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Jew Hating Alpine Town Bids To Host Winter Olympics


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With the exception of the blanket criticism of the BNP, a political party who do have many very good and very true messages that the main parties dare not repeat, I totally agree.


Erm really like what exactly...


Heroes to some demons to others


or do you mean this highly detailed list of policies


First policy on immigration the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands"


The BNP may speak the kind of "truth" you like to hear but I find them and Britian's swing to the right disturbing.


Well to start with when it comes to immigration and its disastrous effects on the UK they’re willing to call a spade a spade.


As for the swing to the political Right in the UK, I find it disturbing that it has taken so long in the face of the present horrible government and that it is such a small swing --- so far.


As the living standards drop --- as they surely will in the UK let alone on The Island --- that swing will hopefully turn into a massive surge.


It’s time to cleanse the hives, and people are finally realising such to be the case.

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