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Stop And Search Police Activities


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Thank the EU for this ruling! Though it does seem many British ministers (such as Alan Johnsson) are not happy with this decision. I am not sure from reading this whether this will really mean the end to the Filth undertaking such searches, which should never have been allowed in the first place.

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It took years to get rid of the old "sus" laws, ie the power of plod to stop and search because he was suspicious of you, not because he had reason to believe you had done something wrong. Thank heavens for the European Convention , the Humkan Ruighst Act and the fact that if our judges get it wrong you can still appeal to a more liberal outside body


The law on civil liberty. ie the right to be where you wantm doing what you wantm inocently without having to tell all to a government official is now more restrictive than since the mid C 19 and certainly than during two world wars when there was a real national emergency


The fact that more appeals to the ECHR come from UK citizens is a factor of either or both of two things, either we are more querulous and argumenative or the UK government introduces more anti libertarian laws than any one else

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It took years to get rid of the old "sus" laws, ie the power of plod to stop and search because he was suspicious of you, not because he had reason to believe you had done something wrong. Thank heavens for the European Convention , the Humkan Ruighst Act and the fact that if our judges get it wrong you can still appeal to a more liberal outside body


The law on civil liberty. ie the right to be where you wantm doing what you wantm inocently without having to tell all to a government official is now more restrictive than since the mid C 19 and certainly than during two world wars when there was a real national emergency


The fact that more appeals to the ECHR come from UK citizens is a factor of either or both of two things, either we are more querulous and argumenative or the UK government introduces more anti libertarian laws than any one else


Good lunch with a paying client :) ?

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"Humkan Ruighst Act"

That's not fair John, give us a chance FFS.


ps; 'ruighst' doesn't seem to bother the spell-checker. Might be onto something here.

Probably some ritual he gets up to with his mates at the lodge (nudge nudge etc.)

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Thank the EU for this ruling! Though it does seem many British ministers (such as Alan Johnsson) are not happy with this decision. I am not sure from reading this whether this will really mean the end to the Filth undertaking such searches, which should never have been allowed in the first place.



I wonder who you will ring first when you need help, Thats right the filth !!! TWAT.

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It took years to get rid of the old "sus" laws, ie the power of plod to stop and search because he was suspicious of you, not because he had reason to believe you had done something wrong.


So what is your position on the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2009? Because this guy reckons it's a threat to civil liberties:


'Bill threatens to make Isle of Man a police state' - claims MLC


He said: 'If this bill is passed in its present form it will become a precursor to the creation of a police state. The draft bill contains a number of highly controversial clauses. Several of these would allow the police to by-pass the judicial process.'


He explained: 'It would allow the police to enter your home without a warrant, act as a censor of stage performances, of unclassified films and even internet images.


'Public meetings could be disbanded, exhibits could be removed from art galleries (as has already happened in the UK) and, astonishingly, under-age children could be used to entrap shopkeepers.'

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Thank the EU for this ruling! Though it does seem many British ministers (such as Alan Johnsson) are not happy with this decision. I am not sure from reading this whether this will really mean the end to the Filth undertaking such searches, which should never have been allowed in the first place.



I wonder who you will ring first when you need help, Thats right the filth !!! TWAT.

That's right! It would have to be if I was robbed and wanted my stuff back, for example. No other way of going about it.

They are involved in lots of awful things - it's their job and makes them what they are.

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That's right! It would have to be if I was robbed and wanted my stuff back, for example.

But have you not previously said all property is theft, therefore the thief who takes you stuff is only redistributing your possessions gained through working to gain wealth and status, thus it would be ok.

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With the influx of the scum of the earth into Britain who have absolutely no respect for Britain, the British, and in the case of well over a million the ECHR itself, it is insane to prevent our security forces from doing what now sadly needs to be done to try to bring safety to our streets.


I WANT to be able to walk down the street, to go into a shop, a restaurant, to travel on public transport without fear of being mugged or worse by some low life piece of filth with a knife, a gun, or a mission.


To enable this we need to have our security forces able to sink to the depths that the filth in our midst now inhabit in order to confront them


Preventing our police from doing this by stopping and searching especially those who fall into the categories that most trouble comes from is a very bad move indeed.

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I wouldn't worry Rog, see




If you've time have a look at the other articles linked below that article, where you can see what a fine job Section 44 is doing in keeping us all safe


In particular see this link




which includes "BBC stills photographer Jeff Overs has lodged a formal written complaint against police after officers demanded his name, address and date of birth when they stopped him under the Met's Section 44 'stop and account' powers."


And then see http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/police/powers/stop-and-search/ which clearly states "You don’t have to give your name, address or date of birth to the police if you’re stopped and searched unless you’re being reported for an offence."


The police either abuse their powers or are ignorant of the law in these cases and then it all escalates and then you are on their computer and can kiss goodbye any ideas of visiting Florida or New York


Also see the likes of





etc, etc,


for samples of bumbling police who don't seem to know the law very well.


I generally support the police, but sometimes I despair



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I wouldn't worry Rog, see




If you've time have a look at the other articles linked below that article, where you can see what a fine job Section 44 is doing in keeping us all safe


These, and more, sadly are prices we must now pay for letting the scum of the earth into the UK.

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