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Boycott Malta


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I'm not about to get into a pissing contest...

Disgusting language.


Anyhoo, why bother? - your arguments for a general boycott of Malta have been shat upon - and the strange little universe you live in exposed.


I'm not knocking your petition to stop hunting, just your approach, by pointing out what other little groups like yours could try and do to us here if they so wished - if for example they thought the continued breeding of cats with major health problems was an issue.


Or is it just a case of 'two legs good, four legs bad' with you?


You're the one hunting - hunting people's livlihoods by general location with a scattergun.

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I'm not about to get into a pissing contest...

Disgusting language.


Anyhoo, why bother? - your arguments for a general boycott of Malta have been shat upon - and the strange little universe you live in exposed.


I'm not knocking your petition to stop hunting, just your approach, by pointing out what other little groups like yours could try and do to us here if they so wished - if for example they thought the continued breeding of cats with major health problems was an issue.


Or is it just a case of 'two legs good, four legs bad' with you?


You're the one hunting - hunting people's livlihoods by general location with a scattergun.


See my previous post.

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I'm not about to get into a pissing contest...

Disgusting language.

See my previous post.

Sorry, I'm boycotting those posts - as you don't treat all animals as equals - and treat humans as even less equal, especially the 98% of Maltese who have nothing to do with this issue at all, including maybe even the 200,000 Maltese that would probably agree with you on the issue of hunting.

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I'm not about to get into a pissing contest...

Disgusting language.

See my previous post.

Sorry, I'm boycotting those posts - as you don't treat all animals as equals - and treat humans as even less equal, especially the 98% of Maltese who have nothing to do with this issue at all, including maybe even the 200,000 Maltese that would probably agree with you on the issue of hunting.


So, given a population of 400k, you think half the population agree with the hunting of which 8k people are actively involved in it? If the other half of the island who support our/my views do so actively, we could have this sorted in very short order.

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Sorry, I'm boycotting those posts

Why are you posting in this thread then? You haven't added anything to this thread apart from childish comments and personal insults.

Add something on topic thats factual for once. Christ on a bike.

To annoy you and CJ of course ;)


Actually, I've explained quite simply why I disagree with your simply boycotting Malta, and if you can't understand the simple reasoning behind that, and why you shouldn't be targetting a whole nation, that's your problem, and your lack of commonsense. I suspect as a result you'll lose 90% of all potential signatories to your petition.

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To annoy you and CJ of course ;)



I'd have to care what you said or thought, to be annoyed by it.

To date you've posted nothing to raise my ire, just my disappointment that someone of evidently advancing years could be so poorly aware of the word around them.

I suggest getting away from your pc and living a little - that's what I'll be doing this weekend. Perhaps then you could come back on the forums and post something based on your own experience rather than what you read in the red tops.

Although I suspect you'll doubtless be on here posting your usual dross.


I'm done with this thread.

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And exactly how are Manx cats not naturally occurring?

That's a joke question? :blink:


Spanna, never underestimate the ignorance of the average post on Manx Forums.

I've found it the best way to avoid being disappointed by the people around us.


Just ask yourself this, why is it that every time a conservation issue raises it's head on here, the usual suspects come on make the the same tired old jokes, personal attacks and ridiculous, uneducated, stuck-in-their-ways remarks?

We're fighting an uphill battle all the way.


Cue Gazza et al...


I'm asking to be educated into the ways Manx cats and their lack of tail came about, no hidden agenda just a simple question which you must be able to answer as you made the statement that they are not naturally occurring in the first place. As I see it the mutation occurred ages ago and is not the result of recent interference by humanity.

So, you are right to allude to my ignorance, on this subject I am ignorant. I could google but they wouldn't be able to tell me as much as you can.

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Sorry, I googled because I couldn't be arsed waiting around for your particular breed of semi literate twoddle and 'conservation' and mans inhumanity to animals, especially birdy wirdys. I will not boycott Malta, in fact I'd love to visit and your rant has made me more than interested in the island, my girlfriend actually lived there for a while and speaks one of the languages so I think I will visit and contribute to their economy this year. I won't shoot any birds while I am there so you can rest assured on that point. The fact that I've never shot an animal in my life is the reason and not your obviously well intentioned plea.



The Manx breed originated before the 1700s on the Isle of Man (hence the name), where they are common. They are called stubbin in the Manx language. Tail-less cats were common on the island as long as three hundred years ago. The tail-lessness arises from a genetic mutation that became common on the island (an example of the founder effect).


There is a lot more if you want.

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Spanna, never underestimate the ignorance of the average post on Manx Forums.

I've found it the best way to avoid being disappointed by the people around us.


Just ask yourself this, why is it that every time a conservation issue raises it's head on here, the usual suspects come on make the the same tired old jokes, personal attacks and ridiculous, uneducated, stuck-in-their-ways remarks?

We're fighting an uphill battle all the way.


Cue Gazza et al...


awww its nice you thought of me how sweet :lol:

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Sorry, I googled because I couldn't be arsed waiting around for your particular breed of semi literate twoddle and 'conservation' and mans inhumanity to animals, especially birdy wirdys. I will not boycott Malta, in fact I'd love to visit and your rant has made me more than interested in the island, my girlfriend actually lived there for a while and speaks one of the languages so I think I will visit and contribute to their economy this year. I won't shoot any birds while I am there so you can rest assured on that point. The fact that I've never shot an animal in my life is the reason and not your obviously well intentioned plea.



The Manx breed originated before the 1700s on the Isle of Man (hence the name), where they are common. They are called stubbin in the Manx language. Tail-less cats were common on the island as long as three hundred years ago. The tail-lessness arises from a genetic mutation that became common on the island (an example of the founder effect).


There is a lot more if you want.

There has been human interference to get cats on the Isle of Man. Therefore Manx cats are not a naturally occurring species.

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