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Call Of Duty 7!


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If you finally get sick of Modern Warfare 2 come winter, Activision has you covered: Call of Duty 7 will be ready for the holiday season. Kotaku is reporting that in today's quarterly earnings call, Activision Blizzard claimed it will "continue annualizing" the FPS cash cow.


In the same call, CEO Bobby Kotick hinted that there may be a subscription fee in Call of Duty's future, stating, "If you think about the successes we have had in other categories on subscriptions, you can get a sense of the direction we want to take that franchise."


So, how excited are you about a new Call of Duty game every year, possibly with a monthly subscription plan attached: very excited, super excited, or very super excited?

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I know I wont be buying it if its through IW.Net again!! constantly aimbots etc on the pc now gets boring a bit.... vac need to update asap! i really dont see what the problem was with the way they had it in cod4... perfect you could select if you wanted modded or unmodded servers..


I love the game, but cheating is boring and i defo can't aford the subscription!

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I know I wont be buying it if its through IW.Net again!! constantly aimbots etc on the pc now gets boring a bit.... vac need to update asap! i really dont see what the problem was with the way they had it in cod4... perfect you could select if you wanted modded or unmodded servers..


I love the game, but cheating is boring and i defo can't aford the subscription!

My young cousin said the same thing once, but this was ally assault I think? He disliked the cheats and therefore packed it in.

I'm surprised that they cant stop computer cheaters by having their programmes cheat proof?

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they can if they can be arsed!


its not cheats that your thinking off :) the cheats these days on PC's are programs running beside the game to make it do something it shouldn't I.E. Aimbots which aim the gun for you at your opponents, but they should be able to pick this up!!

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