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Boycott Malta


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How does it contradict as my understanding is that there is no relationship, as any form of killing an animal for sport is wrong as is culling, the natural order is for one animal to eat another as we do but what right have we to kill any animal for sport or to keep it's population down we we cannot do the same with our own species. My argumaent was that we should not follow the example of the americans and interfere with the ways and culture of another nation just because we do not like it, a good example is how the west are hypocritical by protesting about the killing of dogs in eastern nations for food when we have them as pets yet we will freely kill a cow when it is sacret to another race without thought for them. We have no right to impose our standards on other nations when we have so many faults ourselves.

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Come on jimbms, don't let the side down. A cull is deemed necessary because an area of land can only sustain a certain amount of life. Normally (non interference) natural selection would take its course, but that takes time so humans interfere in the process and call it 'animal management', 'culling' or 'conservation'. In the same way as game shoots will kill native birds of prey to ensure there are plenty of pheasents etc; for the shooters. (allegedly)

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Come on jimbms, don't let the side down. A cull is deemed necessary because an area of land can only sustain a certain amount of life. Normally (non interference) natural selection would take its course, but that takes time so humans interfere in the process and call it 'animal management', 'culling' or 'conservation'. In the same way as game shoots will kill native birds of prey to ensure there are plenty of pheasents etc; for the shooters. (allegedly)

Ah now I get it, just like the USA determined there was too many people they didn't like in the middle east so they invaded a couple of areas to cull the population and a few of their own as well or like China invades Tibet and culls a few people there to make more room for itself. Now it all becomes clear.

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How does it contradict as my understanding is that there is no relationship,


I'm confused. One minute you claim to "understand the relationship" between game hunting and conservation but now you're saying there is no relationship.


I'll try to explain what the relationship is.

Huge swathes of land in the continental United States (to use your particular example) are preserved (read conserved) for game hunting - be that wildfowl and other game birds or deer etc. These areas of land support a diverse range of wildlife other than the game. Now, if it wasn't for the preservation of this land which is paid for and maintained by the hunters, this land would simply not exist in it's current state and would be exposed to 'development' (shopping malls, housing etc). The game that is hunted on these preserves is strictly controlled by licensing and quotas.

Put simply, it looks like this: No hunting = no financial support = no habitat = no wildlife.


The same can be said about vast land areas in Europe (inc.Britain) and, especially Africa.

Be it right or wrong, like everything else, wildlife has to pay it's way in the modern world and if this involves carefully regulated hunting then so be it.


Going back to the original topic, the hunting in Malta is not regulated or controlled and does not restrict itself to 'legitimate' game species. It's wrong and needs to be stopped by whatever means is deemed appropriate.


Please sign the petition, you know it makes sense.

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Please don't boycott malta, thousands of people earn their living from tourism in malta (many of my family and friends included who are not hunters and don't approve of hunting) if you'd like to do something then please write to the government of malta


their website is



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aimeejulia: I am with you all the way there, what is the point of hurting the people of a nation who are not involved, it is the government who need to be addressed and they wont care if a family starves because nobody uses their cafe this summer.


CJW: I am afraid you do not get the point, we as humans do not have the right to hunt any animal for sport for any reason bar for food which with the exception of a few tribal people in the world is not necessary. If humans did not fuck up the natural habitat then nature would be the one who would decide which species survived. The argument that areas of land are preserved for hunting rather than building so species can survive is bollocks, why can't it just be preserved so wildlife can wander freely without man hunting it, in fact it does not even need preserving or money spent on it nature does a far better job of land management than we can ever do if left alone.

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Please don't boycott malta, thousands of people earn their living from tourism in malta (many of my family and friends included who are not hunters and don't approve of hunting) if you'd like to do something then please write to the government of malta


their website is



Or sign the petition which is a letter to the government and also supports Birdlife malta at the same time.


Jimbms you aren't half a drama queen. A few posts ago you were claiming 'ruined economy' now your saying 'starving families'... do you read the Daily mail by any chance?

You also need to live in the real world. Land does not 'just be preserved' or 'left alone' anywhere in the world. CJW is absolutely correct in some places including the uk there are thousands of hectares saved from development because it is used for game hunting.

Golf courses are the same. Look at Langness without that golfcourse that entire peninsula would be housing estates with very little wildlife.

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So spanna you are saying that land cannot be left alone for wildlife without it being used for hunting. It does not matter if it is or not at present, my question was why can't it be? A starving family is the result of a ruined economy. No I have never read the mail in my life, in fact I have not bought a newspaper for at least 10yrs.

