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Why Is Cruelty To Animals Punished So Leniently?


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quite agree, the things humans can do to animals is horrendous and if done to another human being they would of probably been institutionalised for a very long time.

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Um, perhaps because 90% of people are happy to eat the rotting flesh from sentient animals that have had their throats cut & then been hung by their legs upside to drip-die? Makes feeding kittens to a pit-bull seem positively kind really...


Until that's addressed....well, you can't be against cruelty to just some animals...can you?

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I fully agree, cruelty to animals should be punished as equal to cruelty to humans, but the case mentioned does bring up a good dialema, that being that a person with a full grown python will quite often feed this with live mice or small live rabbits, to these animals it can be a very slow and painful death but this seems to be ignored as they state they are only doing what occurs naturally in the wild, now consider the same argument being used i.e. the owner fed the dog the kittens and states that had the dog been wild then it being a carniverous hunter the same would have occured. I am in no way condoning either action, but if you analyse it both pet owners are actualy doing the same thing, yet one is classed as ok and ignored and the other is illegal. many years ago we found a very injured barn owl and nursed it back to health, it took a long time before it finally flew off back into the wild although from the time it was well enough it was always free to leave, now because I gave this bird shelter and let it fly free to hunt and kill small animals for food, could this be classed as cruelty to it's prey, some would say yes, but in that situation I say no as allowing it to do this was part of reintroducing it back into the wild. All I am saying is although the case mentioned is a case of cruelty, there are some situations where it is a matter of debate and not just black and white.

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Um, perhaps because 90% of people are happy to eat the rotting flesh from sentient animals that have had their throats cut & then been hung by their legs upside to drip-die? Makes feeding kittens to a pit-bull seem positively kind really...


Until that's addressed....well, you can't be against cruelty to just some animals...can you?



Meat is dinner though.

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Um, perhaps because 90% of people are happy to eat the rotting flesh from sentient animals that have had their throats cut & then been hung by their legs upside to drip-die? Makes feeding kittens to a pit-bull seem positively kind really...


Until that's addressed....well, you can't be against cruelty to just some animals...can you?



Meat is dinner though.

I take that Alex has no animal product or item derived or manufactured making use of anything from animal products in his/her house, car or personal effects. mmm must be a very bare houehold and a strange car they have.

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I can't think where in a car you would have to have an animal by-product.

Many places, a lot of glues have a minute amount of substances from glands of certain animals, this is often well disguised by using its chemical name and by law it does not have to be declaired as an animal product. That is to name but one.

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Very much agree with what Jimbms says. I don't own a cat, but find the mass cruelty that results from such animals at odds with our societies attitudes to dog fighting, fox hunting or whatever. All those cat owners who laugh at tiddles when he comes in with another bird or rodent - its an odd world where some cruelties are fine and others aren't.


Anyone for boiled lobster?

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Jimbms - I can't see how it would be cruel to nurse the owl and return it to the wild. You are not forcefeeding the owl live animals in captivity and watching it because you enjoy seeing it kill other animals. And I think that is one of the markers of human cruelty to other animals. I have seen a few videos on Youtube and there are countless more where owners of exotic pets marvel at their weird pets killing various different animals. There is a certain enjoyment that the owners have in watching this killing. It isn't even a proper study of seeing carnivorous animals kill their prey in the wild but putting defenceless animals in a tank where they WILL get killed and getting a buzz watching it. Kinda sick. I think this man is one of these twisted bastards. Though his cruel and nasty aspect of his personality is no doubt coupled by the common masculine posturing of having a dog as an extension of himself.

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Jimbms - I can't see how it would be cruel to nurse the owl and return it to the wild. You are not forcefeeding the owl live animals in captivity and watching it because you enjoy seeing it kill other animals. And I think that is one of the markers of human cruelty to other animals. I have seen a few videos on Youtube and there are countless more where owners of exotic pets marvel at their weird pets killing various different animals. There is a certain enjoyment that the owners have in watching this killing. It isn't even a proper study of seeing carnivorous animals kill their prey in the wild but putting defenceless animals in a tank where they WILL get killed and getting a buzz watching it. Kinda sick. I think this man is one of these twisted bastards. Though his cruel and nasty aspect of his personality is no doubt coupled by the common masculine posturing of having a dog as an extension of himself.

Do please try to give answers based on the whole of the post someone puts instead of picking a selective bit that suits the answer you want to give. I never said the owl bit was cruel I asked if it can be regarded as being and you seem to conveniently miss out the question of the snake, was this because it could go both ways, i.e. a genuine snake lover would feed it thus because it was its natural way of feeding yet some owners would do it for pleasure, ok answer another, I one had a pet roseyback tarantula and used to feed it live crickets, was this cruel?

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