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What's the betting if he had been hetrosexual he would have been sent to prison, but heaven forbid we offend the gay/lesbian community by sending a gay HIV possitive man to prison that would be too homophobic.

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What's the betting if he had been hetrosexual he would have been sent to prison, but heaven forbid we offend the gay/lesbian community by sending a gay HIV possitive man to prison that would be too homophobic.


I'm betting if he'd have been heterosexual he'd have got the same sentence but the Daily Mail wouldn't report it.

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  • 1 month later...
What's the betting if he had been hetrosexual he would have been sent to prison, but heaven forbid we offend the gay/lesbian community by sending a gay HIV possitive man to prison that would be too homophobic.


I'm betting if he'd have been heterosexual he'd have got the same sentence but the Daily Mail wouldn't report it.

Jimbms seems to suffer with the ignorant Daily Mail mentality - thinking that certain groups are getting a better deal in society.


And how much relevance does the man's and the neighbour's sexuality have to do with anything. If they were straight would it say "Straight man tried to poison straight neighbours...?" I don't think so.

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And it took you a month to come up with a reply to that joke?



But I bet you read and enjoy, the Daily Mail. Not that you'd be alone in that particular stance, the piles of Daily Mails in our newsagents are highly depressing.

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"Not that you'd be alone in that particular stance, the piles of Daily Mails in our newsagents are highly depressing."


Given that most people tend to buy a newspaper that agrees with their point of view and reinforces their prejudices, perhaps the large volume of Wails sold should tell you something about the views of a huge number of people. Perhaps people like you, Acorn, (Guardianista?) are a minority?

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And it took you a month to come up with a reply to that joke?



But I bet you read and enjoy, the Daily Mail. Not that you'd be alone in that particular stance, the piles of Daily Mails in our newsagents are highly depressing.

To correct you the only newspaper I have bought for the last 35 years is the telegraph and even that is only about once ever couple of weeks or if travelling, as I like the crossword in it and the news aint to bad. How you can assume from my previous posts that I even have any slight left wing views baffles me, but I suppose if you know what the content of the Mail is then I guess you must read it at times.

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