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Man's Inhumanity To Man Begets Childrens' Inhumanity To Children


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Torture attack brothers detained


What sort of life must these kids have had to turn them into such sadistic monsters at such a young age?


IMHO those responsible for the kids' upbringing and supervision (or lack of it) should be held equally culpable for their actions.


I'm convinced there is a 'scum' gene. It would explain a great deal.

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Final paragraph in the report "Chair of the board, Roger Thompson, said: "No-one could have predicted the severity of the attack. However, the review has concluded there were serious failings in local services."


That says it all, yet again social services do the political correct thing and ignore the evil little shits because to punish them would be against their human rights, instead two innocents get tortured.

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Torture attack brothers detained


What sort of life must these kids have had to turn them into such sadistic monsters at such a young age?


IMHO those responsible for the kids' upbringing and supervision (or lack of it) should be held equally culpable for their actions.


I'm convinced there is a 'scum' gene. It would explain a great deal.


Explains your existence for one ! Seriously, change the record.....

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Torture attack brothers detained


What sort of life must these kids have had to turn them into such sadistic monsters at such a young age?


IMHO those responsible for the kids' upbringing and supervision (or lack of it) should be held equally culpable for their actions.


I'm convinced there is a 'scum' gene. It would explain a great deal.


Hey man, it's your god wot done it.

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Torture attack brothers detained


What sort of life must these kids have had to turn them into such sadistic monsters at such a young age?


IMHO those responsible for the kids' upbringing and supervision (or lack of it) should be held equally culpable for their actions.


That's certainly true. The pathetic excuse of a mother of those two torturers allowed them to watch hard core porn and horror videos in addition to dosing them with cannabis to keep them quiet and avoid the responsibility of giving them any parental attention. If she faces charges of neglect or whateever else the law can throw at her then she deserves all she gets.

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In my eyes these two boys should just be put down and the parents need to be sterlilised!


We all need to hope to god ( or whoever ) that something like this never happens again. I've never seen senior police officers react in such a way before, don't forget we're being spared the majority of the crimes here ( due to the age of the offenders ).


sick sick little animals....dogs would be put down for less!

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Whooooaha! You can't go 'putting people down'. Doctor Jimmy (off Doctors in the afternoon) was kidnapped and tortured by a brother and sister who had suffered at the hands of bad parents, same goes for these lads - if you are going to be putting anyone down I'd suggest the parents are where the problems lie & thus should be first in the firing line. It is a sin, 4 childrens lives made 'unnormal' by 2 terrible parents.


Why are there so many assholes taking drugs? they're always giving drugs such a bad name, it's not the drugs its the users. It's a nice cop out though and very popular with the press "It was the cannabis, it made me do it....." soon becomes DOPE TO BLAME FOR ALL THE WORLDS SOCIAL PROBLEMS, masks the truth well and Daily Mail readers hate the cannabis.

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