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Boycott Malta


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I don't particularly want a debate between us but they're called Manx cats because they are common here, not because they occurred here initially. They do occur in North Africa and Greece to name but two places. As has been stated, they are mutations, the very basis for evolution, therefore very naturally occurring. The idea they were introduced at some time to the IOM is neither here nor there as to their 'naturalness' although their partial isolation here could explain why they haven't died out as a species.

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Please read my post properly Jim. I said "THINKING about a holiday in Malta". Not booked one.

The USA does not have an even worse hunting record. In the USA they do not illegally shoot and trap migrating birds in there thousands.


No it doesn't count, I cant even begin to understand your comparison there.


If you hate the world outside your living room fair enough Jim but I'm sure there are some civilised people on this forum that aren't self centered and do want to help others.



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Even though Malta is part of the EU it has 11,500 hunters who break the european protection law every spring and illegally blow the brains out of anything that flies past.


A high percent of the birds that return here in summer have to pass through Malta when they leave their African wintering grounds.

Swallows, Warblers, Cuckoos, etc etc are all shot or trapped in their thousands in Malta and it's for no other reason than for the hunters perverted thrills. Most of the time the birds are left injured to die in immense pain wherever they fall.


If anyone is thinking of going to Malta for a holiday I hope you will consider somewhere more civilised and not give your hard earned money to murderers.


If anyone has the time please also sign this online petition which is to try and persuade the Maltese government to do something about the hunters instead of turning a blind eye.





Sorry for the late post, first of all let me say, you have raised an important issue and one that needs addressing, therefore i have signed your petition and will make a donation, i do support several charities involved in the welfare of animals both domestic and protected (probably why am overdrawn each month :) I have read all the replies you have received on here, some of which i agree, some of which you would expect, and some of which most educated people would ignore from the usual suspects.


I can however view all sides to most topics here and have reviewed all on this subject, i do agree with Jim on certain points and yourself re: USA hunting/conservation areas, man's destruction of habitat, culling ect... illegal hunting as am sure you are aware goes on in every part of our world, even on the Island i have witnessed this first hand. And as you state this is not an ideal world.


However, am not sure boycotting Malta is the way forward at the moment, as stated it will affect local people, who are not involved in this activity, and most who will actually support your views. Although i can see your reason behind this, and yes when the economy is hit the government usually wake up and act. But we must proceed through the correct channels first, step 1, you already have underway a petition combined with approaching the Maltese government by letter (although i would not use the wording on the website attached), step 2. if nothing is resolved then approach the EU department responsible for the protection of wildlife, i have the info here somewhere and must review. The EU does carry alot of weight and can be quite effective (pressure on the Maltese governement, heavy fines for poachers, which the Maltese Government can enforce locally) ect... Step 3 based on educated information, informing directly local people in Malta of the activities of poachers and the effect on their enviroment, longterm economy (tourists visiting to enjoy the local wildlife) Step 4 would be a last resort of hitting the economy by loss of tourists, and am not sure if enough people would actually boycott Malta for these reasons as stated in a post on here. I think you get the main points am sure i have missed some points and will give this further thought. I do wish you all the best in your efforts of this worthy cause, and if i can be of any assistance, contact me through this posting and i will respond to you directly by email.

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