud to smoke the white colored fag.. WTF ? but your aloud to smoke the black one i was told.

as it turns out they sell black e-cigarette's behind there bar at a very nice price of £50.(JOKE OR WHAT) mine cost about 30ish.

any how as i love to take the piss. i'm going to bring some Electrical Tape with me next time i go there.

coloer it black or red green & see what they say

lol . every pub i went in wher ok with my e-fag. apart from quid's inn .

any how i did not let that reck my night.

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£50 for a placebo cigarette? I thought they were props so you go maintain the habit of smoking while you wean off the addiction to nicotine (a bit strange if you ask me, since the habitual part also needs breaking). Or do they give a nicotine hit (if so does that gradually reduce (like with the patches)?)?

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£50 for a placebo cigarette? I thought they were props so you go maintain the habit of smoking while you wean off the addiction to nicotine (a bit strange if you ask me, since the habitual part also needs breaking). Or do they give a nicotine hit (if so does that gradually reduce (like with the patches)?)?


yeah you can get strong strengh or med or low. lol the srong 1's remind me of my school days . nicotine rush lol. i've tryed to stop smoking loads off time's

but i'm now thinking of not stoping smokin these e-fags aren't damaging to my health . & i love to smoke & all it's now costing is 70p a day

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yeah you can get strong strengh or med or low. lol the srong 1's remind me of my school days . nicotine rush lol. i've tryed to stop smoking loads off time's

but i'm now thinking of not stoping smokin these e-fags aren't damaging to my health . & i love to smoke & all it's now costing is 70p a day


Have a google - 'e-cigarettes dangerous' should do, just to see that some of the chemicals vapourised in these e-cigs is potentially dangerous too. Can't win eh?!!

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Bought one myself a few months ago & haven't smoked since, would highly recommend. They're almost EXACTLY like smoking a real cig - minus the smell/smoke/smoking ban/passive smoking/cost. You 'smoke' a vapour that is so realistic you can even blow smoke rings. The vapour has various flavourings in it that make it taste like a real smoke, and also the nicotine - which is the hit you want. You can buy cartridges of various strengths & even with no nicotine too.


There is some talk about them being potentially dangerous, as I understand it, this is because they haven't been fully tested on humans yet. However, the way I see it - smoking tobacco has definitely been proved to be a health risk, and it's the tar & carcinogens etc that are causing the health risks. These are absent in e-cigarettes.


I'd like to see them fully tested I guess, however, I've tried a few of the herbal cigs too - have they been fully tested? Is everything fully tested before it's pronounced "safe"? I don't know, but I do know that these defintely work as a stop smoking aid - unlike anything else. Even if they're not allowed to sell them as a stop smoking aid.


Cheek of Quid's charging £50! I bought a white one from the fella sellnig them over here (www.electroniccigarettes.im) however tbh I do wish it was black as the stares you get when smoking them in the pub always make you feel self-conscious. All the pubs have been cool with my e-cig apart from AMBER. I smoked it in there anyway though, just covertly. :)

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hang over from hell

i dont think i smoked any fag's how ever i seem to remeber caining a roll up out side quid's inn. WHY.

So funny in quids inn the bar staff told me i cant smoke my e-cigarette in there pub.

i asked why . lmao . they told me I'M not aloud to smoke the white colored fag.. WTF ? but your aloud to smoke the black one i was told.

as it turns out they sell black e-cigarette's behind there bar at a very nice price of £50.(JOKE OR WHAT) mine cost about 30ish.

any how as i love to take the piss. i'm going to bring some Electrical Tape with me next time i go there.

coloer it black or red green & see what they say

lol . every pub i went in wher ok with my e-fag. apart from quid's inn .

any how i did not let that reck my night.


Hello Guys,


One of our regulars has mentioned this thread, and we felt we should clear up a couple of things.


Firstly, in the case of you being told you can't smoke the cigarette, we can apologise for that. This was down to a new member of staff, who had been advised by her previous (brewery managed) employer that you weren't allowed to use the white cigarettes in public houses. She did mention the problem to me later that day and we cleared it up, so feel free to use them in Quids Inn if you wish. Of course, it would always be better to mention it to the staff first as if they see you across the room with a cigarette they may be concerned.


With regards to us selling black cigarettes and the price you are quoting this is totally wrong and you have been misinformed.

When the smoking ban first came in we did sell the WHITE cigarettes for a very short time, these were sold at £40 including 25 boxes of refills, which at the time was an extremely competitive price. Obviously, the overall price has dropped now and they are a little cheaper. However, we have not sold the cigarettes for around a year or so, and as such feel its a little unfair of you to be quoting a price which was incorrect and in the wrong time scale.


Anyway good luck with the quitting and as I said feel free to use your E-cigs in Quids Inn if you ever pop in for a drink again.

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hang over from hell

i dont think i smoked any fag's how ever i seem to remeber caining a roll up out side quid's inn. WHY.

So funny in quids inn the bar staff told me i cant smoke my e-cigarette in there pub.

i asked why . lmao . they told me I'M not aloud to smoke the white colored fag.. WTF ? but your aloud to smoke the black one i was told.

as it turns out they sell black e-cigarette's behind there bar at a very nice price of £50.(JOKE OR WHAT) mine cost about 30ish.

any how as i love to take the piss. i'm going to bring some Electrical Tape with me next time i go there.

coloer it black or red green & see what they say

lol . every pub i went in wher ok with my e-fag. apart from quid's inn .

any how i did not let that reck my night.


Hello Guys,


One of our regulars has mentioned this thread, and we felt we should clear up a couple of things.


Firstly, in the case of you being told you can't smoke the cigarette, we can apologise for that. This was down to a new member of staff, who had been advised by her previous (brewery managed) employer that you weren't allowed to use the white cigarettes in public houses. She did mention the problem to me later that day and we cleared it up, so feel free to use them in Quids Inn if you wish. Of course, it would always be better to mention it to the staff first as if they see you across the room with a cigarette they may be concerned.


With regards to us selling black cigarettes and the price you are quoting this is totally wrong and you have been misinformed.

When the smoking ban first came in we did sell the WHITE cigarettes for a very short time, these were sold at £40 including 25 boxes of refills, which at the time was an extremely competitive price. Obviously, the overall price has dropped now and they are a little cheaper. However, we have not sold the cigarettes for around a year or so, and as such feel its a little unfair of you to be quoting a price which was incorrect and in the wrong time scale.


Anyway good luck with the quitting and as I said feel free to use your E-cigs in Quids Inn if you ever pop in for a drink again.


theman just got OWNED...................searching interweb for a good pic

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