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University Students Are Being Failed In Exams Because They Quote Sayings From The Bible Or Qur'an As Scientific Facts


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I've seen a few of those Jimbms - my favourite is:


Christianity - The belief that an all-loving, walking dead, Jewish deity, who is also, although he always existed, his own father, and who is also, together with his father, a ghost, gave himself permission, as a result of committing suicide by cop, although he didn't really die, not to send you to a place of eternal torture, which he created for you, but will rather, through removing an evil force that is present in all humanity because his Dad allowed a rib-woman and a mud man to be convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magic tree, let you live forever in a magical paradise as long as you truly believe that you are telepathically telling him you accept him as your master and pretend that when eating bread and drinking wine you are magically or symbolically eating his flesh and drinking his blood.


I think the CofE version is:


Christianity - The idea that humanity's behaviour is unacceptable and so the only way for us to be accepted is by asking to be forgiven.



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so after you finished quoteing a load of old lies and rabblings of man that wanted to control ppl,

i ask again what So what would you call a miracle of god.


A man having terminal cancer... and the doctors saying he will die. During a routine scan/treatment, they realise that to their amazement, the cancer has completely gone.


That would be a miracle.


On a smaller level... a man prays for something specific, and something wonderful. Sometime later, that prayer is answered specifically. That would also be a miracle.


There are a great variety of miracles, and many thousands of people can testify of having witnessed a miracle in their life.


But to you, the non-believer... i would be wasting my time if i was to go into any specifics with you - and you know it.

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Chinahand, remembering of course that the term 'Christianity' encompasses a huge number of ideologies... often in direct contrast to another. For one, not all Christians believe Jesus is 'his own Father'. Not all Christians believe in the Trinity.



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So DjDan - lets have your version then!


I've actually asked Christians about this - I call it the Ronnie Regan test - Reagan always insisted that any issue was presented to him on one page of A4 12 point font double spaced.


Could you sum up the Morman religion for good old Ronnie?

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so after you finished quoteing a load of old lies and rabblings of man that wanted to control ppl,

i ask again what So what would you call a miracle of god.


A man having terminal cancer... and the doctors saying he will die. During a routine scan/treatment, they realise that to their amazement, the cancer has completely gone.


That would be a miracle.


On a smaller level... a man prays for something specific, and something wonderful. Sometime later, that prayer is answered specifically. That would also be a miracle.


There are a great variety of miracles, and many thousands of people can testify of having witnessed a miracle in their life.


But to you, the non-believer... i would be wasting my time if i was to go into any specifics with you - and you know it.


actually the specifics would be a very convincing argument for us non-believers, the problem is that when you try to give us some we analyse the data and show you why the 'specifics' are actually unconvincing and thats the real reason you wont go into it - and you know it.


take your example of the cancer, if cancer receeding is a sign from divinity of its exisitance or is an answer to prayer, why does the rate of these miracles happen just as much to people from all faiths and atheists too?


and why some things and not others?, we know that the body can and sometimes does fight off cancer, but humans never grow back limbs, if god were to answer the prayer of just one amputee it would be very compelling evidence.


The truth is prayer does nothing and there are no miracles, if either could be shown to be true, rational people would convert in droves.


the russians say " pray to god but continue to row to shore"


which really begs the question, then why pray?

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Religious nuts?... you mean 'people whose opinion I disagree with'.


Effectively, that's all it is. Science does not equal atheism. The notion that to be a scientist you must ignore Gods existence is wrong.


However, quoting religious text in exams is rather pointless!

Anyone who holds to something as the truth based on nothing but faith when those supposed truths are so intricate and fantastic does appear to be a little nuts.

And scientists do not IGNORE God's existence. He doesn't exist, he doesn't manifest in our world and such a manifestation is what we base the definition of existence on.

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Academics fight rise of creationism at universities


A growing number of science students on British campuses and in sixth form colleges are challenging the theory of evolution and arguing that Darwin was wrong. Some are being failed in university exams because they quote sayings from the Bible or Qur'an as scientific fact and at one sixth form college in London most biology students are now thought to be creationists.


Earlier this month Muslim medical students in London distributed leaflets that dismissed Darwin's theories as false. Evangelical Christian students are also increasingly vocal in challenging the notion of evolution.


In the United States there is growing pressure to teach creationism or "intelligent design" in science classes, despite legal rulings against it. Now similar trends in this country have prompted the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, to confront the issue head on with a talk entitled Why Creationism is Wrong. The award-winning geneticist and author Steve Jones will deliver the lecture and challenge creationists, Christian and Islamic, to argue their case rationally at the society's event in April.


Let's hope he gets his point across & that the pool of science isn't diluted by some religious nuts pissing in it....

My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.

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The Articles of Faith


All our teachings would of course fill more than a page of A4.... but the above short statements give a concise (and brief) overview.


But that's all about beliefs and faith - what's that got to do with reality?


Of course it's about beliefs and faith.... it's about a religion.


In any case if you read the thread, you will find that I was answering a question...

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A man having terminal cancer... and the doctors saying he will die. During a routine scan/treatment, they realise that to their amazement, the cancer has completely gone.


That would be a miracle.


Or a misdiagnosis. Lots of medical things aren't completely understood.


On a smaller level... a man prays for something specific, and something wonderful. Sometime later, that prayer is answered specifically. That would also be a miracle.


Or a lucky coincidence.

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