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Mass Effect 2


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Seen as everyone on my friends list is playing this I'm surprised there isn't a thread already.


What's everyone's feelings on it so far?


I'm only a few hours in after it taking a week to arrive, and losing 3 hours of progress to the save glitch.


Defiantly better than Dragon Age, but so far not as good as the first, although I've only just scratched the surface and not even recruited my first ally.


The reduction in the RPG/loot elements of the game is a bit crap but it does make the game more streamlined which is nice I guess.

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It is a lot more streamlined, and it is very strange having no "loot" to speak of but I'm absolutely loving it...I'm about 22hours ( lvl17 ) in and have just recruited an old friend from the first game ;) .


I'm playing through as an "adept", full biotic powers and heavy pistols. I'm looking forward to playing some of the different classes ( possibly engineer next ).


I think it's a much better experience to the first ( to be honest the menu system from ME1 was just fecking dreadful ), the ability to now bend biotic powers opens up loads of combat options!

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Seen as everyone on my friends list is playing this I'm surprised there isn't a thread already.


What's everyone's feelings on it so far?


I'm only a few hours in after it taking a week to arrive, and losing 3 hours of progress to the save glitch.


Defiantly better than Dragon Age, but so far not as good as the first, although I've only just scratched the surface and not even recruited my first ally.


The reduction in the RPG/loot elements of the game is a bit crap but it does make the game more streamlined which is nice I guess.

Not sure if it is as good as the first version. I don't much like the RB power wheel - too many fingers in play. I am enjoying the game though - just finished both main missions on Omega!

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I don't much like the RB power wheel - too many fingers in play.


You're kidding right? The power wheel gives complete control over firefights, when you get onto some of the tougher enemies it's a god-send enabling you the freedom to set-up and take down multiple targets at the same time... but I'm sure they had the same kind of thing in the first game didn't they?

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It is a lot more streamlined, and it is very strange having no "loot" to speak of but I'm absolutely loving it...I'm about 22hours ( lvl17 ) in and have just recruited an old friend from the first game ;) .


I'm playing through as an "adept", full biotic powers and heavy pistols. I'm looking forward to playing some of the different classes ( possibly engineer next ).


I think it's a much better experience to the first ( to be honest the menu system from ME1 was just fecking dreadful ), the ability to now bend biotic powers opens up loads of combat options!


I now have 2 old friends from the first game in my crew. I'm regretting not going for a biotic character now as it would probably be a lot more interesting to play than the soldier class. I'm roughly around 20 some thing hours in at lvl 26 (I think) my imported character gave me a 5 lvl boost at the start of the game.


I think I may be closing in on the end of the game now, all team members collected and loyal, most upgrades bought.


Enjoying the assassin's story and character the most out of the team members, followed by the scientist who's loyalty mission seems to offer the greatest character development.

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I'm in the same position, all shipmates picked up, all loyalty missions done, every planet explored and sidequest finished ( I think )...I'm trying my hardest to romance Tali ( it's the voice ;) ) but I think I may have left picking her up too late to see the fruits of my labour!


playing through as an adept ( pure biotic ) has been a blast, the crowd control abilities ( singularity ) are brilliant when up against hordes of melee enemies!


My favourite characters so far are Mordin, Tali and Jack ( her loyalty mission is brilliant )...


Scarbunny, have you picked up the m-20 cain heavy weapon yet?!?! Pure destruction! :lol:

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I have the Cain, I've not used it yet though, tend to use the Collector beam for my HW.


I'm focusing on Miranda for the romance, although I thought your PA should have been possible seen as you can get her to your room for dinner.


I might have to play again as a biotic of some kind. For ME1 I played as an Infiltrator which I didn't really enjoy as the class lacked both decent skills and decent weapons, so I respecced as a soldier this time round for all out combat fun, and felt like I missed out on the other good stuff. For ME3 I will play through as a biotic first time.

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Yep also finished last night, sort of expected more, but still one of the better games I have played for a while. I think I have made some of the worst mistakes possible though and am going to be royally screwed if I import for ME3


Reprogrammed the Geth instead of killing them

Saved the data on the Krogan genophage

Saved the collector base


I'm sure there are others I missed.


I'll probably play through on insanity on my offline box, tend to mess around with achievement hunting on that one rather than on my main system, and then play the end game online.

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I made the same deicions as you apart from the last one ( spoilers not working for some reason )...


I'm really quite excited at the prospect of number 3 now, based on the sheer number of decisions made, people left alive etc etc the game is going to have to be pretty big in scope.


Just the difference between how you ( scarbunny ) and I played the game is going to have massive storytelling impacts on the 3rd game.


btw new dlc available today ( armour and shotgun )

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Free DLC is always good.


It would be interesting to see some DLC/expansion/spin off, focusing on the past of some of the characters, all of them but Jacob seem to have interesting stories they could build on. Working through Thaines vengeance, Miranda's work with Cerberus, Mordin's work with the Krogan, What ever Jack did to get locked up.


Looks like they will be milking this and Dragon Age for a while


According to an EA spokesperson on today's earning call, something "far-reaching" will be coming for Mass Effect 2 in Q4 of EA's fiscal 2010, which falls somewhere between January 1st and March 31st 2011.
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