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God Of War 3

the mo beats experience

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it's looking absolutely fucking amazing Mr Beats! The whole concept of fighting a boss on a boss ( who may well be ontop of another boss ) sounded like pure fantasy to me when they announced it, but looking at the trailer it's looking like they've got it nailed.


It's like Shadow of the Colossus injected with super-strenght Greek steriods...


Anyone fancy lending me the HD versions of the first two so I can get my fingers in decent order!? ;)

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I'm still trying to get through the spikey columny/spinning tube bridge thing of Hades on the first one. Yours when i'm done kidda.

Its a fantastic job they've done on it for sure, far better game, all the glitches have been ironed out, graphics for the most part seem as good as any other game on the PS3 bar likes of Drake. Epic isn't the word, forgot how much i loved those games, some of the levels are just genius.

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