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Man Who Forced Wife To Wear Muslim Veil To Be Denied French Nationality


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France to deny citizenship to man who requires wife to wear burqa


In an ongoing debate, the French government has struck another blow against the burqa with the prime minister set to sign a decree denying citizenship to a man for forcing his wife to wear the full Islamic veil.


France's Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Wednesday on Europe 1 radio he would sign a decree sent to him by Immigration Minister Eric Besson refusing citizenship to a Moroccan man. The reason, he said, was that the man stated in his application he would never allow his wife to leave the home without a full veil and that a woman "is an inferior being."


Shocking - there are people who want to be French?

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I have to say I find it a bit disturbing. Its like when the Americans go on about Anti-American activities - are the French claiming those attitudes don't exist in France, or only exist in Islamic families - yeah right - the Austrian cellar incest-ist Joeseph Fritzl was a high catholic who had very strong opinions about the place of women in society. Lets not pretend that such people don't exist in France and aren't accepted as being as French as cheese.


Certainly such attitudes are repellent, but civil society should have internal mechanisms for dealing with them - it is imperitive it does due to the sad fact such attitudes are too prevelent and so women need to escape them.


I would want to have civil society strong enough to defeat such attitudes - strong, integrated secular schools, clear values of equality and self determination - than allow them the moral victory that they have been banned or censored.

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yeah right - the Austrian cellar incest-ist Joeseph Fritzl was a high catholic who had very strong opinions about the place of women in society. Lets not pretend that such people don't exist in France and aren't accepted as being as French as cheese.

Cheese first came from the middle east too didn't it?

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  • 4 years later...

Appalling attitude toward women displayed by the Moroccan man.


However, in similar vein, the French ban on wearing a full-face veil is not any kind of victory except for bigotry and repression. It has nothing to do with religion, you say? Muhammad's sweaty ass crack it hasn't. As much as the imposition on women to wear a veil is rooted in misogynistic cultural-religious attitudes, the ban on wearing it is rooted in Western Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, and intolerance.


You want to tackle radical Islam... by suppressing their religious practices? Good thinking, Sarkozy.

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As this is a Human Rights judgment it means a ban on the full face veil could be applied in Britain too.


I certainly agree that 'showing your face' is part of western, and British culture. As such, I frankly don't like the culture of the veil. However, I am probably slightly more uncomfortable with banning such things.


I would prefer that attitudes amongst British Muslims become more relaxed and that they become more comfortable in showing their faces when out and about.

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I think that wearing black robes and a veil draws attention to the woman in the UK and especially in the IOM.


This must go somewhere to defeat its object.


Reminds me of Batman wanting a corner table in a restaurant because he did not what to be conspicuous

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