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CJW: I am afraid you do not get the point, we as humans do not have the right to hunt any animal for sport for any reason bar for food which with the exception of a few tribal people in the world is not necessary. If humans did not fuck up the natural habitat then nature would be the one who would decide which species survived. The argument that areas of land are preserved for hunting rather than building so species can survive is bollocks, why can't it just be preserved so wildlife can wander freely without man hunting it, in fact it does not even need preserving or money spent on it nature does a far better job of land management than we can ever do if left alone.


If humans did not fuck up the natural habitat then nature would be the one who would decide which species survived

Absolutely. So how, from your glass bubble, are you going to prevent humans from doing this and even better perhaps, reverse the damage that has already been done to your Utopian world?

The argument that areas of land are preserved for hunting rather than building so species can survive is bollocks, why can't it just be preserved so wildlife can wander freely without man hunting it

So, back on planet Earth...wake up you idiot.

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CJW: I am afraid you do not get the point, we as humans do not have the right to hunt any animal for sport for any reason bar for food which with the exception of a few tribal people in the world is not necessary. If humans did not fuck up the natural habitat then nature would be the one who would decide which species survived. The argument that areas of land are preserved for hunting rather than building so species can survive is bollocks, why can't it just be preserved so wildlife can wander freely without man hunting it, in fact it does not even need preserving or money spent on it nature does a far better job of land management than we can ever do if left alone.


If humans did not fuck up the natural habitat then nature would be the one who would decide which species survived

Absolutely. So how, from your glass bubble, are you going to prevent humans from doing this and even better perhaps, reverse the damage that has already been done to your Utopian world?

The argument that areas of land are preserved for hunting rather than building so species can survive is bollocks, why can't it just be preserved so wildlife can wander freely without man hunting it

So, back on planet Earth...wake up you idiot.

You still do not get the point do you? Just because we do it does not make it right, we have fucked it all up and there will always be people who will continue to do this but this does not mean we have to condone it. My original point was that although the poster objected to the illegal hunting of birds on Malta, it should not just be aimed at one nation when the so called civilised nations are doing the same but have made it legal. I never said I could prevent it, all I did was to make the point that hunting for sport is not necessary in any form and that saying that allowing hunting is the only way to preserve nature is wrong, we can prevent building on land without hunting, but you may gather I managed to do this without name calling.

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gotta agree with Jimbms, why should land only exist in it's natural state purely so some inadequate wankers can go and destroy the life upon it? The relationship may exist now between land/game, but it should not. People have destroyed enough without being allowed to go and destroy more purely to get a cruelty-induced hard-on and feel like a big man.


Land is beginning to be preserved/conserved for wildlife tourism/trips that don't involving blowing the heads of defenseless animals, why can't we move in that direction? I'd be fully in favour of banning hunting/trapping and gun owning full stop.


I for one will add Malta to my ever-growing list "places I will never go to or buy items made in"....which includes the US of Arseholes...

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You still do not get the point do you? Just because we do it does not make it right, we have fucked it all up and there will always be people who will continue to do this but this does not mean we have to condone it. My original point was that although the poster objected to the illegal hunting of birds on Malta, it should not just be aimed at one nation when the so called civilised nations are doing the same but have made it legal. I never said I could prevent it, all I did was to make the point that hunting for sport is not necessary in any form and that saying that allowing hunting is the only way to preserve nature is wrong, we can prevent building on land without hunting, but you may gather I managed to do this without name calling.


OK, I apologise for the name-calling, but I speak as I find.

You'll notice I put forward my comments without having to resort to foul language. It's the recourse of a weak mind with limited vocabulary.

Yes, I see exactly what you're saying and IN AN IDEAL WORLD 'we' would not have to rely on financial support from the hunting lobby to preserve habitat. But what you're clearly failing to acknowledge is that we do not live in an ideal world and that whatever means proves effective in the protection of species and their habitat is the best we can hope for. As things stand, carefilly regulated hunting preserves are protecting more species and habitat than if they weren't involved.

The illegal hunting in Malta provides no such haven for wildlife and it is this kind of "no-payback" hunting that we should be trying to stop. Immediately.

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gotta agree with Jimbms, why should land only exist in it's natural state purely so some inadequate wankers can go and destroy the life upon it? The relationship may exist now between land/game, but it should not. People have destroyed enough without being allowed to go and destroy more purely to get a cruelty-induced hard-on and feel like a big man.


Land is beginning to be preserved/conserved for wildlife tourism/trips that don't involving blowing the heads of defenseless animals, why can't we move in that direction? I'd be fully in favour of banning hunting/trapping and gun owning full stop.


I for one will add Malta to my ever-growing list "places I will never go to or buy items made in"....which includes the US of Arseholes...


D'you know, I was going to reply to this posting but it's clear from your use of emotive terms that you wouldn't be prepared to listen to reason.


Thank you for boycotting Malta.

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