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Boycott Malta


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Thank you for boycotting Malta.

So...when are you going to start boycotting: the UK for its' part in illegal invasions and taking food out of your mouth with a massive VAT cut and wiping out a lot of the conservation funding here, the US for illegal invasions plus putting to death mentally ill people, or indeed the Isle of Man itself for selling all its fishing rights to people who have decimated vast areas of the sea bed around here - and reduced the numbers of birds as a result etc. etc. etc.


Or is it just where foreign Dicky Birds are concerned you have a conscience when you select a country to boycott?


Grow the fuck up.

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Or is it just where foreign Dicky Birds are concerned you have a conscience when you select a country to boycott?



wiping out a lot of the conservation funding here,

Go on then give us a clue. What conservation funding here?

How much rare habitat on the island has been conserved?

Has any habitat been reintroduced after destruction by man over here?

What animals have been reintroduced after being made extinct by man here?

What animals are being protected who are on the verge of extinction here?


I await your googled answer with baited breath.


ps. I agree the destruction of the seabed has been absolutely terrible and will cause problems for manx wildlife for a long time.

But it seems its farms and fisheries first. Conservation a very very very distant last over here unfortunately.

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I await your googled answer with baited breath.

Here you go then...from the urban dictionary:


1. spanna

Light insult to call your mates.

jess- "i walked into the door!"

you- "omg! u spanna!"

spanner spaner spana span dickhead.


2. Spanna

Spanna: A verb meaning to say you will/would something, but not actually follow through on that statement.

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I did notice that Spain allows hunting birds for 365 days of the year and most EU countries classify birds as pests, as like woodpigeons, crows, raptors, magpies, stockdoves and collar-doves and canadageese in the UK for example. Typical bird pest link


Personally, I dislike hunting unless it's done for a persons food for the table and can't object or boycott anything whilst I still eat chicken, duck, pheasant, rabbit, fish, cow, sheep and so on.

I know that some places eat dogs, guinea pigs, frogs and a multitude of other animals/whatever and as the saying goes, 'hats off and respect' for those who do not eat meat or fish, as this is true boycotting for a persons own reasons.


If Malta is boycotted by people who feel strongly about this, then the next step would be to scrutinise every other country as a matter of fairness and equality. To select and be bias against all Maltese people, would be wrong in my eyes, as the people who should be targeted, would be the people who make the laws.


As for me, I'm not boycotting Malta or other EU country and will be going to Malta for a holiday this year as I noticed that there's flights to Malta now from the IOM.

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So...when are you going to start boycotting: the UK for its' part in illegal invasions and taking food out of your mouth with a massive VAT cut and wiping out a lot of the conservation funding here, the US for illegal invasions plus putting to death mentally ill people, or indeed the Isle of Man itself for selling all its fishing rights to people who have decimated vast areas of the sea bed around here - and reduced the numbers of birds as a result etc. etc. etc.


Or is it just where foreign Dicky Birds are concerned you have a conscience when you select a country to boycott?


Grow the fuck up.


Bizarre. Utterly and inexplicably bizarre.

No-one has taken food out of my mouth - I eat very well, but thankyou for your concern.

Don't worry yourself about what I do and don't boycott, my conscience is clear when it comes to wildlife conservation. I'm willing to bet that I have done more for conservation and public awareness of the wildlife around them than you or anyone else currently on these forums. And all done without the use of bad language.

It would appear that it is not me that needs to grow up but you who needs to make more considered (and informed) postings to avoid looking like a fool.

If you have nothing constructive to say, say nowt.

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So...when are you going to start boycotting: the UK for its' part in illegal invasions and taking food out of your mouth with a massive VAT cut and wiping out a lot of the conservation funding here, the US for illegal invasions plus putting to death mentally ill people, or indeed the Isle of Man itself for selling all its fishing rights to people who have decimated vast areas of the sea bed around here - and reduced the numbers of birds as a result etc. etc. etc.


Or is it just where foreign Dicky Birds are concerned you have a conscience when you select a country to boycott?


Grow the fuck up.


Bizarre. Utterly and inexplicably bizarre.

No-one has taken food out of my mouth - I eat very well, but thankyou for your concern.

Don't worry yourself about what I do and don't boycott, my conscience is clear when it comes to wildlife conservation. I'm willing to bet that I have done more for conservation and public awareness of the wildlife around them than you or anyone else currently on these forums. And all done without the use of bad language.

It would appear that it is not me that needs to grow up but you who needs to make more considered (and informed) postings to avoid looking like a fool.

If you have nothing constructive to say, say nowt.

People like you really get on my nerves...you call for a boycott of an island that has five times the population we have, without thinking of the consequences.


What if one of your nut job organisations called for a ban on the Isle of Man because of Manx Cat breeding, after seeing that programme with Martin Clunes?


You need to think about the consequneces of what you call for. Everyone would boycott everywhere else, because nowhere is perfect.


Just target your actions where you need to target them - and leave everyone else out of it.



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People like you really get on my nerves...you call for a boycott of an island that has five times the population we have, without thinking of the consequences.


What if one of your nut job organisations called for a ban on the Isle of Man because of Manx Cat breeding, after seeing that programme with Martin Clunes?


You need to think about the consequneces of what you call for. Everyone would boycott everywhere else, because nowhere is perfect.


Just target your actions where you need to target them - and leave everyone else out of it.




What's the relevence of the population size and why compare it the that of the IOM? If the same wholesale and illegal slaughter was happening in another EU country, we'd be going after them too.

It's abhorrent and needs to be stopped.

Manx cats are not a naturally occurring or illegally hunted species and are completely irrelevent to this discussion - something akin to most of your inanities so far.

I'll refrain from making a personal attack, it serves no purpose.

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I'm willing to bet that I have done more for conservation and public awareness of the wildlife around them than you or anyone else currently on these forums.

I doubt that, I worked for 3 year in the Upper Volta with the anti poaching squad in the late 80's and I can say that via some rather unorthadox methods we managed to get the message across and all but eliminate poching in that wildlife reserve and I think I can say that the end justified the means and it did not involve the harming or hunting of one single animal by ourselves nor was any allowed to be hunted in our sector.

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I'm willing to bet that I have done more for conservation and public awareness of the wildlife around them than you or anyone else currently on these forums.

I doubt that, I worked for 3 year in the Upper Volta with the anti poaching squad in the late 80's and I can say that via some rather unorthadox methods we managed to get the message across and all but eliminate poching in that wildlife reserve and I think I can say that the end justified the means and it did not involve the harming or hunting of one single animal by ourselves nor was any allowed to be hunted in our sector.


I'm not about to get into a pissing contest about this and would like to take the opportunity the congratulate you on your 3 years work and the results it produced.

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And exactly how are Manx cats not naturally occurring?

That's a joke question? :blink:


Spanna, never underestimate the ignorance of the average post on Manx Forums.

I've found it the best way to avoid being disappointed by the people around us.


Just ask yourself this, why is it that every time a conservation issue raises it's head on here, the usual suspects come on make the the same tired old jokes, personal attacks and ridiculous, uneducated, stuck-in-their-ways remarks?

We're fighting an uphill battle all the way.


Cue Gazza et al...

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