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Dangerous Woo Doesn't Work


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You might be confusing science with something else. If you can find any evidence of scientific ‘dogma’ or dogmatic practice that needs to be done away with I’d suggest you submit your findings and conclusions to peer review and look for a publisher - you could be on your way to a major scientific reward.

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Science and industry now increasingly go hand in hand.

Universities rely on industry for a lot of their funding so if a large pharmaceutical company, for example, have a product to sell but would benefit greatly from a respected university to perform a study to come up with an outcome which might be agreeable to them then they may agree to make a donation. A university then know it needs to end up with outcome X so will devise a study in such a way to get that outcome.   

It'd be lovely if all science was objective but money doesn't grow on trees. For the right price anyone can get a study done to come up with any virtually any outcome.

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For the right price anyone can get a study done to come up with any virtually any outcome.


I have no doubt that's true given the number of mad professors that abound. However the desired outcome will not get past peer review. Furthermore the results of double blind trials would have to be falsified = professional reputation trashed as in the MMR debacle. In that case, erasure from the register was a bonus. Mad professors mostly have no reputation to loose anyway.

If you start from a place where you disbelieve, it is getting increasingly easier to shovel up so called evidence to confirm your initial stance given the ever increasing social media driven fake news. Scientist start from a neutral point which is quite different.

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